Part 10 (11)

The young maiden Suzie was very sad, for the attack of the walking tornado had changed all plans, including her scheduled marriage with Governor Babida the lumberjack.

However, the beautiful bride Suzie was as she had always been, that was to say reasonable. She understood very well that the priority of her groom Babida was to save the land from total destruction, first as the Stateman that he was and secondly as the national hero that people looked up to.

Moreover, he had the trust of the Emperor, His Majesty Batang V, who had appointed him Governor, the second highest position in the land, and gave him the mission to rule over Okunde village.

And also the woodsman had made history by being the first ruler of a province who was not a member of the imperial family.

Therefore under these particular circumstances, there was no way that Babida the lumberjack could have carried on with his marriage.