Chapter 129 : Discussion with Dumbledore

In the morning

In the headmaster's office

As Dumbledore looked at Alex seated in front of him, he asked, "So can you explain this change?"

"Well, this is it is hard to explain," said Alex

"So now, are you going to stop attending Hogwarts?" asked Dumbledore, seeing Alex's adult appearance.

"Well, I'm going to stop attending as a student, I'm thinking of attending as a teacher "

"What do you think?" asked Alex.

He wanted to change the magic of the world and its order. The wizarding world is way backwards in comparison to the modern one.

He thinks it will be a problem, if this situation continues, the wizarding world may not be able to evade future technology.

If they don't improve their magic. The wizarding world will be discovered.

"What you want to teach ?" asked Dumbledore with a surprised expression.

He didn't expect something like this.

"Yes "


"Don't you think there was no improvement in magic,since ancient times,there was no further development in it "

"it was struct having no further improvement "

"But compared to magic, the muggle world which wizards disdain has improved to the point "

"Where they can make nuclear bombs"

"Which can cause mass destructions,their technology also progressed "

"They invented many devices like phones, electricity, and cameras."

"Even though they may not possess harm for the wizarding world for now "

"But that doesn't apply for the future," said Alex.

Dumbledore who heads this also thinks that the wizarding world will be in danger if this continues.

"Why do you think?" asked Dumbledore

Even though he knows he wants to know the reason of Alex.

"well there are many things, which will cause destruction "

"One of them conflicts between pureblood wizards and muggle wizards "

"Purebloods think they are superior to others."

"They ignore muggle wizards and criticise them and the wizarding world is not united."

"Compared to the wizarding world, normal people are pretty much united "

"When the wizarding world is exposed to the world, the whole world will target wizards."

"Humans fear the unknown power and want it for themselves. What do you think will happen when magic is exposed?"

"There will be a war," said dumbledore with a serious expression

"Yes,there will be war between the wizarding world and the muggle world "

"And the wizarding world will surely lose "

"Then wizards will become the lab rats of Muggles "

"The future of the wizarding world is dark if this goes on " said Alex

"Do you think something like that will happen?" asked Dumbledore

"Yes, in 20 years it will happen if there is no development in the wizarding world "

"So, Alex,how are you going to change the situation?" asked Dumbledore

"Well I'm going to teach a new magic "

"You are going to teach your magic?" asked Dumbledore

For every wizard their research magic is their secret, they are not willing to share it no one else

"Yes "

"Why isn't it your secret?"

"Well, it is not it will cause any problems for me "

"If only pureblood wizards thought like this, the wizarding world would be better "

"Then will I be able to start teaching?" asked Alex

"If you are free,you can start teaching tomorrow "

"This kind of thing cannot be delayed," said Dumbledore with excitement.

"Okay, then "

"Can professors also attend?" asked Dumbledore. He was also curious about the new magic

"Of course," said Alex

"Headmaster, can you give Harry a call?" asked Alex

"I have a gift for him," said

"Okay," said Dumbledore

After 5 minutes,

"Headmaster did you call for me?" asked Harry who came to the Dumbledore's table

"Yes "

Then Harry saw Alex who was sitting in front of Dumbledore

"Are you Alex's brother? you just look like him "

"No, I'm Alex," said Alex

"What ?" asked Harry with a shocked expression

What you are Alex?

Then what is the change in appearance?

"It is hard to explain "

"But I have a gift for you "

"What is it?"

"Here is it "

Then a magic circle appeared.

Three persons appeared in front of Harry

Seeing the three people, even dumbledore was shocked

" " Harry muttered

"is he ?" asked James as he turned and looked at Alex

"Yes he is your son," said Alex.

"Harry " shouted James and Lily and hugged Harry

"How is this possible ?" asked Dumbledore with a surprised expression.

How is it possible for dead people to come back?

"Headmaster," said Sirius

"Sirius you escaped from Azkaban "

"That guy helped me out," Sirius said pointing towards Alex

"Alex, how is this possible?" asked Dumbledore

"Anything is possible, magic is more than you think", said Alex.

"I think you have something to talk with them," said Alex

"I will take my leave," said Alex