Book I, Act II: At What Cost?, Chapter I & II

Edited by: Bieverdog AO3: GalavantingGoose

Book I, Imbalance

Act II: At What Cost?


Chapter I

Zuko looked at the crowds chanting his name and applauding, but his mind just wasn't there. He might have brought peace to the world, but it had only made the thoughts of his mother resurface–

An elbow to his arm made him snap out of it. Aang was smiling. "So, what's in store for His Fireiness, Sifu Hotman?" But Aang's smile faded when he saw the troubled look on his face. "I was just teasing, Zuko." The Avatar held up his hands in surrender.

He sighed heavily. "It's not that, Aang. Ever since the day of the Black Sun, I haven't stopped thinking…"

"About what?" He raised his eyebrows

"My mother. She could still be alive after all these years…" Zuko's eyes trailed off, focused on a distant memory. His expression softened. "My father told me he banished her. I don't think he told me the whole truth."

"Maybe you could try speaking to him again?"

A soldier caught his attention. "Your Highness, pardon the interruption; your guests await you at the palace. Your coach is ready whenever you want to leave." He nodded to the man, who resumed his post.

Zuko turned to his friend. "You go ahead, Aang. I'll join you guys later at the palace."

"What are you going to do?"

His eyes were filled with determination. "I'm paying my father a visit."

The people had gathered on the streets to see their new Fire Lord. His guards were clearing a way through the throng. Zuko peeked through the window, spotting the Capital City prison in the distance, and sighed, pondering what was to come. The last time he had seen his father, he had tried to kill him. Knowing that Aang had taken his bending didn't help his nerves, but at least he was no longer afraid of that man.

Outside the prison stood Warden Ming. Bowing, she escorted the new sovereign inside. Before parting ways, she gave him an encouraging nod.

The hallway wasn't empty like his last visit. Guards were posted at every corner of the prison. Zuko couldn't give himself the luxury of being lax now; after all, the "Phoenix King" had ruled yesterday.

At the end was his father's cell. In front of it were a dozen soldiers. Ming was serious when he told her to ramp up security. The guardsmen opened a narrow path for him and opened the reinforced steel door.

His father's shadowed face was hidden behind lank hair. "I should count myself lucky. The new Fire Lord has graced me with his presence in my lowly prison cell."

"You should count yourself lucky that the Avatar spared your life."

"Hmph." He turned his back to him.

"Banishing me was the best thing you could have done for my life. It put me on the right path. Perhaps your time in here could do the same for you."

"Why are you really here?" The disgraced Fire Lord sounded uninterested.

"Because you're going to tell me something." Zuko leaned closer to the bars. "Where is my mother?"

The man smirked mischievously. "You ought to bring me some tea, Zuko. We'll talk while sipping from steaming little cups, much like you did with my traitorous brother. I'll give you advice on how to be a good Fire Lord. Wouldn't that be nice? Perhaps even the subject of your mother will come up."

"I don't need this." He turned around to leave.

"Do you think being Fire Lord is easy?!"

Zuko stopped.

"The throne comes with many pressures, and those pressures will change you! But if you can stand the heat, you'll become something more. Of all the people in the world, I have the wisdom you need: the wisdom of experience! Be honest with yourself, Zuko–do you really believe you can handle it all on your own? You'll be back. And I'll be here waiting for you, Son ."

Zuko stomped out. Even if his father was behind bars, he hated that he could irk him– He punched a wall. Don't play his game; he is just trying to pull you in. This is exactly what he wants. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. It would take time, but he would coax the information out of him. And if that didn't work, he now had the means to search for his mother, or at least to learn what became of her... However, other tasks lay ahead of the new ruler of the Fire Nation. Peace had been achieved, but his task would be maintaining it; he would have to play his part.

Outside, his entourage was already waiting for him. "Where to, Fire Lord?"

"The palace."

A loud thud disturbed Azula's rest. She had fallen asleep with her head against the broken mirror, passing out of exhaustion. She felt nauseating pain that blurred her vision. Trying to focus her sight on the broken pieces, she saw through the shards a group of maids entering the room where she was being held. Her body was barely responsive. It had become her prison. Each day, they fed her and bathed her while she could only watch her humiliation whilst she was trapped. She didn't want to look anymore; she just couldn't bear it.

Azula took a deep breath, trying to keep her thoughts away, her tired eyes fixated on the darkness ahead. For the past few days, she had been haunted by her mother. It had started as a whisper, then fading memories. But lately, she had begun to appear to her, and it didn't take long for her to make her presence known again, for it was as if she fed off her misery.

"You are doing this to yourself, you know?"

She turned her head to see her sitting beside her and shot up. "Why would you even care?!"

Her mother's voice was soft, hurt, but she knew it was all a ploy . "All I want is to help you, Azula."

