Chapter 85 : Wand selection

"Oh, what a humble young wizard," said Olivander

Then Olivander said

"Which hand is your dominant hand?"

"Right hand," said Hermione stretching her right hand

Then Olivander took a tape and measured Hermione's hand. Then he took out a wand from the shelf and said

"Try this, 11 inches made with pine wood and dragon nerves as a core " handing over the wand to Hermione.

"How can we know,that a wand is suitable or not ?" asked Alex

"You will know it ,you can feel it "

Taking the wand Hermonie shot a confused look at Olivander, wondering what to do with the wand.

"Wave it, young wizard"

Then Hermonie waved the wand in the shelves direction


The shelf became a mess, but Olivander did not care and

"Try this," he said, handing another wand to Hermione

Hermione took the wand and waved it and a bright light came out of it

"Perfect match for you, 10¾ long, made of vine wood, and possessing a dragon heartstring core," said Olivander explaining the wand.

"You will achieve great success in your future with this wand," said Olivander

When Hermione's wand selection was over, Alex came to the front desk. Olivander took Alex's hand measurements and noted them down, then took a couple of wands from the shelf.

"Try this."

Alex received a wand from Ollivander. As Alex waved the wand, Alex waved it, and then the wand broke.

Alex and Olivander were shocked to see this. This was the first time Olivander saw a wand broken like this.

'It must be because of my high mana, which is more than the strongest wizards ' thought Alex.

"Sorry, Mr Olivander I broke this wand," said Alex handing the Wand to Olivander

Olivander took the wand and saw the core damaged and said

"Mr Alex is very great that the wand was not able to bear it and broke "

"Try this," he said, handing another wand

Same as the first wand it broke. Seeing this Olivander had a smile

"I like picky customers like you, wait a minute I have a special wand for you "

Then he walked inside and began to search through the shelves, and took out an old box and opened it

"Try this."

Alex took the Wand and waved it. He felt that the magic power in his body started to flow into the wand. Blue lightning came out of the wand.

The lightning that came out of the wand took the shape of a dragon and roared


Then disappeared, seeing the dragon form, everyone was shocked, even Alex because that is his dragon form

'It seems that this wand is not so simple,' thought Alex as he touched the wand in his hand.

"Wonderful Mr Alex, it seems that this wand chose you "

"This wand was made by the founder of Olivander wand shop. This wand body of a mysterious wood, which he found during his journey "

"The wood has some special characteristics and it always disrupts the magic flow, which causes wizards to be unable to perform magic, thus it's named chaos wood which is also unique during ancient times "

"But it also has a major advantage, that is the magic used by this is more powerful than another wand "

"My ancestor was the first one to make a wand out of it successfully and its core is made of dragon heart and the lightning beast "

"This wand didn't select any wizard until now, it seems to be destined to be yours "

"Can I take such a precious wand?" asked Alex

"Yes, since the wand chose you, you can take it."

"Thank you," said Alex

"20 galleons for the two wands "

After that, Alex paid for the galleons and left the shop.

They then left Diagon Alley and returned to their respective homes.

Alex then put all the things he had brought into the box and it shrank to the size of a matchbox.

Seeing Alex again appreciated how powerful auxiliary magic was in the HP world.

'System what is this wand made of?'

[The wand is made of chaos wood, which is the same as your bloodline]

'Why, I think the Chaos force is unique and not present everywhere, why is it present in such a low-level world?' We're unable to comprehend how such a precious material can exist in such a world.

[Host in every world there may be chaos present since it's existed since the beginning of the universe]

Hearing the System explanation, Alex held the wand and used a simple spell and he noticed that he could use magic more effectively now. Although he could do this without a wand, since it may cause suspicions of others, he didn't want to attract the attention of the entire magic world.

He is quite weak now; he doesn't want to face the wizards, and due to his large magic capacity, he became a lab rat instead.

Because of the knowledge of magic, he gained in the previous world, he can use all the spells of Hogwarts and also all spells in this HP world.

But that didn't stop Alex from attending Hogwarts.

Who didn't want to attend that magical school?

That too when Alex was a fan of the Harry Potter movies.

"I'm very excited about Hogwarts," said Alex and slept on the bed

Then 1 month passed slowly. During this time, Alex spent the majority of his time with the Granger family and Hermonie explaining things about the Magic World.

August 31,

This is the day they have to leave for Hogwarts. Then Alex and the Granger family arrived at King's Cross Station by car.