Book I, Act III: Peace and Tranquilizers, Chapter I & II

Edited by: Bieverdog

Book I, Imbalance

Act III: Peace and Tranquilizers

Chapter I

Azula's eyes struggled to adjust to the harsh, flickering light while the high-pitched buzzing disoriented her. Her head spun with terrible throbbing pain. Instinctively, she attempted to massage her temples, but the cold chains binding her upright to a stretcher bolted to the floor prevented any relief. The metallic scent of iron filled the air, and the door to the room clanked open, revealing a man carrying a worn leather bag.

"Good day, princess," the stranger's voice echoed calmly and measured through the small chamber.

"Wha– Where am I?" Her senses still hazy, Azula squinted as she tried to orient herself, her vision disrupted by the blinding lights. She tracked the sound of footsteps, her gaze following the shadowy figure toward the door. As the man stepped into the light, dragging a chair with him, Azula noticed his wrinkled face and void eyes, his long, plain robes nearly touching the floor.

The man sat down, and Azula stared at him expectantly, her frustration growing as he ignored her question. His face remained impassive. "I only ask that you answer some questions. I'm sorry for the restraints, but we couldn't leave it to chance now, could we?" He retrieved a small notebook from the bag, his fingers trembling slightly.

Azula's desperation intensified, her eyes darting around the room, seeking any sign of emotion or acknowledgment from the man. But his unwavering stoicism only heightened her sense of helplessness, and she could feel her anger simmering beneath the surface.

"Who are you?" Azula's eyes narrowed, attempting to discern the man's features, partially obscured by shadows.

"That's not important, princess. What's important here is you. So, let's begin." His tone remained unchanged, betraying no emotion.

"Let me go at once! I command you!" She rattled her chains, her voice filled with anger and desperation, her eyes flashing with fury.

He sighed, continuing in the same dull tone. "I'm afraid I can't do that. I suggest you answer my questions. I hear you've been calling for your mother; why is that?" The man's face was a mask, his eyes dark, cold, and unyielding.

"Where is my father?!" Her breaths came in short, ragged gasps as she desperately tried to wrest control of the conversation.

"Please answer the question. It will be best if you cooperate--"

In response, Azula spat in his face, her eyes alight with defiance.

The man wiped away the saliva with a disgusted grimace and, without hesitation, jabbed a syringe into her arm. She jolted her head back, feeling the thick substance spreading through her veins, her vision blurring and hearing distorted once again.

His voice sounded distant, like a fading echo. "This will help you be more cooperative."

Azula closed her eyes, feeling a wave of exhaustion wash over her. Her hands prickled, and she fought to stay conscious.

"So, let's see… Why do you call for your mother?" And Azula opened her eyes. In her blurred vision, she saw her mother now sitting where that man was, wearing that stranger's robe and looking concerned.

Azula's voice trembled, her words laced with fear and anger. "I know what you want from me! You want to drag me to that place again; you fear me!"

Her mother scribbled something on a pad as she stared at Azula expectantly.

She gritted her teeth, defiance burning in her eyes. "You won't stop us! Father will find me; and when he does, not even Zuzu will be able to help you."

"Interesting… Continue, please." Her voice sounded off, hollow and distant.

"What twisted illusion have you created now?

Her mother put down the book, eyeing her inquisitively. "Why does your mother make you feel this way?"

"Shut up, you treacherous liar! When I get out of here, you'll have a scar to match your precious Zuzu's!"

A polite smile curved on her mother's lip. "I see…" She continued scribbling. "I hear your mother loves you very much. Have a good day, princess."

Azula's heart raced as the metallic door clanged shut, then the lights soon flickered off, plunging the room into darkness.

"Leave, leave, leave! All you do is leave, leave, leave…" Azula tried to hold back the tears, attempting to maintain a facade of strength. Her voice quavered as she whispered, "I won't let you see me cry."

Despite her efforts, a soft sob escaped her lips. She couldn't tell where she was, couldn't see anything other than the stained padded walls, could only feel the cold steel pressing against her body. There was no one there. Alone. Friendless. Forgotten. There was only smothering silence suffocating her in the darkness.

The smoke from the fires below blinded Zuko's sight. The fighting had erupted into a cacophony of flames and shouts of agony that rose from people struggling to escape the soldiers' onslaught.

"We have to stop them! Now! Get us closer to the ground." Zuko pointed to a clear rooftop.

