Book I, Act III: Peace and Tranquilizers, Chapter V

Edited by: Bieverdog

Book I, Imbalance

Act III: Peace and Tranquilizers

Chapter V

The days lost their distinction, bleeding into each other in an inchoate smear of endless darkness. Time had become an elusive phantom, a concept as real to her as a dream. Azula could no longer remember the last time she saw her mother's face. Not that it mattered. Her mother, the woman whose eyes only reflected that false grief, was hardly a comfort. Azula's whole being was a cacophony of agony, each bone aching, each muscle pulsating with raw, unyielding pain. The headaches were relentless, hammering at her temples like a manic drumbeat.

Once she had been a force to be reckoned with, her indomitable will renowned, her fiery spirit feared. She initially tried to face that torture with icy defiance, a sneer on her face, but her curses and threats all fell on blind eyes and deaf ears. As the sessions multiplied, the pain grew unbearable, the current of electricity burning through her nerves like wildfire. Each jolt of pain was a venomous bite, nibbling away at her resolve until she was left a mere shell of her former self.

In her quieter moments, an unsettling presence made itself known. Azula began to hear familiar sounds echoing in that sterile place–the deadly whisper of knives cutting through the air, the soft thud as they embedded themselves into the padded walls. She never saw her, but she felt her presence like a ghostly specter skulking in the shadows.

"Mai?" her voice would echo against the cold walls, but the silence would merely stretch on, leaving her grappling with the disturbing quiet. In the chilling silence, they seemed to conspire against her, her mind breeding these phantoms to torment her.

One day, the monotonous routine was disrupted. The hurried footsteps echoed down the corridor, their sound now intimately familiar. Azula froze, her heart pounding, each beat echoing her fear of that man.

As the door creaked open, her desperation welled up, spilling over in a string of broken pleas.

An unexpected voice fluttered through the sterile coldness of her cell. "Young lady… it's me. Don't you recognize me?"

Azula's heart clenched, her despair propelling her into a plea that bore the weight of her entire shattered spirit. "You need to… get me out of here, please. Even– Even if you have to kill me." Each word was a cry in the darkness, a last-ditch attempt to escape the torment that had become her existence.

The nurse recoiled slightly. A gasp fell from her lips, followed by a soft whisper."Oh my, what have they done to you? That monster."

"I… I came here because I had good news… You'll be allowed outside." The words landed on Azula's ears like a thunderclap.

"Out… side?" The idea seemed almost unthinkable, her reality had shrunk to these walls.

"Yes, but if you do anything wrong, they'll send you back here, understand?" A wheelchair was brought forth, its cold, metallic frame glinting under the harsh artificial lights. With ginger movements, they lifted Azula, her body limp in their hands, and laid her onto it. The sensation of moving forward felt like a dream, an illusion that threatened to shatter under the weight of her reality.

She slouched against the chair, too tired to sit straight. Moving felt too unnatural. As they left the room, they walked through a concrete corridor with two opposing doors.

They passed through a maze of doors that she couldn't even remember, with guards standing firm at each intersection. She didn't dare to look at them; she held her gaze low. She could feel a soft breeze and the rooms getting warmer. How could she not since any place would be warmer than her cell? The chirping of birds startled her. It sounded so foreign to her now. As they neared one final door, she saw light coming from under it!

As the woman opened the door, the deluge of light and colors blinded her. She squinted her eyes. After a moment, she could see the lush greens of the grass, the cool blue of the sky, and the warm reds of the building. They sparked hope within her breast. She had been in that dark, white cage for so long that she had forgotten that colors existed. A tear ran down her face as she took in the fresh air.

"And we have a clear knockout! Ladies and gentlemen, raise your cheers for the new champion: Agni Guy!" The announcer's triumphant declaration echoed off the factory walls, the audience's roars reaching a deafening crescendo.

Sokka could only gape in dumbfounded disbelief. Suki worriedly nudged him out of his stupor. "What is it?"

A dramatic moan escaped Sokka, his hand clasping his chest in mock agony. "Agh! Why, Universe?! I bet two silver pieces on that guy!"

His proclamation was met with a stern frown from Katara, her incredulous voice carrying a note of reproach. "You what?!"

"The ticket stand guy seemed so sure; he said it would be a solid bet!" Sokka helplessly tried to defend his ill-fated wager, his sheepish grin not quite reaching his eyes.

Katara let out a medley of exasperated mutterings and sighs, ending with a drawn-out, "Sokka…"

Toph's laughter broke the tension. "Typical. They always played those tricks in the Earth Rumble."