She rolled her eyes. "Oh, that's rich coming from you. "That's your thing, right? You are here to try to manipulate me to do your bidding, but I'm not your little Zuzu. Father knew you for what you were: a lying traitor. No wonder your pathetic protégé betrayed our nation; he learnt from the best!"

"I'm here for you. I only want you to be well…"

"Leave me be!" Azula hurled a fireball, and Mother disappeared into thin air.

Azula screamed in frustration, her head pounding like a drum. She pressed her fingers hard against her forehead to try and alleviate the pain, to no avail.

Chapter II

Before entering the main hall, Zuko could hear the din of the party. It was as if he wasn't necessary at his own party. For a second, he thought about going back to his room to process what his father had told him; but duty called.

He gestured for the guards to open the door, and a servant announced his entrance. "His Majesty, Fire Lord Zuko."

He was met with applause and cheers from the throng of red speckled with green and blue.

Aang rushed over to him. "Zuko, how did it go? I was just showing the guests here some airbending tricks."

Toph punched Zuko's arm. "Cheer up, Sparky! This is your party."

Another guest approached the Fire Lord. She wore a flowing red dress with a gold necklace paired with a curling-dragon bracelet. She threw out her arms, accidentally shoving Toph away, who gruffly puffed out her bangs. "Fire Lord! It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Imperial Secretary Jing at your service!" She bowed profusely.

The Fire Lord stared at her for a moment. "Uh… Likewise."

"I hope there are no hard feelings between us; you know we are all bound to do our duty."

He nodded. "I understand. I know that you did what you did in fear of my father, but I promise things will now change."

"Indeed, they already have, I have to say you show much wisdom for your age. Please come; you must meet the others. They will be very happy to see you! I'd like to introduce you… if Your Majesty would allow me, of course."

"Uh… sure."

The secretary held a polite smile. "Your Majesty, let me tell you how good it is to have you here. We'll achieve great things together. Our nation will forever be in your debt for ending the tyranny of Ozai in a swift, bloodless victory, no less. A victory fit for a hero of legend."

Chief Hakoda strolled up to them and held out his arm in greeting. "Congratulations, Fire Lord. I wish you a prosperous reign."

The Fire Lord shook it. "Thank you. I am glad you could attend.

"I hope our people can work together to mend the wounds of our past and look to a better future. Hakoda's gaze darkened, tinged with grief. "The spirits know we've had enough war already."

"It is my wish as well, Chief Hakoda."

Jing nodded to the Chief in indication that their time was short, and he walked over to his children. "A charming man… Anyway, Minister Renhao and Overseer Taiku." She gestured to a coal-eyed woman who was perhaps the same age as Jing but had a youthful face. She had long black hair, with only a part of it braided. Her dress was distinctive from her peers', with shades of crimson and pearl. The man standing to her side was elderly, stern-looking. His hair as white as snow, complimented by a thin mustache and beard. He wore a long black tunic with a red trim and a hat with the sigil of the Fire Nation emblazoned in gold. It seemed to make him taller in appearance.

They bowed politely to Zuko. Renhao held her bow a beat longer. "It is an honor to meet you, Fire Lord." Zuko nodded.

Taiku's smile faltered, revealing a hint of uncertainty. "Your Majesty," he began, his voice hesitant. "If I may, how can I be of assistance? I understand the situation in the colonies has been... challenging, to say the least. But I assure you, I am prepared to shoulder whatever burdens may arise."

"I assure you it won't be a burden."

Jing gestured to another group, leading Zuko towards them. "Those three handsome devils are in charge of the military: General Bujing, Admiral Chan, and Minister Qin."

Anger flashed in Zuko's eyes for an instant. The man whose plan he had questioned that fateful day. The man that had earned him his scar. His eyes were fixed on the General. "I believe we've already met."

Bujing's lips twitched into a grimace before returning to a stone frown. He saluted him. "Certainly, though I wish it was under better circumstances."

The Admiral swooped in, breaking the tense situation with a warm smile and a bow. "I haven't had the honor. Admiral Chan. My son tells me you are friends with him." The Admiral's sharp jaw was all the resemblance Zuko needed to make the connection.

Friends? "Your son," Zuko repeated slowly, his eyebrows furrowed with guilt as he recalled what happened in Ember Island. "We have met." He hung his head slightly. "Oh, I uh… Yes, it is an honor to meet you too, Admiral."

The War Minister bowed stiffly. "I am at your service, Your Highness. I have many interesting projects for you to see–"

Jing chuckled. "Minister Qin, already going straight to work?" Leaning in close to the Fire Lord's ear she whispered, "That is just like him." A playful glint in her golden eyes, she turned back to the Minister. "Let the Fire Lord enjoy this auspicious day before you bombard him with your plans for hours on end, dear." The Minister's polite smile faltered for a moment before nodding his head and returning to his conversation.

