Chapter 53 : End of Mummy world part 1


According to the voting of comments most people wanted Percy Jackson world as next world

So I have decided it as the Next world

If you guys want any other world you can mention it in comments , I will try to write it after Percy Jackson

then let's continue our story


"What is that deal ?"

"We have to let Emperor recover his powers , and revive his army "

"What the hell , are you talking about ?" said Zi yuan with a angry expression

How can she let Emperor revive ?

Did my daughter lost her mind ?

"Mom , listen to me "

"What do you have to say ?"

"He said he will deal with Emperor after his revival "

"You can believe him mom, he is really god "

"You can't believe , I also saw you cursing the emperor 2000 years ago "

"Then I also dad execution , and he saved him "

Hearing that Zi yuan was in shock she knows turning back time is not a trivial thing for him to turn back time , she cannot imagine , how powerful he is

"Then okay "

Then Zi yuan came to Alex and bowed her head

"Thank you for bringing back my husband to life "

"There is no need for that , Lin and my friends are going to become a family in future "

"isn't that Alex and Lin ?"

Hearing that both Alex and Lin became shy and lowered their heads

"What is going on ?" asked Evy

"Nothing , you are going to get a daughter in law soon "

"Is it true Alex , you have to give explanation for this " said Evy dragging Alexander

"You love giving troubles to others , aren't you ?" asked Alice

"Yes , I love it , especially couple , I love creating troubles for them " said Alex with a big smile

"Sister , he didn't change , he love teasing others " said Ruby

"Yes , his behaviour didn't change at all " said Alice with a smile

"But that is what make my brother special "

"Well , you can say that , see how much you have changed , since meeting him "

"Yes "

" Okay guys , time to eat " said Alex

While eating Evy asked

"So Alex , how long are you going to stay ?"

"I am going to stay for a month to rest "

"After that I am going to a new world for my adventure "

"Can I also come with you ?" asked Alice

"No, you cannot come with me , you may not know "

"There are some worlds , in which people can destroy planets with a thought so it is dangerous '"

"Okay " said Alice

"Are there really , people like that ?"

"Yes , in this vast universe there are many mysterious beyond human understanding "

"Can these from other world come to this world ?" asked Zi yuan

"No, each world is separated by dimensional barriers which cannot be destroyed "

"So , how can you travel to other worlds ? "

"I am special "

While the group were talking Alex sensed someone approaching and said

"All of you , go and hide , they are coming "

All of them nodded and hide in a place and soon the Emperor and the Chinese soldiers came and seeing no one

Emperor came to the pool and walked straight into it and soon a three headed dragon came out of pool and flew out of the cave and the yang who is the leader was about to go pool but was turned to dust and following him all soldiers turned to dust

"As always dealt with them in the blink of an eye " said Oconnell

"Yeah , no matter , how many times i see it it is unbelievable "

Seeing the scene Lin came to Alexander and Asked him

"Is your uncle really that powerful ?"

"Yes , he is really powerful "

"Okay let's go and stop this mummy and go home "

"All of you board the plane "

"I am going to beat that Emperor until ,even his mommy will not able to recognize him " said Alex with a sadistic smile

"I am feeling pity for that Emperor " said Alice seeing the Alex smile

She knew , whenever Alex was like this the enemies will suffer

" yes , the emperor is unlucky to face Alex " Said Oconnell remembering the scorpion king fight

"Is he really that brutal ?" asked Lin

"Yes , it will be like a one side massacre "

"Yes , he is very cruel to his enemies " said Alice

"Yeah , sometimes i feel that my brother is a villain " said Luna

"What you said is true , anyone will think he is a bad person , after seeing that smile " said Zi yuan

"But don't worry he is like this only to his enemies "

"yes "

"What are you all guys talking about ? let's go " said Alex

"Okay " said All

"So , do we need anything for the fight ? " asked Oconnell

"No you don't need anything , you just need to watch the emperor getting his ass beaten by me "

"Okay , then we will watch it " said Oconnell

"So , where are we going ?" asked Evy

"The place where Alex found the Emperor "

"He is going to revive his army , so we are going there "

"I kill his army in front of him , and then kill him "