Chapter 22: My acting skill was brilliant

The quest reward was not the only one. 

To Than helped her on behalf of the convenience store. 


The head evil also would pay To Than generously. 


"how much money do you want?" The head evil asked.


To Than quickly shook his head: "Dear customer, discussing money will ruin the atmosphere."


"I hope you can help me find an item." To Than revealed his second purpose for this trip.


"What item?" The head evil asked curiously.


"A headless and limbless body"


"I have plenty of those here." The head evil pointed inside the room. 


"An undecayable body." To Than emphasized each word.


An undecaying body is an evil one. 


But because Hong Linh was a blood evil, her body parts would not decay even if they were separated. 


"It seems like there's one like that." The head evil returned to the room.


She pulled out a wardrobe, underneath a pile of clothes concealed a headless and limbless body, devoid of any signs of decay.


Indeed, this was Hong Linh's body.


In the previous life, To Than had squeezed it countless times. 


"You can take it, I don't need it anymore."


"Thank you." To Than quickly retrieved the body. 


He wrapped it with a coat. 


"I won't disturb you anymore."


The purpose of this trip was exceptionally fulfilled. 


Both the evil organ and her body were obtained. 


To Than hurriedly went back to the 3rd building with Silver. 


"My body."


"You've taken my body." Hong Linh witnessed her own body, extremely excited.


Her current body was mostly blood. 


At that moment, she was almost complete. 


"Just one leg is missing."


"502 the spider evil." Throwing the body into the blood behind, the blood surged fiercely.


A silhouette appeared out of blood, becoming more and more complete day by day.


Hong Linh's strength soared again.


Complete Hong Linh was extremely stunning.


Long black hair reached her waist, blood-colored dress revealed her curved body. 


Her face was delicate and her high cheekbones sculpted to perfection, lips stained a deep crimson. 


To Than saw Hong Linh with her head for the first time.


Although he knew Hong Linh's figure was pretty hot, but this was exceptional, he could rate it 9 out of 10.


On the earth, she was definitely a goddess-level idol. 


Unfortunately, one leg was still made of blood, still a disabled evil. 


"I remember you have a red dress with high slits, that one suits you better." To Than touched his chin and said.


Hong Linh looked at To Than strangely.


She couldn't figure out how To Than knew she had a red dress with high slits. 


She hid many clothes in the blood pool, all the clothes she liked when she was alive.


Originally, she thought she would never have a chance to wear them again, but unexpectedly, she met To Than.


"So, let's get started." To Than looked into the elevator for a moment, revealing a bright smile.


"the eye evil, the spider evil entered the third building."


"those bastards crave my chief position, it won't be so easy for them."


Luu Am - the eye evil and his assistants were currently discussing how to seize the chief position. 


Suddenly, the sound of knocking on the door echoed through the room.


Luu Am pressed his fingers to his lips, signaling to remain silent.


The nearest one was not too far from the third floor.


Then, slowly, he approached the door, peeking through the cat's eye to see outside.


"A living person?" He was slightly surprised.


This living person he had seen before, was the convenience store's staff and also the only living person in Tan An Tower. 


At this moment, the living person had a frightened expression, knocking on the door.


Behind him stood a terrifyingly fat evil. 


The fat evil's eyes were filled with terrifying resentment.


"the fat evil."


"How did this living person provoke the fat evil?" Luu Am found it somewhat strange.


"Quickly save me, quickly save me." The living person knocked on the door in terror.


He was extremely scared, trembling all over, with an expression of utmost despair in his eyes.


The fat evil approached the living person step by step, exuding the most terrifying aura of fear, with one hand covering the living person's mouth.


The living person's eyes inside the cat's eye had disappeared.


But Luu Am could hear the fat evil lowering his voice and asking, "Which room are you in?"


"302, don't kill me, I'm in 302."


"If you compete for the position, I'll support you, wholeheartedly support you."


The desperate cries and sinister laughter echoed outside the door.


Luu Am shifted his gaze, his mind pondering.


Quickly, he made a decision.


He nodded towards the three helpers inside the room.


The fat evil's strength was pretty mid, no threat to him, but still a nuisance.


Killing the fat evil would reduce competition.


Capturing the living person in 302 to gain one more advocate. 


With a firm decision, he again nodded towards the three helpers, suddenly pulling open the room door, his eyes flashing with madness and cruelty.


The madness and cruelty lasted only half a second before it stunned him.


Because outside the door was nothing like the image he had imagined.


The living person was not crying; on the contrary, he sat calmly on the fat evil. 


As he opened the door, the living person turned around with a bright smile: "You fell for the trick, guess my acting skill was really brilliant."


Although he didn't know what the situation was now, Luu Am felt something off. 


The off-feeling covered his entire body.


He shouted loudly, "We were tricked."


As he prepared to close the door in a moment, his chest suddenly burst open, and a demon's hand stretched out.


This demon's hand grabbed him by the neck, and with tremendous force, threw himself out of the room.


This was definitely not his hand, absolutely not.


In another second, the door frame also appeared to have a pale hand.


Silver rushed from the lift, wet hair revealing a terrifying smile.


"Get lost." Luu Am growled loudly, grabbing the demon's hand that was capturing his neck. 


Inside the room, the three helpers also attacked. 


At the same time, with a sound, the elevator door opened. 


It was clearly visible, a blood tide flowed out. 


Out of blood, a red silhouette appeared. 


"Close the door quickly, it's a red-clothed evil." Luu Am panicked.


But it was too late.


Silver battled against a half-red-clothed evil like her while Chubby attacked a senior evil. 


Luu Am just escaped from the control of the demon's hand, he fell into evil shadow's capture. 


The next second, blood flooded the sky, and turned the first floor into a blood sea.