Chapter 147: Alex Death Authority

The room became silent as the pirates felt danger in the air, and all eyes turned to Alex. Alex's red eyes made them feel as if they were facing death, and the atmosphere became oppressive and eerie as a result. Everyone was silent, and the tension was palpable.

As the silence stretched on, a faint, black aura started to come out of Alex. It seemed as if the air around them had suddenly become thicker and more oppressive. Everyone in the room felt a deep sense of foreboding as if a dark storm was about to descend upon them.

"Miss, I think this man is more dangerous than pirates," said a maid with a pale face as she felt suffocated by the atmosphere.

"Yes, Miss there is something off about this man "

"Whatever, we have no choice but to depend on him," said Elizabeth as she also saw a black aura coming out of Alex and felt fear.

"What is this?"

"Why is my body shivering?"

"Ignore it and kill him. What can a single man do?" yelled a pirate gathering courage.

"It is just one man, kill him," said another pirate.

"Oh, then why don't you try?" Alex suggested provoking the pirates.

The pirates ran towards Alex with their swords, ready to attack him. Alex stood his ground, not backing down, not showing any fear.

"Oh, then let's see if this curse can save you from my authority," said Alex as he stood in an attack position

He stretched out his right hand and black energy began to course through his arm. The black energy took the shape of a sword, and as soon as it was formed. The sword seemed to radiate death itself, as it seemed to absorb the light around it and replace it with a sense of dread and despair.

The black energy seemed to move with a life of its own as if it was calling out for the souls of its victims.

He swiped the sword in a wide arc, and a powerful wave of black energy surged out of the blade.

The maids lost consciousness as they couldn't stand death and despair around Alex.

"What the hell is this? who the hell are you ?" she asked while her body was shivering.

Alex slashed his sword at the pirates skillfully. The pirates who were slashed began to back away in fear. The pirates were horrified when they saw what had happened. They began to scream in terror as their bodies began to turn black and slowly turned into ash.

The remaining pirates who saw this stepped back in shock and disbelief. They were terrified of what they had just witnessed, and in a state of panic, they tried to escape. They couldn't believe that someone could actually kill them.

Ever since they were cursed by the gods and became undead, they no longer feared death. But now seeing a man who could actually kill them, they realized that death was still a possibility. They were filled with fear and terror and desperately tried to flee.

"Oh, where do you think you are going?"

"Since you raised your sword to kill me you should also be prepared to get killed."

Alex showed no mercy and raised his sword again, ready to swing it down upon his enemy. This was no movie, and these pirates were not your typical pirates. They were ruthless and cruel, and if Alex did show them some kind of mercy they would kill more innocents in the future.

Under the screams of the pirates, Alex killed all of them without hesitation. He knew that if he showed them any mercy, they would only keep on terrorizing innocent people and he could not have that.

Soon all the pirates turned to dust. Only Alex was left standing in the room filled with the stench of death and destruction, while Elizabeth and the maids were lying on the ground.

"Now, I will go and get rid of all pirates Elizabeth, be ready to pay the price for our deal," said Alex as he turned towards Elizabeth. After that, he left to deal with pirates.

"Did I make the right decision?" thought Elizabeth as she saw Alex's disappearance

At the black pearl ship

Suddenly, blue lightning flashed across the deck. The blue lightning took the shape of a human figure and then coalesced into a tall, dark, and powerful figure with glowing red eyes.

The crew members watched in awe and shock as they watched the figure materialize before them. Nobody moved or spoke, their eyes firmly fixed on the figure in front of them.

"What the hell is that?"

"Is that human ?"

"Did you see the lightning?"

The crew began to discuss as they saw Alex's appearance and maintained some distance from Alex, as they didn't understand how Alex appeared and the blue lightning around him.

"Who are you stranger?" a voice sounded from the captain's position on the deck. He walked closer to Alex and his crew followed, maintaining a safe distance.