Aang squinted. "I can't see a thing, Zuko."

"Forget it; I'm jumping!" His voice was resolute.

"Zuko, wait!" His friend called, but it was already too late.

Ignoring Aang's plea, Zuko jumped down to a roof, softening his landing with a burst of fire. The smoke made distinguishing the people from the soldiers difficult, so he guided himself by the sudden flashes of bent fire. Soldiers lay burnt on the ground while their comrades stood around them, bending flames blindly at the panicked crowd.

Zuko made short work of the soldiers, knocking them back with a sweeping kick of fire. He extended his hands to the soldiers trapped between the walls and the crowds frantically trying to escape.

"Stop! I order you to stop!" Zuko shouted to no avail. The throng flooded over him, ignoring his words. The shoving and trampling slammed him to the ground. He flailed blindly at the air and the clothes of each passerby. He couldn't breathe. Every second felt like an hour.

After the people had scattered, Zuko gasped desperately. Lying bruised on the ground, he could only force his aching body to breathe. He opened his eyes to the shrieks of the people and a boy's calls for his mother as people ran amok. Between the flashes of fire, he could barely see his friends in the distance.

A soldier caught in the chaos bent fire, pushing everyone aside. The boy could only gape in horror as the flames engulfed all around him. Zuko couldn't watch, couldn't listen to the boy's screams. A caressing hand of fire, then pain and blackness.

Zuko looked up glassily as the boy's screams of agony shattered his mind. He looked bewilderedly around him. Singed soldiers and civilians alike limped away from the chaos as others lay still on the street in agony, fire and smoke enveloping it all.

He crawled over to the little boy, who wailed in pain. He couldn't meet his eyes. The boy's faint screams slowly diminished until there was only the sound of crackling fire. Zuko rose slowly, feeling a lump in his throat. He had barely noticed the veil of smoke had turned thin. There were muffled shouts behind him. When he turned around, Aang was there, looking at him in shock. His friend stood still, staring at the boy. "Zuko, what… Katara! We need help over here!"

Katara ran to them. Kneeling in front of the wounded child, she tried to heal the boy, whispering soothingly, but her hope gave way to desperation. "Come on… Come on!" Her eyes began to fill with tears, her efforts futile.

He barely heard Aang's voice, filled with concern. "There has to be something we can do, anything!" He got up, his eyes vaguely looking around at the destruction. His friend looked his way. "Zuko? Zuko!" He just kept going, walking through the palace gates in shock. He only heard the muffled marching of soldiers outside the gates. Colonel Mak ran to him, grabbing him and saying something he couldn't understand. He hobbled into the throne room, his head pounding.

All his ministers were waiting, but it was as if they didn't exist. He walked to the stairs and sat there, staring at the ground. As the seconds ticked, the ringing in his ears faded, and he returned to reality. Imperial Secretary Jing stood before him, holding his shoulder. "Your Majesty! Your Majesty, are you alright? The city is under control…"

Zuko mumbled, still dazed, "...Huh? What…"

Jing's voice was laced with concern. "...Largely through the efforts of Admiral Chan, My Lord."

His voice was weak. "What... How did this happen?" Zuko clutched his head.

"Oh, it was a tragedy, Your Majesty. The soldiers had come expecting their payments. I reassured them that you'd address their concerns soon, and they waited… However, when news of your journey to Ba Sing Se reached the public, they grew restless and tried to make their way into the palace, demanding answers.

It's disheartening to see how this new treaty has been misunderstood by some. But now that you are here, we can restore order and ease their concerns. We just got news that Admiral Chan has already made significant progress in quelling the unrest."

As Jing explained, he backed away. He rasped a bare whisper, "I need to… lie down a bit."

As Zuko's vision blurred, he felt lightheaded before collapsing.

Chapter II

A thunderstorm raged outside, the torrential rain battering the windows and roaring thunder piercing the silence of the night. As lightning illuminated the twisted visage of the Fire Nation palace, Azula found herself lost within its labyrinthine halls, her breaths shallow as her footsteps echoed through the seemingly endless corridor. Glimpses of shattered mirror fragments haunted her mind, mocking her as she trudged forward. The shifting shadows seemed to writhe around her, reveling in her frustration.

Suddenly, a silhouette caught her eye, bringing her to a halt. The roaring thunder jolted her back to reality, her heart pounding wildly in her chest. As she looked around, frantic and disoriented, she spotted a girl standing in the corner. Ty Lee.

