"Alice at night we are going to leave the city "

"why can't we go now "

"umbrella closed the whole city now and also the city is getting contaminated by virus "

" Can't we warn the public ? :

" Do you think umbrella will allow that "

" They don't want others to know their mistakes "

" For that they will do anything "

" And also we don't have any evidence "

"can't we stop the virus " asked Alice

"we can't "

" How can we stop it it may already started spreading "

" Alice why do you trust me that much?"

hearing that Alice thought for a second and answered

"I don't know but i know i can trust you"

"Thanks alice for believing me"

" so Alex can you tell me about yourself "

"So you want to know about me"

"Yes i am very curious "

"Sit down It may time " as Alice sat down next to Alex

" Well from start i have many powers and one of them is immortality and I cannot die and I have telekinesis which is powerful enough to crush this city and i can control fire and many things i forgot and I also have telepathy "

" So you can read my mind ??" feeling that she is completely naked in front of Alex

So he can read mind ?

Not only that he can crush this city ?

What the hell ?

Isn't he too powerful?

"No i don't read anyone mind I respect other people Privacy "

who want to read other people mind

i don't want my filled with other people thoughts

I don't mind Seeing what Alice is thinking

while thinking Alex smiled

" Why are smiling? "

" Nothing "

" So you are walking Nuke "

" Yes pretty much more dangerous than nuke "

" So are you afraid of me "

" If you are some one i may be afraid of you but Alex i know you don't harm any one and you are kind "

Hearing that Alex smiled and said

" It seems like i you have good impression me "

" Yes so what "

" It is nothing i am thinking about how to make you fall in love "

hearing that Alice became shy and didn't say anything not getting any answer Alex said

" May i take that as yes "

For that Alice didn't say anything and ran to her room seeing that Alex smile and said

"so Alice go and prepare we are leaving to tonight "

After Alice gone to her room


it is so exciting

Alice said i can pursue her

Yeah ! finally i can get my dream girl to fall in love

Although she didn't say anything i have time to make her fall in love

Soon time passes and it became night

" Alice let's go we are leaving "

hearing that Alex came out of her room and said

" So Alex are we leaving "

" Yes and also it seems that the umbrella didn't stop Virus outbreak "

"What do you mean ?"

" The city is filled with zombies now "

hearing that Alice thought

what the hell ?

Isn't this too fast ?

what do you mean the whole city is filled with zombies

So how are we going to escape ?

And why are you so calm ?

Forgot he is like a walking nuke even nuclear bomb can't harm what can these zombies do

" So we have to escape from this city which is filled with zombies "

" Pretty much "

" Why are you so calm "

" If i want to i can make this city disappear within second and why do i have to be afraid "

" The only thing that stopping me from foing that is people in the city "

I am not mass murder

i can't destroy the city when there are people in it

And also umbrella will bomb this city why bother

" So Alice do want some weapons "

" Yes do you have any "

" Here take this "

as Alex took out the weapons from inventory

" Where did you take them out from "

"I have a space with where i can store many things "

" Wow is there any thing you can't do "

what space to store things ?

isn't that awesome?

" There are many things i can't do "

"let's go "

As Alex took alice hand and came out of his room and and came to ground floor and saw it was empty

"It seems like eveyone left the town "

" it seems like that "

while Alex and Alice are talking a zombie came from behind Alex who heard this caught the zombie with telekinesis

"Alice it seems like all people are turned into this mindless zombies "

"Damn that virus has spread this fast "

" we underestimated it "

As alex crushed the zombie skrull and came out of hotel and saw cars which are crashed on the road and dead bodies on the ground and zombies moving toward them and killed all of them with telekinesis


" let's go Alice "