Chapter 154 : Jack was held hostage

"Where?" asked Jack as he didn't see any ships in the direction Alex was pointing.

"There," said Alex

A faint silhouette of a ship was slowly emerging from beneath the waves of the sea. Then a ship emerged from the water, causing the once-calm sea to ripple and churn as the ship moved through the waves.

The ship was a powerful and majestic sight. Its long masts stretched high into the sky, and its sails billowed in the wind. Its hull was made of strong oak, with iron nails to keep it together and a figurehead of a fierce sea creature atop the bow.

The ship was also equipped with powerful cannons, which could fire cannonballs that could tear through the hulls of enemy ships. The cannons were mounted on the sides of the ship and were able to fire in all directions.

The ship was pitch black and the sails were also black. The flag that flew atop the ship had a white dragon and two swords crossed behind the white dragon, with a dark background.

"Alex, why is your ship under the sea ?"

"Did you park it there?" asked Jack as he saw the ship coming out of the sea

The other two also looked at Alex as they wanted to know how can a ship be hidden under the sea.

"It is a secret."

"How is it? Do you like my ship?" asked Alex.

"Is that your ship?" asked Elizabeth in amazement

"Yes, the most powerful and fastest ship in the world," said Alex. Although the ship looked like a ship from the 18th century, but it is a spaceship from an advanced spaceship which is the pinnacle of that world. It can change its appearance and also has many functions. It is worth half a million points, which is the rank of S, one of the most powerful battleships which can destroy a planet.

"No my ship is the fastest in the world," said Jack as he didn't believe there was any ship faster than his ship.

"No, compared to my ship, your ship is slow," said Alex, as his ship can travel at light speed.

"I don't believe it," Jack replied with a grimace of disbelief.

"You will believe it after you experience it" said Alex

Suddenly, the ship began moving towards the boat.

"Am I seeing things? Is that ship coming towards us?" asked Will as he looked at the ship.

"Boy, how can that be possible ?How can a ship move ________?" but he didn't finish his sentence as he saw the ship coming closer to the boat.

"Alex the ship is moving on its own?" shouted Elizabeth

"Yes, it is coming to pick us up "

"Who is operating that ship?"

"Nobody, as I said, can move by itself."

"What is it?" asked Jack as he saw the bright light

"Nothing, one of the specialities of the ship."

Then they arrived on the ship's deck. The deck of the ship was wide and open, with sails billowing in the wind. The ship seemed almost alive with its creaking boards and the waves slapping against its hull.

"Welcome to my ship," said Alex.

Alex untied Will, as he cannot escape the ship.

"Now you can take us to Death Island, Jack," said Alex as he turned to leave.

Will looked around, observing both Jack and Alex. He saw that no one was paying attention to him, so he silently walked behind Jack and took the sword that was hanging around Jack's waist.

Feeling that his sword was stolen Jack was about to move but before he could react there was a sword on his throat from behind. Seeing that Jack stopped moving.

"Stop there " shouted Will hearing that Alex stooped walking and turned and saw Jack being held hostage by Will.

"Sigh, Jack, how many times is this going to happen?"

"Can't you be serious?" asked Alex shaking his head in disbelief

"I didn't expect this to happen " Jack replied with a funny smile as he also didn't expect this.

"Stop talking." Said Will as his sword moved towards Jack's neck.

"Ugh, boy why don't we talk about this?"

"Shut up, take us back to Port Royal," said Will as he looked at Alex

"No, I will not, you can kill that guy," said Alex with a smile, looking like he cared little for Jack's life.

"Alex, you can't be serious," asked Jack with a pale face

"No, I'm serious "

"Don't worry I will arrange a grand funeral for you, may you rest in peace" Alex said this with a straight face, with a hint of sarcasm.

With a depressed expression, Jack looked down and said "I'm not ready to die yet, I still have so much to do".

Alex sighed and said, "I know, you still want to play with women and fool everyone with your talk."

"No, I have greater ambitions than that "

"What are those?"

"To leave my name in history," said Jack with a serious expression.

"You will leave your name in history because you will be the first pirate to die this pathetically."

"Nooooooooooooo" Jack roared with a face that would make anyone laugh.

"Hahaha" Alex said as he saw Jack's face, and couldn't stop laughing.

"Sorry I can't stop my laugh, I will stop this farce now," said Alex while raising his hand.