Leading him gently by the arm, Jing directed him toward another group of officials, and she casually gestured at them. "Oh, that over there is Minister Hiyori with Minister Lee." Hiyori's hair was short but smooth. Her robes were long, reminding him of the ones Mai often used, though much more ornate. Her skin was pale in contrast to that of Lee, who looked serious and dull. Even his robes were bland. Completing the odd picture were his small square spectacles.

The Ministers were near the main table, along with Sokka, Suki, and Katara. "Excuse my brother; he is always like this." There was a hint of exasperation in her voice.

Sokka smiled loosely. "What? It's food, Katara; it's meant to be eaten. Look, they even have this weird red meat!"

Suki eyed him sternly with gritted teeth. "Sokka, haven't you had enough?"

"Suks, it's a feast! We're supposed to stuff ourselves sick."

Hiyori muttered, "Has anyone told him that's spicy?" The three of them turned to her with wide eyes.

"Agh! It burns!" Sokka frantically looked for any drink that could ease the spiciness.

"No! Not the dragonfruit punch!" Zuko snatched at it but was too late.

Sokka chugged his cup, and his yelp of agony rose an octave. He spat out the drink, spraying it all over Katara's dress and hair. "I'm never eating or drinking anything from the Fire Nation ever again! Ever!"

Suki pinched her nose. "Sokka…"

Katara glared at him as she bent the punch out of her dress and hair. "Ugh! Come on; I'll get you some water. Sorry."

Jing tried to suppress a laugh as she noticed Zuko's worried expression, quickly reassuring him. "Poor kid. He'll be alright; don't you worry. It usually wears off in a day or two."

Sokka's eyes bulged as he chugged his third cup of water. "A day or two?!!"

Zuko sent them to the healer's ward with a servant, his friend muttering and moaning as they left. Suki was looking at her boyfriend like a naughty lizard-dog. Well, that could have gone worse . He sighed.

Then, Jing guided him to the middle of the room. "Fire Lord, if you don't mind, since we are all reunited here, I'd like to propose a toast." She raised a cup of dragonfruit high. "May peace reign for a thousand years! Long live Fire Lord Zuko!"

"Long may he reign!" Cheers erupted as the guests joined in on the toast.

A servant carrying an ornate jade box entered the hall, his footsteps echoing across the polished floor. At first, he went unnoticed, but as he approached the center of the room the murmuring of the guests grew louder, they all fell to a hush when he faced Zuko.

The servant knelt before the Fire Lord and presented the box with a bow. "Fire Lord, an urgent message from the Earth King," Zuko was surprised by the arrival of the message, but he remained composed. He took the box and examined it closely, his fingers tracing the intricate carvings and the seal bearing the Earth King's emblem. He opened the box and pulled out the scroll inside. The ministers who had been cheering moments before fell silent, their faces tense with anticipation.

Zuko took the scroll and turned to face Jing. "Excuse me for a moment."

Jing smiled politely. "Sure... take all the time you need, Your Majesty."

The servants opened the doors for Zuko, and he went straight to his room, already feeling overwhelmed by the party already. Besides, if the Earth King had an urgent message, it would be best if he checked it privately. The moment he closed the doors in his room, he unfurled the scroll.

From His Majesty Kuei, Lord of Ba Sing Se, and High King of the Earthen Realm:


I wish to congratulate you on this auspicious day. May your reign be long and prosperous, Fire Lord Zuko. I would have preferred to attend personally, but my obligations keep me bound to Ba Sing Se.

I greatly appreciate your desire for peace. Even though our understanding is mutual, I cannot claim the same for our peoples. Their trust will take some time to be regained, but I believe we can work together towards that goal. We may have found peace through our common understanding; but in my travels, I regret to tell you I have learnt that the people of my Kingdom feel ill at ease with the Fire Nation.

Your troops remain on occupied lands, and my people live in fear of them. Heinous rumors have spread in Ba Sing Se that your nation is biding its time. However, I know this not to be your reasoning. For the sake of this common goal of ours, I must implore you to do your utmost to help assuage the insecurities of my people; otherwise, I'm afraid that my advisors may take matters into their own hands, rallying our armies and creating unnecessary tension that could threaten to destroy any chances of peace and mutual cooperation. In two days' time, we will be holding peace celebrations here. I would be honored if you could assist. I'm sure that if my advisors could speak to you, they would sympathize with your commitment.

Sincerely, Earth King Kuei.

Zuko heard muffled voices growing louder outside of his room. The door opened to reveal Overseer Taiku and the Imperial Secretary, Jing.

