Chapter 107: Duel

The next day

In the potions class

Snape was explaining the procedure for making potions.

In a low voice that could be heard by all, Snape said, "Now all of you, brew the potion that is used to cure boils."

As soon as they heard that, the students started a fire under their cauldron.

Alex and Hermione were in the same row and started brewing according to the book.

Snape observed each student as if he were a ghost appearing suddenly behind them. Scolding them if they don't follow the process.

"Did you lose your brain? Why are you adding this? you dimwit"

"Do you want to prepare a cure for boils or make a poison? What is that colour? Make it again"

"If you don't make it right this time,I will let you drink that potion "

"Why are you even coming to potions ,if you don't know this "

Snape began scolding all of the students in the class, except for Draco.

Harry and Ron, who were behind Alex, were scratching their heads not knowing what to do.

" Alex, can you help here?" asked Harry in a low voice.

At the same time, Snape appeared behind him. Seeing Snape Ron became silent and started to pretend to be brewing potions.

" Harry Potter, what are you doing ? " asked Snape in a low voice

Harry who heard this turned his head and saw Snape looking at him with cold eyes. As Harry looks at Snape, he has cold sweat on his back.

" Professor "

" I asked what you were doing "

"Professor, you see that?" Harry looks listless while avoiding Snape's gaze

" It seems my class doesn't interest you "

" That is not the matter Professor "

" Then what? , it seems you got full of yourself after getting some praise "

"Come out of your delusions in my class "

"You don't know how to brew a basic potion."

"What is the use of you attending Hogwarts? You should have stayed at your house "

Then Snape started scolding Harry for his mistakes. After some time he finished the scolding

" Minus 20 points for Gryffindor "

" Ron Weasley, where is your potion ? " asked Snape not leaving Ron who was beside Harry

Ron who heard this slowly turned his head towards Snape and met Snape's cold eyes, and shuddered.

" Professor, you see ? " said Ron while trying to make up some reasons.

"Minus 20 points for Gryffindor," said Snape

Hermione, when she heard this, stopped brewing the potions.

With a shocked expression on her face, she wondered why professor Snape always deducted their points in his class.

" What again? "

" Like I said get used to it," said Alex

"But how can he deduct that many points?" asked Hermione

" Do you want to ask?"

"Then go ahead if you want to lose more points," said Alex.

"No, I will earn those lost points," said Hermione

"Best of luck then"

Alex didn't care about the house cup. It is just for kids, and he has no interest in it.

"Alex, where is your potion?"

' This asshole, why can't he leave me alone '

"Here sir "

Alex showed the cauldron as he finished the brewing sometime ago,

In the cauldron, Snape saw a light blue liquid emitting pink smoke, a sign that the potion had been successfully brewed.

" It's satisfactory, " Snape said without changing his expression

"At least one of the students in Gryffindor is good," said Snape, as he slightly appreciated Alex

" Plus five points for Gryffindor "

After that, the professor left without seeing Hermione's potion.

"I hate him," said Hermione with some anger


"He always targets Gryffindor students."

"Well that is true," said Alex, as he couldn't deny Snape's hate for Gryffindor.

"But you can't hate him for that."

Alex said, "Even if he treats us like that, he's a kind person.".

In his opinion, Snape is a person who we should respect, despite his sometimes gruff exterior. He is a master of the Dark Arts, and he has a vast knowledge of potions and magical creatures.

He also has a strong sense of justice and is willing to go to great lengths to protect those he cares about.

He also showed a willingness to admit his mistakes and accept responsibility for his actions.

He was willing to put his own life on the line in order to protect Harry Potter from Voldemort, even though it meant facing his own death. This demonstrates a level of courage and selflessness that is not often seen.

"How is he a kind person?"

Hermione said, "You'll know soon enough," without explaining the matter to Alex.

"When you know you will also agree with me "

Hearing that Hermione has question marks on his face.

After the class finished, Snape left giving some work to the students

" Harry Potter the saviour of the wizarding world is just a loser," said Draco as he walked towards Gryffindor students with his lackeys.

All the Gryffindor students who heard this turned their heads and glared at Draco. Harry felt embarrassed and angry and didn't know how to react. He just looked away, trying to hide his emotions.

"Don't cross the line Malfoy?" said Ron with an angry voice

" What will you do?" asked Draco with a sneer on his face

"If you want to prove something, then duel me," Draco said provocatively.

"Did you already forget how you lost the duel with Alex?" Ron asked, touching the sore spot on Draco.

"Now you are shamelessly asking Harry for a duel "

Draco hesitated as he remembered the duel and how he lost to Alex. That is a very shameful thing for him.

"Don't hide behind him if you want to prove you are not a loser."

"Have a duel with me?" said Draco as he calmed his emotions

"Do you think I'm afraid of you?"

In an angry voice, Harry said, "Okay, let's have the duel," since he could not tolerate Draco's insults.

" Then the duel will commence today night "

"If you don't come it means you are scared," said Draco