Edited by: Bieverdog AO3: GalavantingGoose
Book I, Imbalance
Act V: Elementary, Part III
Chapter I:
Hello. Sokka here.
Ha! Get it? Nah, I'm just kidding. How have you been, Zuko? Just writing to hear about what's been going on. And our case. Any new breakthroughs? If you find any, don't go investigating on your own; it's my case too. Anyway, this place is boring. I think we've already accounted for most of the colonists that were smuggled, and we're dealing with Langshizi itself now, so, that's some news for Kuei.
There's nothing interesting going on here, but I did notice a huge increase in ship traffic since we got here. I see you are doing your job pulling some strings to get us what we need here, so thanks for that. Things are running smoothly. Toph seems like she's finally made up her mind about going to Yu Dao, so there's that too. Just me, Katara, and Aang again like old times. They are getting all mushy with each other, and honestly, it's starting to get a little awkward to be around them now.
I wish we could go to the Fire Days Festival in the Fire Nation, but Katara said there's still a lot of work to do here and that people here will have the exact same festival, so I guess we'll have to leave it for next year. Thanks for the invites anyway.
Standing behind Zuko's desk, Mai looked at him over his shoulder. "Have you rehearsed what you are going to say?"
"A thousand times already."
She smirked. "Another time wouldn't hurt."
He held his head in his hand, groaning, "This is so stupid; I've invited them to a festival, not a council meeting. Besides, we have important things to talk about."
She sat down on the desk. "Remember: the Earth King traveled here with his advisors and the Council of Five. You don't know these people; you don't even know if you can trust them yet."
"I know… It's just… stressing me out that's all."
"Oh yeah? Try being the Fire Lord's girlfriend."
"Ha, ha. Let's go before Jing bores them all with another rehearsed speech."
A year ago, no one in the world would have imagined that the governments of the Earth Kingdom and the Fire Nation would be gathered in one room. Jing, as usual, had taken the stage and was happily hobnobbing with Kuei's new ministers like they were old friends. But it was a facade, for it seemed as if a war was about to be waged between the two sides, with the officials well separated from each other.
The Earth King was alone with his escorts and How at his side. It was only the first day, yet it felt like the height of the Six-hundred-day Siege.
"Tough crowd," muttered Mai. Zuko elbowed her slightly before putting on a smile and walking over to the Earth King.
"It is an honor to have you here as our guest, Your Majesty. On behalf of the Fire Nation, I welcome you and your trusted advisors to the palace."
"Thank you, Your Majesty. It is indeed joyous to be amongst friends."
How scoffed discretely before returning again to a stiff posture.
"There is much for us to discuss, King Kuei, but please enjoy the traditional banquet. We are excited to have you here for these special days, and–"
"Excuse me for interrupting, Fire Lord. When can we visit the city? Truly, it looks wonderful, and I would like to witness the daily lives of the common people. I understand that you are familiar with Ba Sing Se. Would you allow me the privilege of familiarizing myself with Caldera? I am quite curious."
General How looked at Zuko with concern but did not speak.
"Uh… Yes. In due time, Your Majesty. There will be time for a lot of sightseeing, I assure you." The general glared at Zuko.
"Splendid! I've heard so much about the temple of the Fire Sages. And on my way here, I could only see a small section of the Harbor and the gates of Azulon. I've got to say they are most impressive feats of ingenuity." As the king spoke, Zuko could see Jing approaching. He smiled at her, and she approached them confidently.
"Oh, I must introduce you; this is Imperial Secretary Jing, my foremost advisor."
The secretary bowed, smiling. "It's an honor to make your acquaintance, Your Majesty. I must say you are too kind. From what I've heard, Ba Sing Se is the brightest jewel of your kingdom, and some say the brightest of the whole world." She hid her mouth behind her hand, smiling. "But don't let the others know I told you that."
"You are very kind, Secretary Jing. It will be a pleasure to be in such esteemed company during my stay here."
Kuei looked at Zuko who had been standing trying to keep up a smile next to Jing. "Fire Lord, I must introduce you to my newest generals as well."
"I would be delighted. I am sorry about what happened to General Sung and Yiwen."
Kuei held his chin. "Yes, the truth is that I have been surprised by the behavior of these officers. I would never have imagined it. I am grateful that you have given me the information." General How coughed discretely to signal the King of the new arrivals. A woman stood to How's left, towering over him and smiling out of necessity. To put it cordially, she had an intimidating smile. To his right slouched an ancient, gray-bearded man who matched the woman's height but not her brutishness. Based on the man's uniform, with its more detailed golden embroidery and hints of wear and repairs at the seams, he had led many a campaign.
