Chapter 4: First time meeting, bring you an evil

Picking up the fabric doll, Tô Thần quickly fled from the stairs.

There was a stronger evil in the stairwell that he couldn't defeat, despite having a newbie protection.

Once again, he returned to the elevator. Hồng Linh looked at Tô Thần strangely, noticing the fabric doll in his hands.

She could sense that there was a strange evil inside the doll's body, but it was limited in power.

No matter how much it struggled, it couldn't escape the fabric doll unless Tô Thần tore it apart.

"Now let's go back to the third floor."

Tô Thần had to complete his neighbor's beginner mission.

"By the way, if a white-clothed female evil enters the elevator, you'll detain it, it's related to your leg."

Hồng Linh nodded.

No matter how they said it, and Tô Thần formed the basic bond of trust.

Returning to the third floor, Tô Thần held the cloth doll and walked towards the door of room 301. The door of room 301 was severely rusted and looked as if it had been corroded for hundreds of years. After going through so many things, just in order for him to could pay a call to the neighbor in room 301.

This is because room 301 is the most terrifying room in the current building. Even the head storey doesn't want to provoke the evil spirit in room 301. Tô Thần knocked on the door of room 301. Shortly after, the door slowly opened.

The creaking sound made people's scalp tingle. In front of Tô Thần appeared an old man with a wooden cane. The spotted face, the wrinkled and dry skin, and the decayed aura made him look like he had just crawled out of a fresh grave.

"You're good. I'm your new neighbor and will be living in third floor from now on"

"I came here to pay my respects today. It's not good to come empty-handed, so I brought you an evil spirit doll. I hope you like it."

Tô Thần raised the cloth doll in his hand.

"Oh~ so you're the new neighbor."

"Come in and have a seat."

Seeing the cloth doll behind her, the old man's cloudy eyes brightened.

"Then, I won't be shy."

Entering the room, Tô Thần's first eye saw the old man portrait.

Not in a large living room in a remote place, there was an old man with gray hair and a white portrait on the altar. He lit incense and bowed to worship himself, which was chilly spooky to Tô Thần.

"Sit down, I'll serve you some tea."

The old man warmly greeted Tô Thần.

"No need, grandpa."

"I just came to pay my respects to you."

"I still have somewhere to go, so I won't disturb you."

Tô Thần placed the fabric doll on the table and was about to leave.

"Oh so that's why"

The old man nodded and said, "I won't stop you."

"However, it's not very safe outside lately, so you need to be careful when you go out."

"I understand, thank you for reminding me, grandpa."

Tô Thần was very polite.

"Oh my forgetful head."

As soon as he saw Tô Thần preparing to leave, the old man patted his head. He quickly entered the bedroom, then took out a coin.

"I see that you're new here. If you want to take the bus outside, you need to pay, otherwise it'll be very dangerous."

"You can take this, consider it a gift from this old man to welcome you."

"Thank you, grandpa."

Tô Thần nodded politely and left room 301. Behind the door, Tô Thần was already soaked in cold sweat. He didn't dare to wait too long in room 301, who knows what would happen if his protect was gone. This old man may not be as good as he showed. He could enter the room due to the fabric doll.

Previous life, he paid respect to the old man without fabric doll, the old man even hadn't responded, let alone gave him a gift.

"Evil money."

I looked down and saw a black coin in his hand. The horror world had buses, but they were only run by evils. If one didn't pay evil money to get on, who knew what would happen. This evil money was the real purpose of Tô Thần wasting so much time.

The newbie mission was also completed.

"Newbie mission: Pay Respect to Neighbor"


"Rewards: Experience Points +1000"

"Rewards: Cursed chopper knife"

"Rewards: High Speed (skill)"

The newbie mission was also a welfare mission, with extremely generous rewards.

Tô Thần risked his life returned Hồng Linh's head and gained only 1000 experience points. A merely mission of paying respect to a neighbor gave him 1000 experience points.

This 1000 experience points allowed Tô Thần to ascend one level.

He was now level 5. In just two hours, he had already ascended four levels, which was extraordinary. However, Tô Thần paid attention to the other two rewards. Compared to his imagination, it seemed that the completion of the new mission of paying respect to a neighbor was very high, even exceeding the target.

"Name: Cursed chopper knife"

"Quality: D"

"Type: Weapon"

"Function: deal real damage, reduces enemy's 30% recovery ability"

Only this type of weapon, with real damage, can completely kill evil creatures with special abilities. Because without special powers, one can never kill even the weakest evil creature barehanded. It can be said that with this sword, Tô Thần was able to kill evils now.

The second item was considered a skill.

"Name: High Speed"

"Quality: D"

"Type: Skill"

"Function: Increases agility by 30% for ten seconds, cools down for one hour"

This skill is extremely practical for both combat and escape. Tô Thần was very satisfied with this reward for his new player. Seeing newbie protection's period, he only had less than 1 hour. With little time left, Tô Thần has one final thing he wants to do today.

"Hồng Linh, go to the first floor."

Entering the elevator, Hồng Linh took Tô Thần to the first floor. He told the old man himself that he wanted to go outside. But that only because he craved for the old man's evil money. In his current situation of being separated from the small area, he would definitely die.

The elevator stopped at the first floor, and Tô Thần pushed open the black iron door that separated the third floor. Tân An tower was extremely dark, with only a few street lights in the dim night.

"Huyết Nhãn."

Tô Thần activated his Blood Eye without hesitation. The black pupil was covered by a terrifying red flash.

From the grass field, he could see many wandering spirits moving unpurposedly . These weak evils were all lost souls without physical form. Normally, they would not actively attack humans.

Only when one carelessly collides with them, they would cling onto the person's back, slowly absorbing their yang energy, turning them into withered corpses and new lost souls.

Using the power of the Blood Eye, Tô Thần avoided each of the lost souls, until he came across a weeping boy evil.

The boy ghost sat on a bench, wailing loudly. His cries were filled with intense resentment and grief, so much so that one could feel their own tears falling.

Only when one sheds tears themselves, they would carry their tears to the underworld. It was extremely dangerous.

However, Tô Thần's purpose was not the boy ghost but a black hidden vase in the corner of the building.