Part 3 (5)

Five hundred meters away from Okunde's west gate, they put into action their plan. Suzie went up front. Uncle Bibi slowed down. They walked as if they were perfect strangers. Suzie arrived at the checkpoint. The imperial sentinels were kind to her. She passed the control formalities and was authorized to enter the village, which she did.

A few minutes later Uncle Bibi showed up at the gate as well. He had pushed upward his fedora hat. His face was fairly visible and was not given any dubious impression. He answered without any problems the guard's inquiries and was granted access to the village.

But as he was about to step in, a sentinel who was standing a few meters away from the gate screamed: "Wait!".

Uncle Bibi halted his movement and looked in the direction of the guard who was approaching his position while parading. He was lifting his feet straight and touching the soil with assurance. His hands were swinging from the left to the right.