"General Shih." The Earth King gestured to the woman, who marched forward and bowed to the Fire Lord. Zuko could have sworn that for a moment that he saw her smile crack into a frown, but he smiled.
"And General Yu." The old man eased forward, bowing to the Fire Lord as well.
"Please rise. It is an honor to have you all here for this special occasion; I'm glad you could all attend."
The woman rose up and looked at him directly. "We thank you for your hospitality, Your Majesty." Her facade broke. "Pardon my bluntness; I thought we would come here to discuss some revisions to our treaty as well as to reaffirm your commitment to peace. And yet, we have spent hours on formalities–" General Yu grabbed her arm, and the Earth King's face turned to a panicked grimace.
Zuko breathed in, held it for a moment, and breathed out. "General, I assure you my commitment to peace is most sincere, as is that of our friendship; there will be time to discuss these things openly. As a matter of fact, our next step will be reaffirming our commitment to the treaty so my people may celebrate our mutual announcement as we did in Ba Sing Se."
Jing stood forward from behind Zuko to smile disarmingly. "Perhaps the generals would like to discuss a few of the points beforehand?"
"We would both wish to do that if it would please both of your majesties."
Kuei nodded, followed by Zuko, and Jing led the generals to the corner of the room. Somehow, she made the woman smile genuinely.
The Earth King nervously stretched his collar. "I apologize for their behavior; these generals are… unique. Both of them got their promotions in the field and are… just a bit unaware of the proceedings of court."
"It is quite alright. I'm certainly starting to get used to them again."
The evening continued for a while unhindered until one of the guards announced that it was time to attend the throne room. A large round table was placed in the middle of the room. There was seating for the officials of both countries; two larger seats indicated the places where the Earth King and him would sit side by side. Zuko had to give credit to Mai for the idea of the decor, for the place was adorned with the flags of the Fire Nation and the Earth Kingdom and green and red banners. The servants had lined up on either side of the doors and indicated to each of those entering their places on the table.
Kuei and Zuko entered last after being announced. As he walked towards the throne, Zuko noticed that the officials of both nations were facing each other, their positions increasing in importance as they approached the throne. Jing and How held the highest seats nearest to the monarchs. As Kuei sat in his respective place, Zuko took the floor.
"It is an honor to have you here today. As you know, you have not only come here to enjoy your time at the Festival, but you will also be part of this historic day for the Fire Nation. This is the first time in over one-hundred years that we have received a delegation from the Earth Kingdom. We will commemorate this occasion with a renewed commitment to the Harmony Restoration Movement. As you probably already know, thanks to our efforts and the help of the Avatar, we have successfully evicted the Yu Jin colony. The process is underway in Langshizi as well.." Timid applause could be heard from both sides. "In this spirit of friendship and peace with which we meet today, we will begin this discussion."
General How stood up. "Your Majesties, members of the court, and generals, I thank you and appreciate this unique opportunity to be here. This is indeed a special occasion; and as friends, we must begin by being honest with ourselves. That is why I would like to begin by having my colleagues speak, with whom we have previously discussed the matter of our treaty."
General Shih nodded to him. "Thank you, General How. I am not good at speeches; I am a soldier, not a politician; I hope you will appreciate my remarks. The war has been brutally cruel to our people. Many have suffered. We all appreciate the generosity of Fire Lord Zuko in offering his help to ease the pains of countless families; but one thing remains apparent: as our country has been under siege for years and stripped of much of our land and resources, our ability to rebuild our kingdom is diminished. For years, the Fire Nation enjoyed the wealth of our land and the labor of our citizens. I consider it only fair that some of that labor and those resources be returned to us in the form of industrial machinery, which is essential to the rebuilding of our country, as well as free access to the modern military equipment our country needs to remain stable." A collective gasp could be heard from the Fire Nation's functionaries.
Minister Qing held up a hand. "Pardon me. General Shih, is it? I believe this is a conference about peace and friendship. Why would we discuss matters of military equipment?"
"The Earth Kingdom is vast and heterogeneous, Minister. During the war, many regions have remained with no supervision nor protection under the boots of rebel factions and warlords. Some, dare I say, were financed and aided directly by the Fire Nation during the war. I believe that it is in our best interest for prolonged peace and prosperity that our friends give us the means to restore order in our kingdom, a gesture that will be greatly appreciated by all its citizens and remembered fondly."