Azula snarled, anger flaring within her. "You?! How is this possible? You were in prison!" Ty Lee met her fierce glare with a pained expression.

"I'm sorry, Azula; I couldn't bear to see you hurt Mai. How could you do this to us?" Ty Lee's voice quivered, her gray eyes reflecting the flashes of lightning outside.

"Don't play stupid; you know very well what you did." Azula's voice trembled, her anger waning as an oppressive sadness seeped into her. "You betrayed the Fire Nation, betrayed me…"

"You were my best friend. I cared for you; I hurt others for you; I gave up my dreams for you…" Ty Lee's voice cracked, a tear escaping down her cheek. "But in the end, I realized you never cared for us. You were willing to hurt me, Azula, hurt us for your own selfish goals." She clutched her chest, struggling to maintain her composure.

Ty Lee's voice softened, the memories of their childhood surfacing. "Mai never feared you. And you know what? I didn't, either. I pitied you. When I first met you, even though you were the Princess and everyone groveled at your feet, I saw through you." She walked closer to her as Azula tightened her fists. "You were all alone there. You were sad no one wanted to be your friend, so you covered it up by being mean to everyone.

"I stayed by your side, but maybe it would have been better if I hadn't, you know? Maybe one day, you'll know why no one liked you. We're definitely not friends anymore, but I hope…" She hesitated, tears streaming down her face. "I'm sorry, Azula, but I can't bring myself to forgive you for what you did."

"Shut up! My mother put you up with this, didn't she?… You… You–" Azula's voice choked, her own tears betraying her.

Ty Lee looked at her one last time, her eyes filled with sorrow. "Goodbye… Azula." The softness of her words cut through the air like a knife.

Yearning to reply, Azula lifted her head only to be met with cold, empty white walls.

For the whole day, Zuko remained bedridden, too brokenhearted and ashamed of himself to face the world. His friends had visited him but were all as demoralized as he was. Mai had stayed with him, sitting at his bedside, looking at him worriedly.

"Zuko, you have to go; it's important that you attend court. Your duty as Fire L–"

"My duty as Fire Lord was to bring peace! And now, I see there was a price to pay."

"You can't blame yourself for everything, Zuko. It was an accident! You cannot expect–"

"An accident that I could have prevented! None of this was supposed to happen. I thought everyone would understand… Thought they…"

Mai put a hand on his cheek. "You cannot change the past, but now is your chance to give us all a better future. You cannot let your mistakes discourage your efforts for peace."

Zuko took her hand, considering her words. "I won't…" She was right; he couldn't let down the world. Giving up now would mean all their sacrifices would have been in vain. All those people would have died for nothing. It still pained him to think of what happened, yet it pained him more to think their deaths would be for nothing.

He arose slowly, resolved to attend. But he would have to redouble his efforts to get them to accept the treaty. Aang had offered his help, so they might be more sympathetic if he showed his support.

"Mai, I've got an idea. Please find Aang; tell him to attend court."

With a plan in mind, Zuko set to readying himself. Despite his regal title, the act of dressing and heading to the throne room felt detached, like an actor prepping for a performance. The somber history of the space hung over him as he selected his royal garb. Once ready, he neared the imposing, intricately carved gilded doors of the throne room, the guards gave him a respectful bow and swung it open.

The gatekeeper announced him. "His Majesty, Fire Lord Zuko, attends court."

His heart pounded in rhythm with his footsteps as he moved through the room. Ministers' eyes, each carrying their own questions, doubts, and hopes, watched him with anxious expectation. He navigated past bowed heads and arched his way up to the throne. The golden dragon that decorated the wall behind seemed to watch him, its fiery eyes reflecting his determination. Seating himself, he declined to ignite the ceremonial flames.

"What's your report on yesterday's incident?"

Lee, the minister who had been tasked with this grim account, shifted uncomfortably. His voice trembled. "I am sorry to report fifty-eight lives were lost, Your Majesty. The Ministry of the Colonies and properties near the palace have been damaged as well."

His heart tightened with grief, but Zuko hardened his resolve. "Minister Lee, make sure the families of the afflicted receive generous compensation for their losses. Take care to repair the damaged buildings as well." The man nodded, and Zuko made a swift motion with his hand, encouraging the minister to rejoin the rest.