Jing bowed respectfully. "Pardon our intrusion, Fire Lord. I could not help but notice your urgency, and I would not have come if it weren't for the concerns of my esteemed colleagues. Matters regarding foreign powers must be handled with great delicacy during these uncertain times." She eyed Zuko with concern. "We have information from the colonies that might be helpful to Your Majesty." She gestured to Taiku.

Taiku's stern features highlighted his frown sharply. "There have been reports of raids originating from Earth Kingdom towns neighboring the colony of Hong Sha. Our local forces repelled these attackers and managed to capture one of the raiders. We have discovered that these orders originated from high command. In protest of our 'illegal occupation,' the Governor requested a regiment to secure the border." The Overseer took a deep breath, exhaling tiredly. With a glimmer in his eyes, he continued, raising his tone slightly. "Your Majesty, these people will go to any lengths to make you comply with their demands. They have no regard for the lives of our citize-"

Fighting?! After we had just achieved peace? Zuko snapped back at Taiku. "You will remove those troops immediately!" Sending more troops there would only make matters worse.

Taiku's eyes shifted, looking as if he couldn't comprehend what he had just heard. "But Fire Lord–"

Zuko raised his hand. "I will confront King Kuei personally concerning the matter. This is an isolated incident; maintaining peace is what matters now."

Jing nodded with conviction in her eyes. "A wise decision, Fire Lord. Whoever perpetrated this shameful act must be brought to justice. It is in the King's best interest that he is made aware of the rogues within his own government." She stepped closer to Zuko. "Your Majesty, if you would allow me, I am fully apprised of the need for reform. Wartime necessities have changed the structure of our government. I believe a new department tasked with channeling our diplomatic efforts would greatly improve our standing among the world, helping to maintain relations and mediate our replies in tense moments."

It would be a step in the right direction . Zuko considered her words before replying. "It is a commendable initiative; I will have to think about it. Have the plans ready when I come back from the Earth Kingdom."

"You will be pleased to know that I have already spoken about this with Ministers Hiyori and Renhao. They fully supported the idea and helped me draft a plan to implement this initiative. I'll make sure to send you the draft with the set of documents that need Your Majesty's approval."

Taiku eyed her suspiciously, flaring his nostrils at her, but he refrained from speaking.

"Very well, send them over." She nodded, and both of them bowed again to Zuko before leaving. Zuko sighed. Bickering advisors. I hope I don't have to get used to that…

At dinner that evening, the Gaang had descended into small talk, the clinking of utensils and the sound of their voices filling the air. Katara eyed Zuko curiously. "So, Zuko, how did your first day as Fire Lord go?"

Toph, who was preoccupied with toe maintenance, took the opportunity to chime in. "Well, Sweetness, if you ask me, apart from Secretary Prissypants, I think it was great."

Aang was engrossed in his vegetarian sushi, but he managed to add to the conversation. "I also had fun, though the people here think I'm going to suck the air out of them or something."

Sokka, on the other side of the table, was still nursing his wounded taste buds. "Don't even get me started! You people are crazy, Zuko. Do you even think of pointing out the spicy food around here? Like 'Warning: may cause loss of tongue'? I mean, I almost died there!"

Katara rolled her eyes. "Oh, don't be a baby, Sokka; you're fine."

"You tell that to my tongue; I won't be able to taste anything for weeks!" He got up to complain, but Suki eased him down.

Zuko let out a heavy sigh and dropped a bombshell. "The Earth Kingdom, uh, may have… attacked… one of our colonies… today…"

The Gaang's carefree chatter turned into stunned silence as they stared at Zuko in disbelief. "What?!"

Zuko tried to reassure them. "It might just be a misunderstanding… It's too early to know."

Sokka grumbled. "Oh, that's great. I've lost Space Sword and my sense of taste. And now there is another war? I don't even know what's worse."

Katara was adamant. "I'm sure King Kuei had nothing to do with this. We have to tell him."

Toph groaned, having moved on to facial-maintenance-that-will-not-be-named. "Please tell me we are not going to Ba Sing Se again."

"Well, I would surely love to give poetry another try. Ahem. I make smooth haikus. I've been practicing a lot; not gonna lie." Sokka rolled up his sleeves, giving a smug grin.

Toph flicked a small pebble at his forehead, sending him crashing to the floor. "Missed a syllable, Snoozles."

"Not again…" he moaned into the carpet.

His sister shot him a Mom-Mode look. "Guys, this is serious. We cannot let this turn into another war."

"We could also visit Uncle… He would surely give us some advice. The King told me they would be holding peace celebrations in two days. That's when all of his advisors will be there."

Aang brightened up. "Then what are we waiting for? I'll get Appa ready, and we can leave first thing in the morning. Don't worry, Zuko; I'm sure this is all a big misunderstanding."

He could only hope his friend was right.