Chapter 70 : Dealing with Medusa (2)

Percy, Annabeth and Grover followed Alex as he walked towards the lawn. While observing the surroundings, Alex arrived at the spot where Medusa had stood previously. But she was not there

"Guys be alert, this is where I last saw her "

"Okay "

Then with his super hearing, Alex heard footsteps approaching them. Then he shouted

"Close your eyes now."

The three closed their eyes immediately without saying anything

"Oh, what do we have here?" said Medusa who came slowly walking towards them and stopped five steps away from them.

"It seems I'm gonna have to add two half-gods and a satyr to my collection," said Medusa ignoring Alex

She cannot perceive Alex's powers because he differs from other gods, so she views him as a mere mortal. And completely ignore his presence

"Daughter of Athena, the woman who cursed me"

"I'm adding you to my collection of statues." with anger as she remembered the woman who cursed her and caused her to become like this.

"Medusa you can't add them to your collection," said Alex

Hearing that Medusa frowned and looked at Alex. Although she couldn't sense anything special about him.

"Who are you?"

"You don't need to know, now hand over the pearl which is in your hand," said Alex.

"Why would I do that?" said Medusa with a sneer

"If you want to live you have to do that."

"Do you think you can kill me?"

"Do you want to try?" said Alex as he exposed his divinity and forced Medusa onto her knees with his pressure.

Due to the pressure Medusa fell on her knees not being able to stand up

'Who is he ?'

'He can easily kill me, and what is this power?'

'He is a powerful god, I can't mess with him ' thought Medusa with fear in her eyes.

When Alex saw Medusa who was kneeling on the ground Alex smiled and said

"So do you want to try now?"

Then Medusa hurriedly lifted her head and said

"No no, please don't, I will give it to you" with fear in her eyes

"Okay guys, you can open your eyes now," said Alex as Medusa can't do anything now unless she wants to die.

The three opened their eyes after hearing Alex and saw Medusa who was kneeling on the ground. They thought about how powerful Alex must have been to make her kneel on the ground

"Didn't you want my friends in your collection?"

"No, it was my mistake. Please don't take it into your heart and spare me," said Medusa with deep fear in her eyes.

"So what do you guys think?" asked Alex

"I think you should finish her Alex. Look how many innocents she turned into stones," said Annabeth pointing towards the statues.

"Yeah, she is right we can't spare her. She also wanted to turn us into stone," said Grover.

"No, you can't" shouted Medusa trying to stand up and escape

"It seems your fate is decided," said Alex as he activated his eyes and slowly Medusa's body began to turn into dust.

Feeling that her body was turning to dust

She screamed "Noooooooo" as she died

Only her clothes remained on the ground where she was kneeling, as well as the pearl.

"Grover, hurry up and bring that pearl,"

"Okay," said Grover and walked towards the pearl and picked it up from the ground.

" Okay, I got it," said Grover showing the pearl

"Now give it to me, I have something to do with it," said Alex as he asked for the pearl.

"here " as Grover handed the pearl to Alex

Alex took the pearl

'System scan this '

[Analyzing the pearl]

[Analysis completed]

[Detected space principle, which allows the transfer of users to travel between the underworld and the living world]

[copying the principle and creating the pearl]

[Do you want to use 1000 points to create the pearl?]

'Yes create five pearls'

Which is for his group and Percy's mother

[Creating pearls]

[Perals creation completed]

[5000 points are used]

[Remaining points are 80,570,000]

Seeing the remaining points, Alex was again surprised at how many points he had collected in the resident evil world.

Then five pearls appeared floating on Alex's hand. Seeing this again they were amazed by how powerful he is.

"See, the pearls are ready, now we can go to the underworld for Percy's mom "

"How did you do it?" asked Annabeth

"It's one of my abilities," said Alex without saying anything about the system.

"Since we got the pearls, now we can go to the underworld."


"Percy open the map and find the location of the way to the underworld "

As Percy opened the map, a place appeared that showed Hollywood Mountain.

"The way to the underworld is at Hollywood Mountain "

"Okay, let's go since we know the location."

Then the four got into the car and the car began to move towards their destination which is Hollywood Mountain, where the way to the underworld was present.