Zuko rose to his feet, the heavy weight of responsibility hanging from his shoulders. He began to speak, his voice echoing solemnly in the cavernous chamber. "Yesterday was a dark day for our Nation. We cannot allow our citizens' deaths to be for nothing. I know we had our differences with the Earth Kingdom; their people have suffered just as much as ours. Memories of past grudges and wrongdoings fuel the hatred of today, but it's necessary sometimes to let bygones be bygones. It is time we let go of the past so we can face the future not as enemies but as friends, working together to achieve harmony and prosperity between our peoples."

"That is why I've made my decision to sign and adhere to the Harmony Restoration Movement–" His declaration sent shockwaves through the room.

Taiku was the first to challenge him. "With all due respect, Your Majesty, what you are proposing is unthinkable! His dark brown eyes were wide with disbelief and indignation. The weathered lines on his face deepened as he sneered, "Are you expecting me to tell our colonists to pack their bags just because their Fire Lord commands it?" Taiku's normally hardened features softened in a rare display of vulnerability. "They've lost loved ones in their homes' defense. Now, you want them to abandon it all?"

Then, his voice dipped into a lower register, a sinister whisper that bounced off the walls. "You have a good heart, my liege, but I'm afraid those Earth Kingdom savages have taken advantage of it. They're beguiling you with gifts while holding a knife behind their backs, ready to stab us the moment we don't comply." Taiku's words hung in the air as murmuring grew among the ministers.

Taiku implored, his voice barely a whisper now, "I urge you, Your Majesty, to consider the voice of your people. Don't let this escalate into another disaster."

Zuko's eyes and his voice remained steady. "I assure you I have taken the advice of this council and the plights of our people into consideration, but you forget that we are not at war anymore."

Taiku continued, his disbelief turning into bitter resentment, "Perhaps not now, but two weeks ago, we still held their city. Do you really think these people hold us in high regard? Yesterday was a clear demonstration of what our people think of this 'treaty'. It is dishonorable. They lost the war, and they have the gall of– "

Zuko's voice cut him off like a blade, silencing the room, "Enough!" Taiku's face hardened.

The court watched in awed silence as he descended to meet Taiku eye to eye. "Yesterday was not a reflection of our people's sentiment towards this treaty. It is fear and misunderstanding."

"We will have that treaty. If this must be done in order for peace to endure, then that is what I will do. You will ensure our colonists leave Earth Kingdom soil and come back home safely. I will see this through, and that is final. You are dismissed, Overseer Taiku."

The old minister bowed stiffly, turning to leave. He dragged his long robes with each heavy step. Exiting through the grand doors, leaving the court in suspense.

The Fire Lord scanned the rest of the ministers. "As I was saying, this treaty will be the first step to a new era of cooperation between our peoples. The Avatar has agreed to help us enforce it. By next year, the greatest scar of the Hundred-year War will be erased, ushering in a century of peace."

The applause he received was scattered and hesitant, a clear reflection of the room's uncertainty.

The main doors of the throne room parted again to reveal the Avatar. Aang swiftly stood tall, his eyes darting nervously at the sea of faces in the room.

"Avatar Aang attends court." All of those present turned their heads towards the entrance.

Their collective gazes seemed to have frozen Aang in place, so Zuko beckoned him forward. "Avatar Aang, please come forward."

Aang walked slowly, greeting the surrounding ministers with nods and nervous smiles. Then he bowed before him, staring back at him cluelessly, and whispered softly, "...What's going on, Zuko?" though he was sure the room was quiet enough for many to hear.

"Just play along with it…" Zuko urged softly before returning his attention to the court. His voice rang clear and commanding, "I hereby decree, with the court as my witness, that you have permission to enforce my will to comply with the Harmony Restoration Movement." By now, he was certain the reality of his plan began to settle into the hearts of the court. "You will be tasked with aiding the repatriation of Fire Nation citizens back to the Fire Islands." He gestured for a document to be brought to him.

Rising to his feet, Aang accepted the responsibility with a booming voice, perhaps too loud for the setting. "I gracefully accept this task with all the responsibilities it entails, Your Fireiness."

"Then our efforts begin today." Zuko's hand dipped into a small pouch, retrieving a ring etched with the Fire Nation insignia. Slipping it onto his finger, he bent over the document, fire dancing from his fingertips as he marked the paper. The branded document was then handed over to Aang. His friend bowed with his arms spread out wide in exaggerated reverence to repay the gesture.

