Chapter 98 : Potions class (1)

The next day

In the morning

In the Great Hall

The Great Hall was filled with the chatter of students as they enjoyed their breakfast. The tables were filled with students from each of the four houses, Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff, all interacting and enjoying the company of their peers.

"Did you hear there was a fire in the forbidden forest?"

"Yes, I heard the trees and creatures were burned to ashes."

"I also heard someone broke in?"

"Huh, that is not possible? This is Hogwarts "

"No, I heard he was the one who attacked the forbidden forest."

"No, I heard it was caused by a wildfire?"

"Whatever that has nothing to do with us."

"Hogwarts is the safest place, no one can break in "

"Yes, they are just rumours?"

While the students were discussing the last incident in the forbidden forest, at the Gryffindor table

Alex noticed that Harry, Hermione, and Ron were all looking intently at him. He could tell that they were concerned about the incident in the forbidden forest and wanted to make sure he wasn't going to cause any more trouble.

"Alex, you also went to the forbidden forest yesterday, didn't you?" asked Harry.

"Yes, Alex you said you were going to the Forbidden Forest "

"Did you see anyone suspicious?" asked Ron

"No, I didn't see anyone."

"Then who could have caused such a big fire?" asked Harry

"Who knows?" said Alex concealing the matter, as he didn't want this matter known to others.

"Alex, are you the cause of this?" asked Hermione in a low voice that was only audible to Alex.

"No," said Alex

"Tell me the truth," asked Hermione

"Well I just wanted to exterminate spiders, and this caused the accident," said Alex with a weak smile.

"For that, you almost burned some part of the forest?"

"Well I was not in the mood to deal with them, so I used a spell "

"But I didn't expect to set the forest on fire! I guess that spell was a bit too powerful!"

Alex said, "This is the result of that," and he nodded his head in appreciation of the powers the dragon heart gave him.

Seeing Alex's expression

"Alex, you have to control your power. You can't do something like that."

"You should know if they know you caused this, they will punish you," said Hermione as she started lecturing Alex

Hermione was worried that if people found out Alex had used his powers recklessly, he would be punished. She wanted to make sure he understood the consequences of his actions, so she lectured him in an effort

Then she started preaching about not using his powers recklessly. Which caused a headache for Alex

"Hermione, let's go to class," said Alex as he couldn't bear Hermione preaching anymore.

"Okay," said Hermione as she stopped lecturing Alex

"Harry, let's go to class."

Soon they arrived at the Potion class

Alex sat in the middle of the row with Hermione, while Harry and Ron sat behind them.

"Harry, did you read anything about potions?" asked Alex, as he thought of Snape

"No, since it's the first class "

"I didn't read anything," said Harry as he didn't think it was necessary to study for the first class.

Alex sighed. He only wanted to help Harry escape Snape's harassment. He advised him to study Potions before arriving at school.

But Harry didn't take his advice, so he can't blame him for not helping him.

The door to the classroom opened with a bang as class time drew near, and Professor Snape, dressed in a black robe, entered quickly like an old bat. He was like an old bat with a grumpy attitude, ready to give out detention to anyone who dared to be late!

"No waving wands or chanting spells in my class."

"I don't expect most of you to understand the magic of potions and the technology in them, but for the very few."

With that said, Snape glanced at Harry.

"I will teach everyone how to make potions."

"Which can disturb the mind, confuse the senses, gain fame, cook glory, and prevent death."

While Snape was watching Harry, Alex also observed Snape

He knows Snape is a potions genius and even earned the title of Half-blood prince, and one of the pitiful characters in HP who grew up with no family, in Hogwarts and was bullied by Slytherin students because of his half-blood line.

He also lost his love because of one word. He regretted saying that one word to her even until his death.

He even faced criticism from the entire magical world as he became a double agent for Dumbledore while lurking at Voldemort's side. Snape was willing to risk everything to keep the woman he loved safe, even if it meant pretending to be a traitor and betraying the people he cared about. However, his sacrifice was in vain, as he could not save her from being killed by Voldemort.

Even after Lily's death he protected Harry until his death and died at the hands of Voldermort. Snape is willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for his love and loyalty. Even though he faced great personal tragedy, he still remained loyal to Dumbledore and put Harry's safety above all else. He ultimately gave his life to ensure that Harry would be safe from Voldemort.

Even Alex felt sympathy for such a character who didn't have a good life until his death. If he has a chance he wants to help Snape avoid his tragedy.