Alex took out food from inventory and sat around the campfire Carlos and Claire also sat facing the campfire all sat around the campfire and started eating food given by Alex

"So are you human or not? "

"You know it rude to ask that a person you just met "

"This is for our group safety we cannot let a man with unknown powers stay with us "

"Well what you said is pretty much true then i will answer your first question "

"I am not human "

"Then what are you ?"

"Forget it you will not believe it "

"You can say it what is there not to believe in this with world filled with undead "

"I am dragon you should have heard of me in fairy tale "

Claire who heard this thought

what you are a dragon ?

If you don't want to say it just say i will not say

why are saying you are a creature from fairy tale

Seeing the face of Claire

"You i don't believe me do you ? "

"Yes nobody will believe that "

"Guys can you stop about that "

" So Alex what do you want to talk about ?" Asked Carlos

"I want to talk about future plans "

"You should have heard of radio transmission about Arcaida a place without virus and plenty of food and safe place to live with survivors in Alaska "

" Yes we heard it " Said Carlos

"Then what do you think about that place a place without virus and food "

"So you want to take us there ? " Asked Carlos

" Do you need how much time it requires to travel to Alaska "

" We don't need a pipe dream which cannot be fulfilled " Said Clarie

" It is not a pipe dream that place really exists "

" And humans need a dream to survive and think about future "

"Well for now that place has some problems "

Alex remembered according to the plot that place should be under the control of Umbrella and that ship is also a nice place to live why not invade and it and take it from them

" What is the problem? " asked Carlos

" That place should be under the control of Umbrella "

" What Umbrella ? why would they setup a safe place " Said Clarie not believing Umbrella would do such a good thing

" Of course to collect humans for experiments "

" Fuck that rotten cooperation " cursed Clarie

" So you want to us to go that place ?" Said clarie

"Yes and Arcaida is not a place it is a ship which can support all living conditions "

" You mean it is not in Alaska " asked Carlos

" No now it is in Alaska at this coordinates " Alex showed a book which has its coordinates

Alex got this book following the orignal plot where Alice got this

" we will not take that risk " Said Clarie

" There is no need for you take the risk i will take you there safely "

" I have all things prepared for this plan "

"I cannot make decisions for the group i will ask for all members opinion " Said Clarie

" Take your time i also have somethings to finish "

"What is that Alex ?" Asked Carlos

" To kill issac there is a laboratory near here i will destroy it "

"He is sending his men after me continuously it is very annoying "

" There are like some undying cockroach coming after one after another "

" It is very annoying "

" What did you do for them to follow you like that " Asked claire

" I destroyed their bases "

" How many ?"

" Not very much I destroyed all their bases in soth America and Mexico "

What you destroyed that many of their bases ?

Then it pretty understandable why there are following you like that

"There is nothing wrong with what they are doing " Said clarie

" Yes anyone would do the same " Said Carlos

" Yes sometimes i feel like Alex is villan and Umbrella is a innocent organization " Said Alice

" Hey you guys are supposed to be on my side "

" And Alice stop supporting them "

With laughs the four of them continued their dinner

After dinner

" Carlos can you call LJ to meet me here "

" Okay "

Carlos came to ambulance where LJ was staying and knocked

" LJ come out Alex asked you to meet him "

Then the door opened LJ came out

" Okay "

After 2 minute walk LJ came to where Alex was sitting and saw Alex was sitting alone Alex sent Alice to sleep as he has some work to do and in his eyes the pentagram magic circle was rotating seeing LJ came Alex lifted his head

" LJ you should know you are infected "

" No! it is just a scratch " Said LJ nervously

" LJ you should know i can see clearly virus in your body "

" I know you are scared of dying but you should be aware what you are doing can also be dangerous to others "

" Now you can go i removed the virus in your body don't repeat this mistake in future "

"Thank you Alex "

" There is no need for that try to be careful in future "

After LJ left Alex closed his eyes and used his telepathy scanned the surroundings and continued increasing range an soon a underground laboratory came into his view through a person eyes

" Found you issac "