Chapter 134: Chamber of Secrets

Like that the days began to pass at Hogwarts

Alex also introduced Hermione to the girls, who beat him for laying his hands on the little girl.

But he explained and tried to calm them, but he was unable to escape their beating.

Later, Alex created a special room for Hermione and the other girls, in which he changed the interior and constructed a modern house.

He also stayed with them, in that room.

Like that after 3 days

Alex was having a class with first-year Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff students.

The Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff students were excited to learn from Alex, a more experienced student, and were eager to absorb the knowledge he had to offer

Then he came to class.

"Good morning first-year students."

"I'm your new professor Alex."

"Today I'm here to teach you about the new magic "

"Before I start the class, if you have any concerns, please let me know."

Then a Ravenclaw student stood up. Seeing the student Alex's mouth twitched

Luna Lovegood was the girl who stood up. Her blonde hair was tied up in a bun and her signature spectre specs were perched on her nose.

"What is your question Luna?" asked Alex

"Where can I meet the unicorn?" asked Luna with a curious expression

"Ah, Luna this is Class ?" said Alex, he can't understand why the girl would ask this question in class.

"Then when can you show me?" asked Luna while tilting her head.

"Now I can't show, meet me after class ?" said Alex

Afterwards, he started his class and explained all the basics of magic he was going to teach, and he also performed the awakening and gave them books.

After some time the class was finished and Alex came to his office. Then there was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

Then the door was opened and a girl came in

"Professor, I came as you asked?" said the girl

"When did I ask you to come?" asked Alex, seeing the girl in front of him.

Alex has no idea how to deal with this girl.

This girl is none other than Luna

With a question mark on her face, Luna asked, "Didn't you say that in class?"

"I said, but are you really that curious?" he asked.

"Yes "

"Then meet me on Sunday," said Alex

"I will take you to the forbidden forest."

"But don't tell anyone, okay?" said Alex

Luna replied, "Okay," and left

Then Alex began to think of the basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets and decided to deal with it.

At night

Alex came to the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets, which was in the girls' bathroom on the second floor.

"Don't you think you should be in your room?" asked Alex with a smile as he observed someone following him.

"Professor, I was curious, so I followed you," said the girl who came out of her hiding

"Luna, I can punish you for this?" said Alex as he turned towards Luna.

"But you will not," Luna said as she approached Alex

"Why?" asked Alex

Where did this girl's confidence come from?

"Because I can see that, you will not punish me," said Luna with a smile.

"What can you see?" asked Alex

"I saw you came here for the Chamber of Secrets "

"What you can see future ?" asked Alex with a surprised expression.

How can this girl know?

'System explain '

[Because this girl got affected by your divine powers]

[Her powers have mutated]

[She might be able to see the future]

'Can I also see my future?'


[Host: You cannot know your future, as your future is unpredictable]

'Then why can she see?'

[She is an exception, this girl is special]


"Yes, I can see some parts of your future," replied Luna

"Then do you know why I am here?" asked Alex

"I know," said Luna

Hearing that Alex was again surprised by this girl and her unique behaviour,

He was also amazed by her powers.

"Then why are you not wearing your shoes?" asked Alex as he saw Luna was not wearing her shoes.

"They were taken by naughty creatures who love to make fun of people "

"They aren't visible to the naked eye," Luna replied as she tried to hide her feet.

"Is that so?" asked Alex as he narrowed his eyes.

Then he thought of the bullying Luna received in the movie. This was due to her unique behaviour and her way of talking.

Luna's behaviour and manner of speaking were seen as strange by the other characters in the movie, which caused them to bully her and make fun of her. This shows how prejudice and discrimination against those who are different can lead to bullying and other forms of social exclusion.

"Do you want me to punish those?" asked Alex

"No," Luna replied with an uneasy expression and avoided eye contact.

"Okay then, since you are also here, follow me," said Alex

"Hmm," Luna said as she walked beside Alex

Alex walked towards the entrance of the chamber of secrets.