Chapter 125 : Azkaban

Like that, they arrived at Hogwarts

And the sorting ceremony for the first years took place, and the same in the movie ginny Weasely was appointed to Gryffindor and Luna was assigned to Ravenclaw.

After that Dumbledore started his speech about the importance of diversity and that every house has something unique to offer and that each one of us should be proud of the house we are in. He also said that it doesn't matter what house you are in, as long as you remain loyal, brave, and true.

After finishing his speech

"Now I have another announcement to make," said Dumbledore

"Let me introduce the newly appointed professor for Defense Against the Dark Arts "

"Professor Gilderoy Lockhart," said Dumbledore

After Dumbledore's announcement, a figure stood at the professor's table.

Professor Lockhart was a tall, thin man with bright blond hair, sparkling blue eyes, and a wide, dazzling smile. He was wearing bright robes of purple and yellow and carried a large, gnarled wand. He took a seat at the professor's table near the head of the hall, and the students erupted into a loud cheer.

"Wow, so handsome."

"Professor I'm a fan of yours "

"Wow, we are lucky to have a professor like Lockhart teaching us."

All students began to talk.

"Wow, is professor Gilderoy Lockhart going to be our professor?" Ron asked in surprise

"Don't be so happy,he is just a fraud "

"What do you mean by fraud?" asked Hermione

"Yes, his books about his adventures are very interesting."

"And he is also a very brave person," said Ron

"But have you ever thought that those are not his adventures?" said Alex

"You mean to say Professor Lockhart wrote about other people's adventures?" asked Harry.

"Yes, he's just a fraud."

"You can see it in his class."

"he doesn't know even basic spells "

"he just brags about all that "

"What is that all true?" Harry and Ron asked

"Yes "

As such, the sorting ceremony ended and all students went to their rooms. Alex was sitting in his room holding a book.

Tom Riddle's diary was an old, leather-bound book, with a large ragged hole in the middle, as if something had been ripped out of it. The pages were yellowed and brittle, and the cover was inscribed with the words "Tom Marvolo Riddle".

This book is the diary of Tom Riddle, he stole from Ginny's room

"Now let's try this dairy "

Then he opened the book and wrote

"Hello "

But after a second the words disappeared, and after a second another word appeared


"Who are you?"

"I'm made by a great wizard, a magical artefact "

"I can give you unimaginable power."

"is that true ?" wrote Alex with a smile.


"For that, you have to do the things I ask you to " the words appeared on the diary.

"Oh is that so?" wrote Alex

"yes, then you can get unimaginable power " words appeared on the diary

"May I know the name of the great wizard who made you?" wrote Alex

This time the time of reply slowed down

"It seems like I touched the sore part," said Alex

Then the words appeared

"You don't need to know?" appeared on the page

"All you have to do is follow my instructions and you can get unimaginable power "appeared on the page

"Oh it seems you are getting impatient," thought Alex

"The one who made you Voldemort isn't," wrote Alex

The reply didn't come seeing that

"Oh, it seems he got hurt." thought Alex

Then Alex closed the book and stood up from the chair

"Let's go to Azkaban to get Sirius Black." and a magic circle appeared.

It has been a year since he came into this world. He enjoyed it enough, so he decided to do things seriously.

One of them is going to Azkaban,Alex decides to bring back Sirius Black and deal with all Horcrux, and then collect system fragments afterwards.

Then Alex disappeared and appeared in a dark place

Azkaban was a large, bleak and forbidding fortress located on an island in the middle of the North Sea, surrounded by treacherous rocks and stormy waters.

The walls of the prison were black and had an eerie green light emanating from them.

The gates of the prison were made of solid iron and guarded by Dementors, the soul-sucking creatures that feed on human happiness.

Inside the prison, everything was cold and dark, with the only light coming from the candles lit by the guards.

In one of the prison rooms,

A tall man with long, dark hair and a pale face sat in the corner. He had a haunted look about him.

Then in front of him, a blue magic circle appeared and a person appeared

[Found the system fragments]

[Do you wish to integrate them?]