The Powerful Hybrid

**The Powerful Hybrid**

**Chapter Five**

Standing In Front Of A Big mirror Was Emily Beaming With a Smile You Know I Just Finished Talking About You Said, Emily. Me too said, Sam. So do You Mind Coming Inside Asked Emily With A Smile? You Mean I Can Walk Through This Mirror Asked Sam

Yeah, You Can, Just Give Me A Minute After Some Magic Spell The Mirror Beamed Another Bright Light After The Color Reduced Standing In Front Of Emily Was Sam. I Just Can't Believe I Am Here In Person With You Said Sam.

So Why Did You Summon Me, Asked Emily. I Wanted To See You, Remember I still Owe You My life. Am Going To Need Your Help With Something Said Emily. What That? I Will Do Anything answered Sam.

**Back At The Settlement **

After The War, A Group of People Were Chosen From Each Clan, (From Vampire Clan, Werewolf Clan, And Dragon Clan) The Group Of People Were Called The Punishers, and They Were Given Special Powers By The Witches Which Makes Them Almost Unstoppable Apart From That, The Punishers Were Given The Weapons To Taking Down Anybody Who Go Against The Treaty. They Were All Living On An Unknown Planet But Each of Them Have Their Boundaries. That Way No War Will Occur Again,

**In The Dragons Settlement**

Roger Was Fuming With Anger, Why Will This God damn Throne Not Accept Me, I Already Have The Mark Of Royalty Inscribed On My Arm, He Said Angrily. Get Me The Witch Now He Order His Guards, All Of Them Left With Great Speed Not Wanting To Get On Roger's Angry List. After Five minutes The Witch Was Seen Coming With The Guards. I Was Told You Want To See Me Said The Witch. Yes, Why Will This Throne Not Accept Me Asked Roger? The Witch Replied It Was Because BeforeThe Late King Died He Changed The Royal Marking And Inscribed It On His daughter Answered The Witch. I Thought To Do That You Will Need A Very Powerful Witch Asked Roger. Of Cause My King, At That Time Emily Was The Most Powerful Witch And She Helped The King Inscribed The Royal Marking On The Little Baby. Now Where Is Emily Asked Roger? She Left The Settlement With The Child And We Can't Find Them, But We Do Know They Are On Earth Answered The Witch. Okay, I Will Send My Men To Kill Emily And Bring Me The Child Said Roger. I Will Advice You Not To Do So My King. And Why Is That Asked, Roger? Because The Treaty Is Still Protecting Emily And The Child. Which Treaty? Is The Child Not A Dragon Asked Roger? Yes, She Is But Her Mother Is A Vampire/Werewolf So The Treaty Is Protecting Her. So What Am I Suppose To Do Now Asked Roger? You Will Have To Meet With The Two Kings And Present Your Idea To Them, Cause Two Of Them Are In The Same Situation With You, The Vampire King Need The Golden Blood From The Baby, And the Werewolf King Needs Her Blood. so You Guys Should Have A Meeting On How To Take Down The Punishers First Before Going to Take The Child, Answered The Witch.

**Back On Earth**

Do You Remember Silver And James? Asked Emily. Uhmm Yes I do Is It Not The Dragon King And The Werewolf/Vampire Queen Answered Sam? Yeah It Them, You Rememberer They Had A Child, Right? I Didn't Know They Had A Child But I Remember Seeing You With A Little Child Back Then. That Was Their Are Child Answered Emily. I Thought It Was Urs, Anyway What Do You Want Me To Help You With Asked Sam. I Want You To Help Me With Her, The Spell I Used On You Shortens My Life Span, So. I Have Just A Year To Live Answered Emily. I Would Help You, But I Don't Have Much Time In This World Again So Am Going To Hand Her Over To My Son Mark, Answered Sam. I Just Want Jessica To Grow Strong To Be Able To Take Down Roger And The Remaining Bad Guys Said Emily. Am Sure She Will Be Strong Like You Said Sam, Anyway Where Do You Live Asked Sam. I Live In New York Said Emily. Woah Me Too. Replied Sam. Both Of Them Exchanged Addresses, Then The Mirror On Emily's Side Was Blinking Indicating It Was Time For Sam To Go Sam Hugged Emily And Said Goodbye, Would I See you Before You Go Again? Asked, Sam. Yes, You Will replied Emily With That The mirror Took Sam Back To His House He Arrived In Front Of His Chest. And The Mirror Shattered On The Ground Because The Mirror Can Only Be Used Once. I will Get To See You Some day Sam Said To Himself

