104. Don't leave me...

All through the few hours he slept, he had nothing but pleasant dreams. It had been a long time since he last had someone to hold while he slept. His pillow, and his empty bed had been his companion all these years, but that night, that night he held her close, their legs laced together, his arms wrapped around her waist and breasts, her hips pressed to his waist. He had a sound sleep.

And when morning came, and the sun was pretty and high up in the sky, and he was slowly falling out of his sweet dreams, he reached to pull her closer, and drown in the scent of her hair first thing, but he reached and all he touched was the flat cold space on the bed next to him. And he flips his eyes open.

She wasn't there…

And he sat up on the bed, looking around him, and a thought passed through his head, "was it a dream?" he pondered, wondering if he had drunk something last night, if a dream could be so detailed and exciting. And then a tingle of fear ran through his body, "what if it was really just a dream?" The fear that she forgiving him might have been just his wishful thinking, and that making up and making love was also probably an outstretched fantasy, "L__Luna" her name left his lips as a whisper.

"Luna!" He calls out again, now getting down from the bed stark naked, frantically walking towards the door. "LUNA!!" He called louder, and as his hand touched the doorknob, the door flew open, and there she was…

"Why are you shouting my name this early afternoon?" she asks confused, standing there in his black shirt that was almost a complete gown for her as it stopped right above her knee, biting into an apple. "Why are you walking around naked?" she blushes as she just now looked down. "Put on some…" He suddenly pulls her into his arms, wrapping his hands around her whole body, resting his head on the side of her own. "DK?" she calls, wondering what this hug was for as he breathed in the scent of her hair and crushed her in his arms.

"If you're gonna get up from bed, then tell me."... "You were sleeping so soundly, so I tried not to wake you up." She explains upon his chest, wrapping her little arms around his back.

"Wake me… Don't leave me all alone. It's cold. I thought it was a dream, I thought you were not with me." He confesses."I'm here Zeno, I've always been." She comforts him. And he hugs her even tighter.

It was a scary feeling. One he never wanted to feel again. The feeling of loneliness.

"What?" he asks, as he steps out of the bathroom, drying his hair with a towel. She'd been staring at him with funny eyes since. "What?" he chortles.

"Do… Do you love me that much?" she blurts out, and she could swear his face was turning red. He scoffs and walks past her, trying to act unaffected by her sudden question. ``Don't leave me all alone… if you're gonna get up from the bed, then tell me."... She mockingly repeats his words, and now she was sure of it, Zeno Silvestri was flustered.

"Wow! You're blushing." She laughs, turning round him like a merry-go-round. "I'm not." He lies, trying to walk away from her madness. "Yes you are!" She points to his face. "See, see… your ears are red, your nose is like Rudolph, and your cheeks like strawberries… You're blushing." Gosh she was enjoying this. Touching his face as she teased him, jumping up and down in front of him. "I made the Mafia King blush… you're cute when you blush." and that was it. You don't call a grown man cute.

He pulls her hand that pointed at his face, and with a quick spin, she finds herself gently pressed to the wall with her hands held down behind her back, placing his knee in between her legs, and he takes the apple out of her hand, and bites into it, and he leans in closer to her head… "I don't know about blushing, but you sure know how to tempt and test me." He says,

"First, I wake up to find that you walked out of bed leaving me all alone, then I see you in my shirt, and you don't know how provocative that is, and now… now you try and tease me." He bites her ear, and a moan tore from her lips, "you're not wearing anything under this are you?" before she could even answer, she felt his hand sliding into her shirt, finding his way to her belly, stroking her there, causing her to quiver from his touch,

"Ahh" she gasps, her toes coiled as she felt him cup the center of her heat, and slide one finger into her, and unconsciously she spread her legs apart, giving him easier access, "DK, i__it's after__noon"

"So?" he put another finger inside her, "Awwn" she cried, "W__We can't" she managed to say. "Says who?" he adds another finger, and ohh… she wasn't sure she could stand for much longer. "I believe I was too lenient with you last night, and that's why you have the strength to tease me." He says, and her head turned, begging him to kiss her, and he did, kissing and fingering her at the same time.

"I'm sorry," she cried, as his fingers went faster, she was going to fall down any minute now, he was punishing her for just making a simple joke. This punishment was not a normal kind of punishment. "Awwn__DK… I can't stand" she moaned those words out loud "hold on" He croons into her lips, "Z_ee I can't" she cried, her knees were wobbly, she couldn't take it. She couldn't hold onto the wall because he still Pinned her hands down behind her.

"Z__eno" oh the way she moaned his name was divine, he loved the sound of it. And it drove him to do it harder, "Ahh! DK… Ah" she trembled in his arms, as she spilled it all out onto his palm, resting her back on his chest as she slowly caught her breath.