The room erupted in a hubbub of voices and shouts from both sides, some throwing up their arms in protest and others standing. Zuko rose from the throne and motioned for both groups to stop, and the voices began to dissipate. Qing stood up from his chair and pointed an accusatory finger at General Shih. "This is outrageous! Here are the most illustrious citizens of the Earth Kingdom looking for weapons at a peace summit."
Shih's face remained immutable as she looked at Zuko. "I meant no offense; I speak plainly. It is a request that we hope Your Majesty may consider. Only in this way can the Earth Kingdom be at peace."
Zuko remained silent for a moment. It was clear why the new council had readily accepted his invitation. "I understand. We will provide you with the necessary equipment to achieve the peace the Earth people deserve. We will provide you with airships and the basic weaponry necessary for your undertaking. However, I think it is only fair to both of us that such equipment be returned once the Earth Kingdom is situated." Zuko looked back to Kuei, who remained in his chair with a worried look on his face. His eyes darted back and forth to How, who nodded. Kuei nodded shallowly. "I believe this to be acceptable Fire Lord, we are deeply thankful for your kindness…"
As the meeting continued throughout the day, less controversial issues trickled through the conversations, but the rivalry between the two sides was latent. Behind the effective masks of all his ministers and generals, Zuko knew that angry and bitter faces were hidden. But to Zuko, each day was another step to return to life before the war. If a couple of angry politicians was the price he had to pay, he would do it with his eyes closed. Just another year or two, and everything will be back to how it should be. That would be his greatest triumph. Although the mental scars of the people who suffered from the war would not be erased so easily, at least he could change the world enough so that the impact of the war would be a distant memory to the new generations.
Azula lay on her bed staring at the ceiling of her cell. Her eyes followed the lines of some cracks peeking through some of the pieces that were not covered with mattresses. From the outside, it would have appeared as passive submission to the dreary mundanity of her situation; in her mind, she was planning the route they would take. Keys: with the nurses. Escape is impossible without them. I need to… If they were found out before the festival, it would be impossible for them to escape. They had to do it that day.
Her gaze rested on the metal door. It looked unbreakable; not even by concentrating fire in her fingers would she be able to cut the hinges holding it in place. What if they open it for us? They could bait the nurse to the cell… So many possibilities. But whether or not it would work would rest solely on the nurse in question. The veteran nurses would probably get backup before doing anything, and the sadistic ones wouldn't do anything. Her target had to be someone who would care and be foolish enough to open the cell alone; they would have her right in their trap.
Once they took the keys from the nurse they could easily let everyone out. With enough chaos to distract the few remaining guards, escaping would be as easy as burning a twig. With enough time, they could climb to the roof from the courtyard and from there straight to their freedom… wherever they were. That part of the plan unsettled Azula. Her only hints at their location were the climate. Near the Capital? How near was impossible to tell; but she couldn't make out the Caldera in the distance, nor buildings. Most definitely an isolated prison. That would be another problem, but she was certain they could escape. Azula sighed and sat down on her bed. She turned her gaze towards her friend, who was sitting in a twisted posture frowning at her hands lying on her lap gloomily. she could tell that her mind was somewhere else.
She cleared her throat to get her attention. "Hey, how have you been holding up?"
Nozomi barely moved, reacting as if she had just woken up from a dream. "...Sorry what?"
The princess frowned with light concern. "Are you okay?"
"Oh... yeah, I think so." she smiled. "Don't worry."
The weeks that had passed hadn't done much to improve Nozomi's spirits. She couldn't blame her; since she had already been through the doctor's methods, she knew what she had dealt with. It seemed that the cheerful girl would never be the same again. Now it was as if she was living in her own world, withdrawn from everything around her.
Azula sighed out whatever empathy her father had neglected to stamp out. "Look, I don't know how to break it to you, but you need to concentrate, Nozomi. It won't be long until… you know what."
"I'm trying, I really am. I feel better."
The shadow sneered. "Her eyes betray her."
"Well, I don't 'feel' it." Azula sighed and turned her gaze away from her.
It whispered to her ear again, "She will drag you down with her…"
"Azula, I'll be ready, I promise."
"She lies…"
Azula closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Fine, let's just… think of getting Zirin on board, shall we? Have you got any ideas on that? You know her better than me after all."