Amidst the hushed silence that followed, Jing seized the opportunity to interject. Her lips were curled into a knowing smile. "Fire Lord, while your commitment is commendable, it is undoubtedly an arduous task. May I suggest a method to expedite the process?"

Zuko's gaze shifted to her, a nod indicating his consent. "Go ahead."

Her smile widened. "Thank you. Before you left, we discussed the possibility of a new ministry. I imagine Your Majesty has been able to examine the draft I handed you." Upon Zuko's nod of confirmation, she continued, "In that case, the introduction of the Ministry couldn't come at a more opportune time. Imagine, Fire Lord, constant communications with the Earth Kingdom. We could swiftly handle any complications that may arise. So, if His Majesty has decided, I think we should begin planning to instate it."

"Very well, I will summon the royal architects tomorrow."

Her golden eyes sparkled as she held her hands. "I think there is yet a faster way. Why not use an empty building? The Army has many empty buildings in the Capital. Using one of their buildings would also send a strong message to the Earth King that we intend to have a government focused on the people, not its military."

Another minister frowned, and she stepped forward. A sapphire hung around her neck surrounded by smaller red gems, contrasting with the fiery colors of the court. "Your Majesty, I believe the Imperial Secretary is mistaken on this matter. I think you should not antagonize them any further. Let the recent situation cool down before attempting this." Her calm demeanor and soft voice belied the wisdom she possessed.

Jing turned to her, an eyebrow raised in challenge. "Oh, Minister Renhao, have you so easily forgotten that the military are the Fire Lord's loyal subjects? The High command has already condoned yesterday's terrible events. It was all a misunderstanding." Jing's gaze drifted back to Zuko, her words punctuated with urgency. "Your Majesty, this situation calls for immediate action. We could offer to build new buildings for the Army in exchange."

He contemplated his words before coming to a decision. "Then it is settled, I want you to notify General Bujing of this development. And since a new Ministry will soon be in place, I need a list of candidates for our ambassador to the Earth Kingdom. We will continue this discussion tomorrow."

After the court session adjourned, the throne room gradually emptied, the echo of parting greetings and murmured conversations lingering in the vast space. Zuko beckoned Aang over. His friend hesitated for a moment before joining him. "You did great, Zuko! I gotta admit I was sort of clueless why you got me here in the first place, but that document thing was pretty smart."

"That was Mai's idea, but thanks. We'll make this happen, Aang." Zuko's gaze met Aang's. A shared understanding passed between them.

Aang let out a deep sigh, his gaze trailing across the ornate throne room, the enormity of their task finally sinking in. "Yeah… There's still a lot to do. People still need us."

"I know, but we will do it together. I'll give all the help I can from here." He motioned to his friend to follow. "Come on; there's something I want to give you before I send you off." As he led Aang outside the throne room, a guard handed him a small chest, and he laid it on the floor.

Zuko opened the lid to see it was filled with glittery silver coins that bore a flame. "It's not much, but it'll help you get some supplies. And show that paper to any Fire Nation official who doesn't comply with you."

Aang protested gently, "Zuko, this is more than enough."

Zuko chuckled. "I know; it's just in case Sokka decides to go on a spending spree. Try not to waste too much."

Leaving the majestic splendor of the palace behind them, Zuko and Aang emerged into the waning sunlight. The rest of their friends were waiting in the courtyard. Sokka, wrestling a bulging bag onto Appa's saddle, was assisted by Toph's deft earthbending. Nearby, Katara and Suki were engaged in a last-minute inventory check.

The sight of them approaching drew their friends' attention. Toph darted towards Zuko first, her knuckles colliding with his arm. "We're going to miss you, Sparky."

"BoomerAang hug!" Sokka grinned.

Katara let out an exasperated groan. "Sokka!"

He laughed as he winked at Zuko. "You know, at this point, I'm just doing it to annoy her."

Zuko smiled, clapping his friends on their shoulders. "Good luck, guys! You too, buddy." He patted Appa who responded with a generous lick that left him dripping. "Uh… thanks."

Katara bent the saliva off him.

With final waves and shouted goodbyes, Team Avatar hoisted themselves onto Appa. As they slowly began to ascend, Zuko watched, his voice echoing in the quiet courtyard. "Good luck, Aang." He watched as his friends vanished into the horizon, the fading light of the day cloaking the path ahead of them.

The weight of his responsibility felt all the heavier in the silence that followed, but he knew that they were each playing their part in healing the wounds of the past. And he would do his share of it to the utmost of his abilities.