Chapter 67: Underworld Map

Percy took the paper from the box and closed the box.

Percy opened the folded paper and saw the map of the United States, which began to glow in one place. Which showed Auntie Em's Garden Emporium.

"This map shows the location of these pearls in America," said Luke as Percy opened the map.

"After you collect the first pearl, it shows the location of another pearl."

"After collecting three pearls, the map can show you the way to the underworld "

" But there are only three pearls in America. So only three can go to the underworld "

" So who is going to drop out? "

Hearing that the four became silent and Alex thought

'System can you analyze this pearl and make the same pearl as it? ' asked Alex as the System can do anything as long as enough shop points are provided.

[I can do it host, but for that, the pearl is needed ]

'Okay ' thought Alex

"One will be enough for us, I have a way of making it work for all of us," said Alex as he thought it is better rather than travelling to the three places to collect the three pearls.

According to his memory, Percy's group faced a lot of problems while collecting pearls, so he decided not to travel to those areas where danger was present. Even though he can easily solve them with his power, it is annoying to deal with them.

Luke asked "How is it possible? Those pearls were made by gods, and you certainly couldn't mess with them so easily." with confusion.

How can you mess with things that are made by God? Thoughts from Luke.

"I have a way, but it's a secret," said Alex, as he cannot say, he has a way to produce those pearls with the help of the system.

"Is that true, are you not joking?" Luke asked as he could not believe Alex's statement.

"No, I'm not joking, I can do it "

"Alex, you should know that we demi-gods cannot mess with things made by gods. If it's not handled properly you will all end up in the underworld trapped forever" said Luke warning Alex.

"Demi-gods may not be able to, but I have a way," said Alex as he said mysteriously

"Alex, do you have a way ? " asked Annabeth, hearing that Percy and Grover also turned their heads towards Alex.

They also want to know if Alex can do that. It can also save them time from having to travel to various places if he can do that.

"I can do it, did you all forget who I'm ?" asked Alex as he thought did these guys forget I'm god?

Alex is God. How can we forget that?

Since he is a god, it may possible for him through the Percy Group

"Okay Alex we believe you, "said the three since they trusted Alex

"Are you guys believing that?" asked Luke

They must be having some sort of brain issue. How can you believe such a statement? Thought Luke

"Yes, we believe Alex "

"Okay, since you guys are the travelling, you have the final say," said Luke as he gave up on the group

Then Luke took the map and did some changes and returned the map to Percy.

"Okay, now this map will show you the way to the underworld after you collect the first pearl."

"Since you are going to the underworld, I have a thing which may be helpful for you," said Luke

Luke handed Percy the shield on the table and said

"This is my favourite shield, it can protect you well," said Luke handing over a shield to Percy and then Percy took the shield and said

"Thank you, man."

"Nah, don't worry about it."

"Since you are heading to the underworld, if you see my dad on the way kick his ass for me," said Luke. Hearing that Percy did not say anything and just nodded

"Then we will take our leave," said Alex

As they were about to leave Alex felt hostility towards him from Luke. As he turned his head he saw Luke smiling.

'There is something fishy about this guy 'thought Alex as he showed hostility towards him and decided to deal with him after the trip.

The group then left the cabin and came to the camp's entrance. Then Alex said

"What is the first location of the pearl?"

"Yeah! Percy, what is the first location?" asked Grover

"Auntie Em's Garden Emporium," said Percy as he remembered the location of the first pearl when he first opened the map.

"So, how are we able to get there?" asked Grover

"By using public transportation, what else is there?" asked Percy

"I have a better idea than that, and you will love it," said Alex as he saw all the cars in the inventory, these are all collected by him in a resident evil world.

"What is that?" asked Annabeth curiously

"It is a surprise," said Alex

"Alex, we are reaching the highway, so where is your surprise?" asked Annabeth as the group came out of the forest.

"Here it is," said Alex as he selected a car from the inventory.

Suddenly, a car appeared in front of them.

It was a black car with a smooth surface and a Benz symbol on the front and the surface of the car reflected moonlight at night.

Seeing the car all were shocked. It was the first time they had come across a car like this. Seeing this Alex said

"How is it? Are you surprised?"

"Alex, where did this car come from?" asked Annabeth with a shocked expression on her face.

"That is not relevant, Alex. Where did you get this car? I didn't see this type of car anywhere," said Percy.

"Yeah, man this car seems to be very expensive," said Grover

"That is not relevant now, who is getting to drive this car?" said Alex showing the key in his hand.

Annabeth took the key from Alex's hand and said

"I'm going to drive it, does anyone object?" with a smile on her face

The three nodded agreeing to that

"Okay, then it's decided," said Annabeth as she sat in the driver seat and Alex sat in the front seat and Percy Grover sat in the back

"Okay let's go and get the first pearl," said Alex