The shift

Azalea POV

Carter's kiss was different from Ace's, he was pouring his feelings into our kiss, I loved it in a way I couldn't describe it, I knew then and there that Carter was more than ready to be my mate, my first half, one of my life's companions.

I did the same, and parted my lips, so I can deepen the kiss... Oh my god! I couldn't help the moan that left my mouth, my insides were burning up, I wanted more, I needed more.

Suddenly I felt Ace's hands leaving my hips. I ended mine and Carter's kiss to look back at Ace, and what I saw scared me. A gasp escaped my lips at the sight of Ace's sad eyes. He was up to something, and I felt wary of whatever he had in mind.

“Ace, whatever you're thinking.... don't.” Said Carter.