At night a man was sitting in front of campfire with his eyes closed and suddenly opened his eyes and said

" Found you Isaac "

This man is none other than Alex

"Tomorrow is the last day for him to live on the earth "

" Now what to do about Arcadia? "

" Although i said i will take care of it but the power and water in the ship is problem "

" They will run out soon "

" What to do ? "

" Let's ask the system about the power problem "

"System is there any power source with inexhaustible energy"

[ Yes host there are many energy sources ]

[ But it is advised not to bring them into the world ]

" why ?"

[ Host unimaginable power causes conflicts due to human greed ]

[Power makes people to loose their rationality ]

[ So it is advised to buy a power source which will be depleted in decades ]

Alex who heard this also thought

Yes he was thinking naively

Now due to undead , people are united but after the problem is solved

They will start War over resources

How could he forget such a thing

Human greed is the cause of all problems

" So system are there are any source like that "

[ Yes host the Arc reactor from Marvel universe ]

Wow !

The Arc reactor which was invented by Tony Aka iron man

This thing can provide the whole battle suit and it can produce 5 billon joules

It is a perfect thing

" System how much is the Arc reactor costs ?"

[ 15,000 shop points ]

" How much shop points i have ? "

Alex stopped checking his status as he came to world as he pretty much powerful and also obtained by killing zombies during this 1 year

[ 1,000,345 shop points ]

Wow !

I have this many

Well i did kill a lot of zombies in this 1 year

" Buy it "

[ Arc reactor is stored in the inventory ]

Alex took out the Arc reactor from the inventory

" Wow it is really unbelievable to think such a small thing can provide that much power "

" I do have say the technology in Marvel is far ahead of other Worlds "

" System what function does the system fragment of this world contain "

[ I don't know but it is a very good thing for host ]

Hearing this Alex sighed and said

" I have to travel to other continents after this trip "

" I hope to find them as soon as possible "

Alex sat there thinking about how to manage the ship

" If i remember correctly there is white queen the artificial intelligence in the issac lab "

"She is quite a good A.I and good fit for the ship management "

Time passes quickly and it is now morning

Alex felt that some flying creatures started appearing around the camp

" It is good thing i came yesterday otherwise the group would have suffered heavily "

Alex caught all crows that appeared around the camp in the mid air and decided to deal with them before the group woke up

And with a thought all crows was burned to ashes

[ Killed 1245 mutated crows and obtained 1500 shop points]

Soon the group woke up and came out of their vehicles

Kmart was the first one to came out and saw Alex was sitting alone and came towards him

" Mister you didn't sleep ? " asked Kmart

" I don't need to sleep and i was dealing with some annoying creatures "

"What are those creatures ?"

" You don't need to worry i dealt with them "

" So Kmart do you want to go a place without virus and have plenty of food to eat "

" Is there such a place ? "asked Kmart excitedly

Who wouldn't want a safe place ?

" Yes i am going to take you all there "

" Now your group is going to make that decision "

" Really "

After sometime Claire assembled the group and seeing all arrived she said

" I have an announcement to make "

" There is a place where there is no virus in Alaska "

" There is also food and there also other survivors "

" And we had to make a decision to either travel to that place or stay the way we are "

" And this decision is too important for me to make "

" So i want to ask for your opinion "

"Those who agree with going to Alaska can raise your hands " said Claire

Hearing the announcement for a minute they discussed and all members raised their hands

" Then it is decided we are going to Alaska "

All members shouted with excitement hearing the announcement and Claire came to Alex and said

" I hope you can keep your promise "

" Yes i will take all of you there "

" But we don't have resources to travel there " Said Carlos

" There is no need for that we are going by helicopter to Alaska "

" Where are we going to get helicopter? " asked Claire

Hearing that Alex had a sadistic smile and seeing that smile

"Alex are you thinking of stealing from Umbrella ?"

" Yes Alice you know me very well don't call it stealing i am just borrowing them for something good "

" There is a base near here and we are going to raid --cough ! i mean we are going to ask them "

with a crazy smile thinking of killing that annoying issac

No you totally said raid them ?

Even though they are bad guys why do we feel you are the bad guy

And what is with your smile

Are we really going to be okay with him ?

thought the group who saw Alex smile

" Alice is he always like that ? " asked Carlos who came to Alice side

" Yes whenever we deal with enemies his personality turn into like this "

" Sometimes i feel bad for them "

" Is he that cruel ? " asked Claire

" Yes it is a massacre he will not give them any chance to fight back "

" What are we waiting for let's go and kill those son of bitches " Said Alex