"Well…" Nozomi sat back and cradled her head in her arms. "She hasn't been here that long–only a couple of years. She caused enough trouble for the new people–you've seen that yourself–but she is smart about it. She barely even gets caught. I don't think you could fool her into doing anything under false promises."
"Result-oriented? Hmm, we might have a few things in common. What else?"
"She doesn't trust just anyone. I am surprised she decided to hear you out honestly."
"Then she's either set up a trap or really wants her freedom. I'm inclined to believe the latter. Something tells me she's thought about it in the past."
"You sound so sure… Are yo–"
Azula tossed out incredulous hands. "Didn't you pay attention? When I suggested an escape, she laughed it off, assuming it to be a joke. Then noticing my seriousness, you could see a glint of surprise and fear in her eyes. So jittery all of the sudden? Her eyes darted to the corners of the room to check for any ears listening to our little conversation. She tried her best act at downplaying it, but I could see it in her eye–she wanted to know about it. I'd even wager she has thought of something herself. Probably didn't work or didn't even have the guts to do it."
Her blue-eyed friend's face was slack with surprise. "...but how?"
She quirked a confident smile. "Just trust me with this. Knowing more about her is helpful, nevertheless."
As soon as they were let out into the courtyard of the institution, Azula made sure to find a corner isolated from prying eyes to meet with Zirin and asked Nozomi to stand guard in case any nurse or guard approached. She knew she had found the right place when she noticed a small garden inside the gallery connected to the main courtyard. Having left the meeting place agreed upon during lunch, she went there and waited for Zirin, leaning against a wall. The girl soon entered and made her presence known with tramping steps. Azula smirked as the girl advanced until she faced her. She did not seem amused, looking at her moodily. "What's up, pet? For your sake, I hope you are not wasting my time."
She waved it off. "Relax, I'm not a fan of wasting time either."
"Well, spit it out."
"Have you been preparing for the Fire Days Festival? I hear it's going to be a nice day." Azula began to walk slowly around the room with her hands behind her back, shooting Zirin a sardonic look.
She was still not amused. "I told you not to waste my time."
Azula stopped behind her and checked her nails absently. "It's going to be a great day to spend with friends and family, or so I hear..."
Zirin narrowed her eyes. "What are you playing at?"
Azula smiled innocently. "You can imagine how sad I was when I found out we'd be kept under lock and key on such a beautiful day. Don't you think it heartless of our dear caretakers? But I realized they just wanted us to be safe in our cells…"
Zirin grabbed her by her robe and slammed her against the wall, smiling devilishly. "You think you are so funny, huh?"
She smirked even more. "Think, Zirin; why would they cage us on that day?"
"...They won't be here." Zirin loosened her grip.
"Interesting, don't you think?"
"How can you know?"
"A little birdie told me."
"Pft. The savage?"
"I wonder what would happen if someone were to cause a little trouble that day? Who knows if our brave caretakers would be able to handle it on their own?"
"What's the point? Being on lockdown won't do much for that."
"What if anyone were able to release someone?"
Her prisonmate's face shifted from scorn to feigned indifference. "Well, assuming the crazy idea you're telling me works, you still don't explain the part where we escape."
"Ah, so now there's a we? I see... How good are you with your firebending?"
She snapped a pale-yellow flame onto her finger. "Better than you'll ever be, for sure."
Azula lazily molded blue fire in her hands. "For sure?"
Zirin instinctively pulled back, and her confident smirk faded as her face turned pale. "...How?!"
"I'm not in the mood to tell you." She clapped her hands together, extinguishing the flames. "You're lucky we're on the same side, tough girl. Or are we?"
"...What should I do?"
"Your task is to get as many people as you can to join the riot. When the time is right, I'll let you know the rest." Azula casually straightened her tunic and left the room as Zirin sat with her mouth agape.
Back in their cell, Nozomi smiled, nervously hopeful, as Azula lazily reclined on her bed. "So, how did it go?"
"We had a good talk."
After a long day (as usual) in the institution, they were once again taken to their cells. At least Azula was no longer held in a straitjacket and could stretch a little before throwing herself onto her bed exhausted. Little mundane acts like that were now relieving. She could not believe it; everything was going according to plan. Now that they had Zirin's help, they would have a revolt guaranteed. Her face was etched with victory, but Nozomi's showed indifference… or sadness; it was hard to tell. The girl sat on her bed and fixed her gaze on the floor.
