Chapter 157 : Arrival at Death island

Alex woke up suddenly from his bed, startled by a loud noise outside his window. Then the door was opened by Jack.

"Alex we arrived near Death Island "

"Okay, you go wake others, I'm coming," said Alex as he was still thinking about the dream and the woman in the dream.

Then Jack left as he had work to do.

"System, why did I enter that dream ?"

[Host you are nearing Death island, which has the treasure cursed by Azetic gods]

[While sleeping your divine power created a link with the divine power that cursed the treasure]

[So you entered that dream as the owner of the dream is one of the gods who cursed the treasure]

"So you are saying that goddess is one of the gods who cursed the treasure?"


"It is really a surprise. I didn't expect I would meet a goddess who was not mentioned in the movie."

"I should investigate her after this, " thought Alex as he came out of his room.

Alex arrived on the deck of the ship and saw a beautiful woman with long, blonde hair. She was wearing a white dress and was standing at the edge of the ship, looking out onto the horizon.

"So, Elizabeth what are you looking at?"

"Nothing, just wondering why this fog is so thick around here?"

The atmosphere around was eerie and gloomy, with thick fog engulfing the landscape. The fog seemed to linger ominously and was like a blanket of death, casting a pervasive shadow of fear.

"Since we are nearing death island, it is common for it to be surrounded by fog "

"This island is very mysterious and cannot be found."

"It can only be found by people who have visited the island before."

"So that is why we needed Jack to show us the way to Death Island," said Alex as he also felt they were getting closer to the island.

"Does that mean we are near death island?"


"Then what about my father?" asked Elizabeth with a worried face.

"We don't know what situation he is in but don't worry they will not harm him "

"Until they get this last Azetic coin," said Alex rubbing Elizabeth's head.

"Why are you treating me like a child?" asked Elizabeth. As she shook Alex's hand,

"Well, it is out of habit?" said Alex as he was used to treating Hermione and Luna. It became a habit for Alex.

"Habit?" asked Elizabeth as she narrowed her eyes.

"Yes "

"So you used to spend time with women?" asked Elizabeth with jealous eyes.

"Well can't I answer that?" asked Alex

"What do you have that many women in your life that you can't say it?"

"No, how did you come to that conclusion?" asked Alex with a confused face.

"It is women's sixth sense "

"I have no relationship with any women in this world," said Alex.

"Is that true?" asked Elizabeth as she looked at Alex's face.

"Yes "

"But why do you feel you are hiding something?" Elizabeth wondered because she felt that Alex was still hiding something.

'Damn women and their sixth sense'

"No, I'm not hiding anything. I have no relationship with any women in this world."

"Is that so?"

'Well it is true, Alice and other women are not from this world '

In response to Elizabeth's question, Alex smiled teasingly as he felt Elizabeth showed interest in him. "Are you interested in pursuing me?" Alex asked with a teasing smile.

"No...I was just casually asking " said Elizabeth as she looked away in embarrassment


While Alex and Elizabeth were talking, Jack and Will arrived on the deck as well.

Then Jack walked towards Alex and stood beside him, greeting them both with a smile and a nod of his head.

"Alex, it seems like we have arrived at death island "

"What where is that ?" asked Elizabeth as she didn't see any island, she only saw fog. As far as she could see, there was nothing but fog. The air was still and silent, and the only sound came from the gentle lapping of the waves against the shore

"There," said Jack as he pointed in a direction

The sea around Death Island was vast and dark, with a fog that seemed to never lift. The waves lapped against the shore in a slow, steady rhythm that gave off a feeling of impending doom.

From the air, the island is mysteriously shrouded in fog. The island is surrounded by a graveyard of sunken ships; its waters swarm with hammerhead sharks and shoaling fish.

The fog became less and everyone saw the debris of ships washed up onto the shore. The island was littered with the remains of wrecked ships, their hulls barely visible through the mist.

"We arrived at death island, which contains the lost treasure," said Jack as he saw the land and ship wreckage.
