Chapter 172 : Preparing for journey

The same day

At night

In Alex's ship

The dining hall was filled with the aroma of spices and candles, the walls decorated with vibrant tapestries and paintings of ships sailing around the world.

A large, hand-carved wooden table was the centrepiece of the room, surrounded by chairs draped in velvet padding.

The chandelier hung from the ceiling, casting a warm, golden light throughout the room.

Alex, Elizabeth, Jack, Will and Gibbs were sitting around the table, illuminated by the warm, golden light of the chandelier above them.

The scene in front of them amazed them. They wondered how such a hall could exist on the ship.

The table was filled with a variety of meats, cheeses, fruits and vegetables, accompanied by a selection of fine wines and Rum.

"May I ask something?" asked Gibbs as he looked at Alex.

"What is it?" asked Alex with food in his mouth.

"What is all this?" asked Gibbs as he looked around still not believing his eyes.

"Dining hall on my ship" said Alex with a straight face as he was talking about

something common.

"But how can such a hall exist on a ship?"

"Is it that unbelievable?" asked Alex

"Yes, it is my first time seeing such a thing," Gibbs said as he looked at the hall.

"Don't worry Gibbs , you will get used to it "

"There are many weird things around this guy. This is just the tip of them."

"If you think about it, you will only end up in a state of confusion," Jack said as he consoled Gibbs.

"You just have to go with the flow," said Jack while drinking Rum

"Okay since you all are here, I'm going to explain about the island we are going to"

"This island is called Skeletal island, which existed a century ago "

"But it disappeared for some reason that I don't know."

"Now our destination is that island, which holds many treasures and many mysterious things," said Alex.

"Don't you think someone would have stolen those treasures a long time ago?" asked Will with a doubt, since it has been a century he didn't think the treasures are still there.

"No, I don't think so," said Alex.


"Because all those who sought that island didn't return "

"They all disappeared in the sea," said Alex

"Is it dangerous?" asked Will.

"Yes, you can think about it, how no one was able to find it even after 100 years."

"Do we need to go to such a dangerous island?" Gibbs asked as he felt it was not safe to venture to such an island.

"Gibbs you don't need to worry as long as you are with this guy, there is no need to worry about your safety"

"You can all leave it to this guy. All we have to do is follow him and get those treasures."Said Jack with a smile

"I'm your nanny or what?" Alex asked when he heard Jack.

"You are my friend, so you have to take care of me." Said Jack with no shame on his face.

"I have never seen such a shameless person in my life," said Will as he saw Jack's face.

"That is true, there will never be a person like Jack who is more shameless than him," said Alex.

"Thank you for your compliment," said Jack rubbing his head with a shy expression.

"That is not a compliment you dimwit, "said Alex with a disgusted expression as he saw Jack's shy expression.


Like that the dinner conversation came to an end.

The next day.

So they stopped at Tortuga Island for supplies before resuming their journey.

The crew was excited to get to Tortuga Island, as it was a pirate's paradise. They stocked up on supplies and spent some time drinking rum and celebrating.

It had been a month since they had enjoyed such.

All the bills were paid by Alex. Their lazy captain Jack did not pay anything, instead he used Alex's money.

After they got the supplies they needed, they left the port of Tortuga and sailed off towards their next destination.

First day

Jack studied the map carefully to find the route they would take to their next destination. He plotted a course that would take them through the Caribbean Sea.

Second day.

Jack said he had discovered the route to the island and our journey began.

After 5 days.

"Jack, are you sure you can study this map?" Alex asked calmly.

"Yes. I can " said Jack as he looked at the map.

"Then why didn't we reach our destination?"

"It will take sometime, you have to be patient "

"I'm patient, if not, I would have already thrown you in the sea," said Alex with a fear-inducing smile.

"According to this map, we should be approaching the sea which was supposed to be covered in mist," said Jack.

"Did you see any mist here?"

"No, I don't see mist here. What does that mean?" asked Alex

"The mist evaporated," said Jack with a smile.

"Come here I will make your ass evaporate," said Alex as he was ready to punch Jack.

"Captain, there is something strange in front of us," said a pirate as he saw the grey mist at some distance.