Chapter 178 : Meeting Chantico (1)

The crew began their preparations To camp in the ruined city, the crew gathered their supplies and began to set up a place to sleep. They also built a makeshift campfire.

As the sun set and the sky grew darker, time began to slowly pass and night arrived. The stars twinkled in the sky and the campfire crackled, casting a warm light all around. The crew settled in for the night, exhausted from the day's journey.

At one campfire Alex was sitting with Elizabeth and others eating, talking, and laughing. The sound of the campfire crackling and popping filled the night air, providing a cosy atmosphere for the crew to relax.

"Alex, do you know how happy I am now?" said Jack with a drunken expression on his face.

Alex chuckled. "I don't think I need to know that, Jack. I think everyone around the campfire can tell!"

"We'll talk tomorrow," Alex said, noticing Jack wasn't clear in his mind.

"No, I will not. I have to say this now."

"You are my only friend. You have taken care of me for years."

"But how can you leave me when you meet that woman?" Jack asked with a drunken expression.

Jack said as he stepped closer to Alex. "Sob, sob, you don't care about your friends anymore. I want my friend Alex back."

"That woman?" she asked, narrowing her gaze with an angry expression.

"Don't mind that guy, Elizabeth. He is too drunk " said Alex coaxing Elizabeth to not get angry at Jack, who was too drunk.

"Hick ...hick Alex why is your body this hard ? " said Jack as he caressed the rock which was beside Alex.

Seeing Jack hugging a rock, Alex looked up at him.

"Sigh, Will can you take care of this guy?" said Alex as he looked at Will. He is not in the mood to take care of this drunkard.

"Okay," said Will as he stood up from the rock he was sitting on.

Despite being dragged by Will, Jack said, "I'd like to drink some more rum. Please don't separate me from my rum."

"Elizabeth shall we also go to our room?"

"Okay," said Elizabeth

As he was about to leave he felt someone watching him. He turned around to see who it was and found no one. Then he looked at the campfire intensely, trying to find the mysterious watcher.

He felt someone was watching him from the fire as if the flames had a life of their own.

Elizabeth, who was standing beside Alex, touched him lightly on the shoulder and said,

"Alex, why are you looking at the campfire so intensely?"

"Is there anything strange?"

"No, nothing I was just thinking about something," said Alex as he looked at the Campfire. He wondered if it was his imagination but he couldn't shake the feeling that something was off.

As Alex began to leave. There were two eyes in the fire staring at him.

At the same time

In an unknown place.

A woman with a burning torch in her hand, dressed in red and gold. Her hair was aflame and her eyes were like glowing coals.

"I can meet him soon " muttered the woman as he looked at the picture of Alex, which was projected on the fire.

As all people fell asleep. The night sky was filled with stars, and the air was still and quiet as the world drifted to sleep. It was as if the world was taking a moment to breathe.

Alex suddenly opened his eyes and his red eyes shone brightly. Then he got up from bed quietly so as not to wake Elizabeth. Then he put a protective spell around Elizabeth and disappeared into the dark.

Then Alex appeared in the middle of the sky, his body shrouded in lightning sparks and a whirlwind surrounded him. Then he looked towards the centre of the island.

"Is that what I think it is?" Alex asked as he looked at the divine power that was coming from the direction he was facing.

With his body turning into lightning, he flew toward the source of the divine power as soon as possible.

Then he appeared at the top of a volcano surrounded by deep red lava flowing in all directions. This red lava billowed smoke and ash into the night sky, and a deep rumbling emanated from the depths of the volcano. He looked around, and he saw an ancient temple at the bottom of the volcano mountain.

Then he flew towards the temple and landed in front of the temple. He could feel divine power coming from the temple.

The temple is also surrounded by mist which masks its presence of it. If not for the divine power leaking from the temple, he may not have been able to find it in his sealed state.

The Chantico Temple was a majestic sight to behold. It was built in a pyramid shape and had intricate carvings of ancient gods and symbols on its walls. Its entrance was guarded by two large stone statues, and its steps were made of solid gold.

He appeared at the top of the temple. In the centre of the altar was a large fire, dancing wildly and radiating powerful heat. The flames were a deep red and orange, and they flickered and waved in the air as if they were alive. Alex could feel the divine power emanating from the fire, and it seemed to be calling out to him.