Part 2 (3)

A sudden astounding vibration shook the earth with incredible strength. The deer painting canvas on the wall crashed against the floor. The petrol lamp, as well as the dishes, and the cup on the table on the left side of the room trembled.

Babida's beloved ceramic vase of roses did not withstand the wrath of the earth either. It fell off the wooden stool at the left corner of his bed and made a deafening noise that baffled his small ears.

Like a leopard, the woodsman stood off the soil and sprung toward the door, which he unlocked to have a glimpse of the outside.

The night was at its fullest. The sky was gloomy and the moon was grey, not a good omen according to the Batang empire astrology.

Trees had lost a few branches. Old roofs had succumbed to the earth strike and were torn. Even the kennel of Babida's neighbor's dog was damaged. The puppy was barking and running across the lawn frantically.