Chapter 79 : End of Percy Jackson world part 1

At night

Above the sky in Olympus

Two figures are flying in the sky with lightning around them.

These two figures are none other than Alex and Zeus who were fighting previously.

"Who are you? and what do you want ?" asked Zeus with lightning around.

"I only wanted to discuss something, but you did not listen due to your arrogance," said Alex as lightning and fire gathered in his hands

"So I decided to teach you a lesson. Because of your arrogance, you caused many problems."

"Also I don't like you that much, so I'm gonna beat you until I get satisfied "

"Let's see who's gonna beat who," said Zeus as he summoned lightning in the clouds and attacked Alex.

Seeing the attack Alex did not move, but let the attack hit him

Lightning struck Alex. Seeing this Zeus became happy since no one could escape the damage caused by the lightning.

"Did it work?"

As soon as a sound was heard, the happy thoughts stopped.

"it seems you are too happy, after seeing me get struck by lightning," said Alex as the lightning dissipated

Seeing Alex unharmed, Zeus was terrified

"How can this happen? you were hit by my lightning, why are you still fine?" as he does not believe the attack did not cause any harm to Alex.

"Your lightning is too weak to do any damage to me, now get ready to get beaten up by me "

Alex had taken advantage of Zeus's lightning being too weak to do any damage. He knew that Zeus wouldn't be able to react in time and he took the opportunity to punch him in the stomach Zeus flew back because of Alex's physical strength.

He tried to block the attack, but he felt like he was hit by a mountain and can't able to stop.

While Zeus flew backwards, Alex came behind him fastly and punched him in the back, in this way Alex abused Zeus using his physical strength.

After some time

Zeus was standing in front of Alex with injuries and bruises all over and blood coming from his mouth, Alex felt satisfied with testing his physical strength, this is the first time he fought someone using this much strength. Since he became a god.

"So are you convinced, or do you want to fight again?"

"No, no don't I don't want to get beaten up again, please spare me," said Zeus as he lost his previous arrogance due to Alex's beating.

"So I heard there is a law which prevents meetings between gods and their mortal offspring"

"yes, there is to prevent gods from becoming more human "

"What is that bullshit? You just don't want them to develop human emotions so that they longer stay in Olympus "

"You just want to observe them closely, so that no one will aim for your throne."

"I want you to terminate that law," said Alex

"Yes, I agree."

"I also don't want you to cause any problems in the future like this," said Alex as he caused a fierce storm in the sky that enveloped the entire Olympus.

"Otherwise I will destroy the entire Olympus," said Alex

Seeing this, Zeus had a cold sweat, because he felt the storm would destroy all of Olympus if it struck.

"Yes, Yes I understand," said Zeus hurriedly

"Then let's go," said Alex as the storm disappeared and the sky began to clear again.

After 5 minutes

Alex and Zeus entered the hall and saw Percy and Annabeth talking to his father and her mother.

Seeing Zeus' tattered look, the gods were about to ask some questions

"All of you disperse," said Zeus to hide his embarrassed look

All the gods disappeared as they heard the command. Only Athena and Poseidon were left as they were talking with Percy and Annabeth.

After that Zeus also disappeared to tend to his wounds.

At the Percy side

Seeing Zeus, Posideon asked

"Percy, where did you meet that god ?" not understanding where did powerful god come from.

"I met him at school," said Percy as it's the truth

At Annabeth's side

"Annabeth, do you love him?" asked Athena

Hearing that, Annabeth became embarrassed and nodded her head.

"Good girl, you chose a good husband."

"Mom, I did not tell him that I like him "

"Daughter you have to hurry, there is a scarcity of guys like him "

"If you lose this opportunity, you will regret it "

"Also he seemed to be a strong and nice god, as he did not have arrogance like other gods"

"Okay, mom I will try my very best. "

"That is my daughter," said Athena