A contemplative expression crossed Aang's face as he stroked his chin. "There's still another fight left…"

Katara's glare was icy enough to freeze a firebender. "No! No more betting."

Toph leaned back casually, her hands lazily behind her head. "Relax, Sweetness; just enjoy the show."

Resigned, Katara let out a huff and crossed her arms, opting to sit back and watch the show unfold.

As if on cue, the announcer's voice electrified the atmosphere. "And now… the moment you've all been waiting for–the final showdown. For the first time in the history of this championship, we're going to mix it up a little. Earth and Fire combine in the Magma Meltdown! In this fight, champions will face champions, and they will be aided by their enemy's opponent. The winners take all!

"The new champion, Fire Nation Man, and Smoky Dragon in the left corner! In the right corner, Agni Guy and The Boulder!"

"The Boulder will crush you into little pieces and feed you to his komodo-rhino!" The taunt was met with a cacophony of cheers and revulsion.

Suddenly, Agni Guy unleashed a fiery onslaught towards his ally, catapulting him across the expanse of the ring. A collective gasp rippled through the stunned crowd.

"What is this? Agni Guy is sabotaging his teammate! Is this legal? I don't know, but things sure got interesting! The Boulder seems to have joined forces with the other team!"

Sokka slapped himself. "Toph, next time I want to bet, please throw me in a hole."

His sister was apoplectic. "You didn't!"

Toph flashed an enthusiastic thumbs-up. "Sure thing, Snoozles!"

Once The Boulder had regained his bearings, he locked eyes with his newfound allies. The triad charged forward, Fire Nation Man enveloping the field in a dust storm, The Dragon cleaving through the obscurity with a searing whip of flame, and The Boulder lobbing chunks of stone at his erstwhile ally. Yet, Agni Guy remained steadfast amidst the chaos, cleaving through a hurled boulder with surgical precision.

"Go Agni Guy!"

Engulfed by an opaque mist, the warrior relied on the sporadic bursts of light from his opponent to anticipate their moves. He ducked down, evading the fiery whip but always moving forward. Earth sprung out from below him, trapping his feet, but he propelled upwards, breaking the earth and rising above the cloud to fall on the unsuspecting Fire Nation Man. Landing a flaming slash, that sent him sprawling.

A retaliatory strike with two earthen shields was futile against Agni Guy's relentless flurry of flaming spears. The Boulder attempted a sneak attack, launching a stone with a swift punch, but Agni Guy evaded the assault with a duck, redirecting the rock into Fire Nation Man. The Boulder and the Dragon, filled with rage, charged towards him, but Agni Guy masterfully maintained a safe distance using measured bursts of fire. He flung his trident spear at Fire Nation Man, the weapon embedding itself into the man's garments, pinning him to the edge of the ring. In a single, fluid motion, he unleashed a concentrated fireball towards The Boulder, rendering him unconscious.

While the Smoky Dragon struggled with the lodged trident, Agni Guy advanced, his steps measured and purposeful. Seeing the warrior inching closer, the Dragon desperately hurled fire in his direction. Once the warrior was within striking distance, the Dragon surrendered, his hands raised in defeat. "I yield!"

A hush descended upon the crowd as the announcer's voice boomed once again. "By the spirits, folks! What an unexpected ending! Agni Guy triumphs as the undisputed world champion!" Two men hurried to bestow the championship belts upon the victor. Agni Guy accepted the belts with a cursory glance, before setting them aflame and leaving the ashes in his wake. The crowd watched in stunned silence as Agni Guy departed from the pit, their mouths agape in disbelief.

The vibrant hues of a golden autumn graced the Capital of the Fire Nation, bathing its grandeur under a beaming sun. The air was buzzing with anticipation as throngs of citizens assembled outside the palace gates, their eyes riveted on a procession of gilded carriages and crimson-garbed guards. The destination was the Ministry of the Army, a stern structure that bore the emblem of the Fire Nation with regal dignity. Zuko had determined that sections of the adjoining buildings would serve as the new Earth Kingdom embassy in addition to housing the freshly inaugurated Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The army would be disconcerted by this reshuffle, but he was sure they had space to spare and his promises of new buildings were enough to appease them.

Almost a month had elapsed since the war's end, time had moved swiftly yet somehow serenely. Earlier that day, a messenger had delivered a letter to the palace, inscribed with the familiar, steady hand of Aang. As the convoy wound its way towards the Ministry, Zuko unfurled the parchment and delved into his friend's words.

