102. First time (R-18)...

Like he was pulling off the wrapper of a snack with his teeth, he slowly pulls down her panties, and he stared at her core, and her face, and he wet his lips with his tongue, the smug on his face growing wider as he pushed her knees to fold up, spreading them apart, even though she was dying to close them back. He rested right there, so what could she possibly do?

She was sooo, naked. And he could see her, and he kissed her thighs, his head going deeper and deeper until he was face to face with her core, and she felt his fingers spreading it open as he looked at that place, making her cover her face with embarrassment. "Let me kiss you" was all he said, and before she could ask what kind of kiss, he buried his head in her core, and Luna opened her mouth to cry out, but nothing came out, her mouth just opened wide, her breathing coming in gaps, her hand holding onto the sheets and his head at the same time, she wanted to close her legs and stop him, but he held both her legs at her hip side, forcing them open, and deep down, she didn't want him to stop. It was just too exciting.

"oh!" She exclaims with pleasure as his tongue rubbed her there, what was he doing? What type of kiss was this? This was way more intoxicating than the normal kiss in the mouth. This kiss was making her twist and turn like she had never done before, everything in the room seemed to have changed colors, she didn't even know what she was seeing. Hell! She didn't know if she was still seeing, everything was a blur. Her head rolled back with pleasure as he sucked and licked her there, over and over she wanted to scream, but all that would leave her mouth were squeals, low silent squeals.

His tongue was doing something very wrong to her, and she wanted him to continue. She unconsciously took one of his hands that held her hips, and directed it to her aching breasts, and he squeezed her in his palm, and she loved it, it was magical, the feeling.

She couldn't explain it, she wanted to run from it, and yet her hand held onto his head, pressing him deeper into her core, her hips lifted to meet his mouth more. This was a very devilish kiss he was giving her. And she'd never felt anything like it…

Her toes dug into his bed and back, she couldn't stay calm on the bed, he was sucking and tasting, she could hear the smacking of his lips, like he was chewing and sucking on some kind of fruit, like an orange, or a watermelon. But it was just her core that he licked, and munched, and swilled, and guzzled up.

Like some kind of juice poured from within her, and, he pinched her nipple, and rubbed it, and oh! It was just so good, so good she could not find time to breath, biting her lower lip, trying to muffle the goodness that she felt.

She could feel something even more exciting stirring inside her, the pleasure was getting harder to bare, and he supped and swallowed and sucked and teased till…

"Awwn… Zee." She moans aloud as she reaches that certain shivering point, her body laying flat on the bed, her breathing slowly coming back to normal, her eyes closed after her first orgasm. He rises over her again, and kisses her stomach, walking his way up her body, taking his time on her neck, before kissing her lips. "Your kind of sweetness is deadly" He croons onto her lips. "oh" she breathed as she felt that monster brush her thighs, and he could see her chest rise and fall nervously, even though she was trying not to show it.

Gently, he strokes her belly, as if doing that to sooth and calm her, "Don't worry. I'll mold you to fit me, and only me" Were those his choice of words of encouragement? Because it didn't calm her at all, but his hands that stroked her did. The way he soothingly and alluringly touched her skin, and squeezed her butt in his palm, the way he kissed her lips, all these things were calming.

"It's my first time," She mutters, and he kisses her even more. "I know, it's an honor to be your first. And I will be your nearest future and your farthest last." Now those words were calming. "Will it hurt?" she asks. She'd heard about it a lot, and all stories said it pained them, so as much as she had dreamt of this day, this part was always her nightmare.

"At first, Yes. But it will gradually change. I promise you, I'll be gentle." and she didn't want to say anything again. All she wanted to do now was face her fears, and satisfy her desires. So she nods consensually, and wraps her arms around his neck, taking his lips with hers, diving into his mouth, still not completely over her climax some seconds ago. She boldly toured the insides of his mouth, lacing her fingers into his hair as she tasted the palatable wonder of his tongue. Using her tongue to playfully tease him.

She was learning really quick, he let her guide his mouth, as his hands stroked her thighs, spacing them apart from each other, settling right in the middle of her legs.. "huh" She breathed as a tingle surged through her body as she felt him rub it at her entrance, but she buries her the fear by kissing him harder, holding onto his neck and head, and as tender as he could, not wanting to hurt her, he thrust. "Awwhh" she gasps, and he paused, he wasn't in yet, her barrier wasn't broken completely yet, and he kissed the side of her lips, and her head, and her cheeks.

She wasn't a feeble and weak woman, she was strong and she could take it. She told herself these words in her head. And she could see that he was awaiting her consent to go further, and she nods a yes, and he thrust… "Ahhh!" Her back rose from the bed, and she buried her head into his shoulder, holding onto him for dear life.

"shhh" He hushed her, stroking her hair gently. "you okay?" she nods a yes, and then "uh-uhn" she nods a bigger no. "it's okay, I'm here. Hold me" He strokes her thighs, and she tightens her hold on him. "the pain will go." He patiently waited, calming her, and soon she could feel the pain reduce, and she felt him go an inch deeper.