Azula sat down on her bed. "Hey, Worrywart." She smiled. "Soon our luck will change; you'll see."
Her friend sighed defeatedly. "I know..."
She was puzzled, for she couldn't understand how someone who was about to gain her freedom after being locked up for so long could show so little interest. "Then what is it? Look, you just have to hang in there for one more week, and you can go home and–"
"I... I don't have a home anymore. My.... my mother... I don't think... I don't know where I'm going." Azula was silent for a while. How could she have been so foolish as not to realize… Now she herself was in a dilemma. Escape? Yes, but where? To what? To whom? She had negligible information on which to plan her moves as they were essentially cut off from the outside world. The institution had such a firm grasp on information that every sane patient that Azula had encountered knew nothing from after their internment. To anyone living there, it was as if they were frozen in time.
She thought about returning to the capital; but who would await her there? Perhaps her father had been able to fight off Zuko and any possible traitors, or maybe she'd walk right into the tigerdillo's den. It was impossible for Zuko to have defeated her father; she was certain of that at least. But how come she was being held in the Fire Nation? Was it a rebel hideout? The people that worked there looked normal; they certainly didn't appear to be traitors in hiding. Father… or the Avatar and Zuzu, Perhaps the avatar had evolved into a bigger problem than they imagined; he had improved much from their last fight she remembered. Though the legends of the avatar's powers were surely exaggerated, she presumed, he still represented a problem. She rested her hand on her chin. I need more information. Can't waltz into a trap.
"Azula… Azula?"
She shook her head back to reality (imperceptibly, of course). "Yes. Look, I didn't think you wouldn't have a place to go after. I expect to be in the same situation for a while. How about we… accompany each other until we figure out where to go? We could–" Azula grimaced slightly. No matter how much she wanted to deny it, she needed help, for she couldn't trust her mind at the moment.
Nozomi eyed her expectantly as the words were stuck in her mouth. "...Help each other."
Her friend nodded, and she even seemed to be in a lighter mood now, happy enough to smile. She thought she'd never see that again; but surprisingly enough, her words had given her friend hope–
Nozomi hugged her lightly, breathing, "Thank you." Caught off guard, Azula awkwardly returned the gesture, before settling on her own bed again.
As she closed her eyes, she felt her skin crawl, as if a bug was scampering around her arm. She opened her eyes again and gasped as her room was enveloped in the dark mists. Not again.
The whisper had turned hoarse and screechy like twisting metal. "What are you so afraid of?"
"I told you to leave me alone."
"... When will you learn, Azula? You and I are two parts of the same coin."
She barely heard the voice of her mother, whose muffled screams could be heard from outside the room. "Don'... isten… Azula!"
"...I want the same thing as you do… Deep down, you know she is the reason for us being here… The reason why they hurt us… We will be unstoppable together… We will get our revenge…" As the mist wrapped around her arms, she could hear the screaming from outside die and fade to silence. She couldn't resist the whispering fog from sticking to her skin, for It gave her a rush of power. It felt as if it had a mind of its own like it was eager to be unleashed; like bending cold fire… So much power on the tip of her finger tips. The mist dissipated in blue flames as the fire gushed from her arms.
"... You see now?" It whispered into her ear with a softer voice that sent chills down her spine. "Give into it, Azula…"
Deep down in her mind, a shout echoed, pulling her away from the mist and letting her get hold of herself again as the flames that danced around her arms diminished.
"Snap out of it! Come on!" She could feel her body being pulled on. As one pull felt strong enough to knock her down, she opened her eyes again to see Nozomi in front of her. She lay on the floor with her head resting against the edge of her bed, her eyes watery, and... she could smell a lingering scent of charred skin. She saw her arm.
"I… tried to stop you but…"
"I- What happened?"
"You were mumbling something again… when I tried to… your hands caught fire."
"I didn't mean that…" She knelt near Nozomi, trying to get a better look at her wounds, but she covered it up and sat on her bed.
"It's ok…"a
Azula couldn't think of much else to say. She felt uneasy and uncertain; she felt like she was gradually losing control of her actions, her thoughts. Even some of her memories seemed blurry and distant. What unsettled her more was that she couldn't tell what it was. She couldn't resist or fight it; it just happened. She feared her condition would just worsen until only a shadow of herself remained. Would… that thing take control of me? She didn't dare to answer the question, hoped it wouldn't interfere with her escape.