The Bell Rang Indicating The End Of Class. John Was Approaching Jennifer To Ask Her If She And Her Friend Needed A Lift. Hey, You Girls Mind Us Giving You Guys A Lift Asked John. Nope, I Am Okay You Guys Can Take Jennifer, Besides The School Bus Will Drop Me Off At Home, Jennifer Said With A Smile. Are You Sure Ask, ed Jennifer? Of Cause I Am Sure, Don't Worry About Me, I Will Call You When I Get Home Answered Jessica. Byee She Said And Walk Away. Thank God I Didn't Join The Ride. Just As The Bus Was About To Move Jennifer Jumped In, Phew That Was Close. Jessica Looked At Jennifer Waiting For Her To Speak Up. What? You Don't Expect Me To Leave My Best Friend Because Of Some Rich Guy I Am In Love With Jennifer Answered. I Would Have Been Fine Said Jessica. Okay, Should I Come Down And Go Back And Meet Them Asked Jennifer With A Frown. Come On Girl I Was Just Joking, I Would Have Been Bored To Death, Jessica Said With A Smile.

Mark And John Were On Their Way Home When Mark Asked John, Hey Bro Why Didn't The Girls Follow Us? John Answered With A Frown Because You Chased Them With Your Cold Attitude Towards Them. Which Cold Attitude Are You Talking About Asked Mark? I don't know What Going on Between You And New Girl, Last Time You Were Starring At Her, Just When I Thought You Were Going To Kiss Her Boom You Couldn't Talk, What's Going On Bro, This isn't The Mark I know. Nothing Is Wrong With Me Bro, That Girl Is Very Beautiful But She is Giving Me The Creeps. Creeps? How Bro? You Are Never Scared Of Girls. You Don't Seem To understand, That Girl Smells Royalty, Her Aura Is Getting Stronger Day By Day Bro. Why Don't You Become Her Friend Maybe You Will Get The Answers To Your Questions? Trust Me I Am Trying Bro. Is That Called Trying asked John? Bro What Do You Want Me To Do Answered Mark. Bro Bring Down Your Ego Don't Act All Rich Kid Or Big Boy To Her, Just Be Social To Her. Okay, I Will Try.

So Tell Me, Said Jennifer. Tell You What Asked Jessica. Do You Like Him Jennifer Asked? Yuck Like Who? Mark Of cause, The Way Both Of You Are Acting, You Guys Are Acting Weird. Maybe If He Stops Acting All Rich Kid, I Would Like To Be His Friend, Said Jessica.

Okay, Anyway Bye, We Will be Going To Practice Together. Later Dear

Jessica Arrived At Home And Meet Emily Waiting For Her At Door Step With A Huge Smile. Welcome, Sweetie, How Was School? Fine Mom, Can I Ask Why You Are So Happy Today. Am Always This Happy. Mum, You Looked Like Someone Who Has Just Been Asked On A Date, But I Am Happy To See A Smile On You Face, It has Been Long since I Saw You Like This. Thanks, Dear, I Will Always Be Like This From Now She Said With A Smile. Mom Jennifer Would Be Coming For Dinner Today If That is Okay With You. Of Cause I Am Okay With That, When Will She Be Coming. We Will Be Coming Together After Practice. Okay, I Will Be Expecting You Guys. Okay, Mom.

Jennifer's Phone Rang, Picking The Call She Recognized The Familiar Voice.

Hello Jessica, Come And Pick Me Up From Our Usual Spot I Want To Come Over To Your House. Really, Okay I Am Coming Dear Just Wait For Me

Hell Boys, Welcome Back, How Was School Asked Anna

School Was Fine Where is Dad Asked John. He Is Fine, Must Mark Always Be Rude, I Just Greet You Guys And He Played Deaf To My Greetings, Am Just Wanting To Be Nice Here Said Anna. Mark Is Not In A Very Good Mode Today, but Maybe Some Other Time. Okay, I Pray He Stops His Rude Attitude. Anna Said And Went To Arrange John And Mark's Food For Them

Jessica Was Patiently Waiting For Jennifer. When She Saw Her From Afar She Waved And Was Walking Forward. Hey, Girl, What's Up I Am Fine. Just As Jennifer And Jessica Were Going Walking They Saw Some Group Of Guys Trailing Them, Do You See Those Guys Trailing Us Asked Jennifer. Yes, I See Them Let's Just Pretend Not To See Them. Just As Jessica Finished Talking One Of The Guys Point A Gun At Them I Told Them To Lie Down.