…Sokka just wouldn't shut up the entire evening. Guess he lost quite a bit of money on that fight. Toph, of course, is now hell-bent on challenging the guy herself. Katara keeps lecturing Sokka about being responsible. And Suki… well, she's staying out of the sibling squabbles. Can't blame her.

After leaving Suki on Kyoshi Island, we'll be heading to Yu Jin with high hopes to begin the first efforts. I'm both excited and scared of what is to come. To be honest with you, some days ago, I thought it would be an impossible task; but now, I am convinced that we can make this work.

How's everything at your end? Mai giving you a hard time, or is it the other way round? Haha! Write back when you can, it'd be good to catch up soon.

Your friend, Aang.

P.S: Momo ate the documents you gave me. If you could send a new one, that would be great.

Zuko chuckled, causing Mai to glance at him with a teasing smirk. "Of course he did…"

"This feels like an auspicious day to announce the new ministry, Fire Lord."

He turned to see Colonel Mak. "It's the right thing to do, Colonel. I couldn't care less about how the day is; I just care for peace."

As they neared the Ministry, Colonel Mak's brow furrowed, voicing his concern about the security situation. "The riot hasn't been long past, sir," His eyes were on Zuko. "I would feel more comfortable with an extra security detail."

"Fear breeds fear, Mak. If I cannot face my people without looming over them with force, then I am no better than my father."

"As you wish, Your Majesty."

Their convoy eventually came to a halt before a towering edifice, its triangular roof proudly adorned with twin dragon statues. Framing the imposing structure was a sprawling courtyard with a vibrant display of national flags lining the walkway.

Imperial Guards, resplendent in their polished uniforms, were stationed at attention on either side of the path, their faces inscrutable masks of duty. Behind the disciplined array of soldiers, a throng of citizens, their faces a spectrum of expressions, awaited with bated breath.

A soft voice pulled Zuko from his reverie, the gentle pressure of a hand anchoring him back into the moment.

"You've got this." Mai's words wreathed in the confidence he was struggling to muster. As he met her gaze, she reached up, her hand cool against his cheek, and pressed a small kiss.

He nodded, took a moment to draw a deep, steadying breath, and then descended from the carriage. The cheers from the crowd swelled up, washing over him like a wave, but he kept his gaze locked on the towering edifice. Its stark facade felt like a silent challenge, but with the echo of Mai's words in his ears, he pushed through the nervousness, striding with resolute determination.

Ascending the stone staircase was a journey in itself, each step a testament to his purpose. When he finally reached the top, pausing at the grand gate, he turned to face his people, their anticipation palpable. The silence stretched, a drawn bowstring of expectancy.

Zuko drew in breath and began, his voice echoing across the courtyard. "Thank you, all of you, for joining us on this significant occasion. We find ourselves today at the dawn of a new age - an age we yearn to mark with peace."

His gaze swept over the crowd, each citizen held within his earnest regard. "In signing the Harmony Restoration Movement, we've shown our commitment to peace and reconciliation. But the responsibility of maintaining that peace lies with all of us, as individuals and as a nation."

Zuko's voice grew firmer, conviction resonating in each word. "There are many who view peace as an elusive dream, succumbing to the belief that we're trapped in an inescapable cycle of warfare. But isn't war merely the bitter fruit of our own deeds?"

His words lingered in the air, challenging each listener to examine their deeply-held beliefs. "True peace is a continuous endeavor, crafted by many nations, forged through countless acts of diplomacy and mutual understanding. We need not hold affection for our neighbors, but we must extend them tolerance, fostering harmonious coexistence."

He paused for a moment, his golden eyes aflame with intensity. "Let us look beyond our disputes, past our strife, and collaborate for a shared future. After all, hatred, much like man, is transient. Peace is within our reach. War is not our inevitable fa-"

His address was disrupted by a sudden surge from the crowd. A handful of rioters, donned in red masks and headbands, broke free of the throng. One of them vaulted over the guard fence, a peculiar pipe in hand, and launched an attack on the Fire Lord. "Death to the traitor!" Then, a torrent of fire spewed from the weapon.

Instinctively, Zuko deflected the flames with a shield of fire of his own. The guards were swift, pinning down the attacker and forming a defensive ring around Zuko.

"Protect the Fire Lord!" The command echoed through the courtyard as the crowd descended into chaos.

In the ensuing turmoil, a sharp, searing pain erupted in Zuko's chest. He glanced down to find his robes darkening with flowing warmth. The world spun, and he slumped into the arms of his guards, darkness rapidly claiming his vision.