Chapter 60 : Game

At Olympus

In the main temple

With Zeus as center all 12 gods were having meeting

" Brother are you the lightning in the camp of half blood" asked poseidon

"No , It is not me "

" Then who is it ? "

" It is someone , they used the lightning without the use of lightning bolt " ssid Zeus with a grim expression

" Are you saying, there is someone who can use lightning "

" Yes , he may be a powerful god as me "

" Then must we investigate about this new god ?"

" No , first the theif must return the lightning bolt "

" My son is not the theif " said Poseidon

" He has still 13 days to return the bolt to me "

" Othewise there will be a war "

At the half blood camp

" Hero's ! and warriors ! gather " said Chiron loudly gathering the people attention

" Today we have a new member joining "

" This is Alex , who willbe joining us "

Then Alex who was wearing the armor came

" So he needs a team to join "

Alex saw Annabeth was giving him a very angry look and seeing this

" Chiron can't I join red team "

" No , you will join the blue team "

" You are purposely making things hard for me , aren't you ? "

" Yes "

" We will take him into our group " said a person with light blond hair and slightly handsome face

" My name is Luke , son of hermes and team leader "

" Hello , my name is Alex "

" Okay , Luke take care of Alex " said Chiron

" Okay give him helmet "

" Hey , Alex why is she watching you like that ? " asked Luke watching Annabeth

" You could say , she will kill me if you give her a chance "

" Whoa you pissed her that much "

" Yes , so what do we need to do in this game "

" We have to capture the enemy flag "

" Now the team are ready "

" Guards your flag well and don't get injured that much "

" Start the game "

After the game started all blue team members left Alex alone and ran away seeing this Alex thought

Aren't we supposed be a team ?

Why are you leaving me behind ?

Alex caught Luke and asked

" Why are they running away from me ? "

" They heard that you mane Annabeth angry , so they don't want to stay near you "

" Can you leave me Alex I have a game to win "

"Okay "

Then Alex was left alone in the middle of the trees

" Well I better hide from her "

while Alex was finding a place to hide he saw the red team flag at a place

" Is it this easy to get the flag ? "

While thinking that Alex came towards the flag the red team surrounded him slowly

" Do you think it's that easy to get flag " said Annabeth

" As I thought it is a trap "

" Yes , I'm daughter of Athena, goddess of wisdom "

" Trapping enemy is also a battle strategy "said Annabeth

" Annabeth I'm really sorry about last night can't we forget about it "

" We can forget it after you defeat me "

" Really? "

" Yes "

" Then see back my team is coming "

Then all turned backwards to see no one

" Ha ha you are all fooled " said Alex as he ran towards the flag

" Stop him " said Annabeth

The red team came towards to stop him but Alex dodged all their attacks and successfully caught the red flag

" Yeah , we won " ssid Alex swinging the flag

At the same time all blue team members shouted

" We won "

At the same time a sword was slashed at Alex and Alex dodged it and said

" Hey , you said you will forgive me "

" Why are you still attacking me ?"

" I didn't say anything about stopping fight with you "

" You really twisted your worlds "

" If your are the daughter of goddess of wisdom , then I'm god of running "

" Bye bye " said Alex and ran away from there

But this time Annabeth also followed him

" Stop , if you are a man fight "

" No , I will not , I'm not good at dealing with girl's "

" I'm not not like other girls "

" That's why I'm running, from you "

" You you stop there for me " said Annabeth while running

" Do you think I will stop for you, stop ---------- " before he could finish his sentence he tripped due to a tree root and fell down

" Caught you Alex " said Annabeth pointing the sword at Alex head 15 cm away from his head

" Annabeth can we talk about it "

" Yes , we can , seeing your face I'm getting both happy and angry "

" Then please remove anger it's not good for your health "

" Okay , then I will beat you until my anger is completely gone "

"No you can't do that "

" Why ? I caught you , now I will punish you for what you did "

" It is an accident "

" Then this is also an accident "

" You really are the daughter of , goddess of wisdom "

" Then let's start your punishment "

"No !!!!!" shouted Alex

After an hour

Alex was walking with Annabeth with holes all over his clothes and Annabeth was smiling

" You really didn't go easy on me "

" Why would I go easy on a strong opponent "

" You said you were happy seeing me "

" Why is that ? "

" I don't know about it "

When Alex was about to ask another question Grover came there and said

" Alex , Annabeth really didn't go easy on you huh ? "

" Can't you see by looking at my clothes? "

" And stop laughing "

" It is the first time I saw a god in such state , so I cannot able to stop it "

Annabeth who heard this had a shock

" Grover , what did you say ? "