Chapter 180 : Fighting with Chantico

"Yes," Chantico said sternly as she gathered fire in her hand. Then she lunged towards Alex, her fire blazing and her eyes narrowing in determination.

Seeing the punch coming towards him, Alex quickly reacted, dodging the punch and narrowly avoiding being burned by the flames.

"Hey calm down, why do you want to fight me so suddenly?" Alex asked as he dodged the punch. He felt that if he faced that fire with his sealed physical stats, he thought it might cause some injury.

"Yes, I want to confirm one thing," said Chantico and then she kicked the ground and the whole temple started shaking, sending a powerful shockwave through the area.

As Alex felt that the ground was unsafe, he flew into the air. Alex and Chantico were floating above the volcano.

"Can't we talk?" asked Alex as he looked down

"No" shouted Chantico as she flew towards Alex.

"Since you want to fight me , be ready for it," said Alex. Since she wanted it, he would fulfil her request. He also wanted to fight someone strong, because it had been a long time since he had fought someone strong before.

The two stood up in the air above the volcano, and they both began to power up their energy.

Then the atmosphere changed. The two of them were now in a battle stance, ready to fight each other. The volcano exploded, and the energy radiating from it was palpable.

The sky was filled with lightning clouds, and thunder reverberated throughout the area. Sparks flew around them as they prepared to clash.

The area was filled with lightning and fire as if the sky was lashing out in a fury of its own. The air was charged with electricity, and the heat was oppressive.

"Let's fight," said Alex as black lightning formed in his hand.

Chantico also gathered her power, a blazing fire that licked at her feet and grew in intensity with each passing second. She held her hands up, and flames formed in her palms, illuminating the dark sky.

As Chantico and Alex clashed, flame and lightning collided in a brilliant explosion of light and sound. The energy from the collision was so powerful that it shook the earth beneath them and illuminated the sky above.

The ground beneath them was destroyed, leaving a gaping crater in its wake. The shockwaves from the explosion sent debris and dust flying in all directions.The two clashed many times in a second, each moving faster than the eye could see, sending shockwaves of energy out in all directions.

The two forces fought with fire and lightning, sending surges of electricity and heat throughout the battlefield. Sparks of light and heat filled the air as the two sides clashed and their powers clashed against one another. The intensity of the fight was so overwhelming that it seemed as if the very ground was shaking with the force of the battle.

"Hahah I'm enjoying this " laughed Alex as it had been many years since he fought like this.

As they fought, the shockwaves of their battle intensified, and the force of the explosion grew stronger. The tremors in the ground and the rumbling of the air grew louder and more powerful.

The dark sky was illuminated by fire and lightning, and the stars disappeared behind thick clouds of smoke and dust. The roaring of battle seemed to shake the very foundations of the island, and the island seemed to be in a state of chaos.

The roar of the explosion was deafening, and the ground shook with the force of the impact. Fragments of rock and debris flew through the air, and the sky was filled with thick smoke and dust. The thunderous roar of battle echoed through the air, and the island was in complete chaos.

"I didn't expect you to be so powerful," Chantico said with a smile.

"But I'm just getting started," said Chantico and then the volcano exploded and the lava flew up towards Alex.

He dodged the lava with incredible agility, and Chantico appeared behind him with lava around her hands. She punched Alex with her full power, sending him flying into the volcano's crater. He was engulfed in a river of lava.

"It seems I overestimated him. Time to save him. I can't let him die " thought Chantico.

As she was about to make a move. Then a great power emanated from the volcano and caused the lava to recede and the ground to shake. Chantico was in awe of the power and knew that her help was not needed. The red lightning flashed from the volcano and the sky grew dark. Chantico felt a chill run down her spine when she saw that lightning.

She realized that the power she was witnessing was real and that it was far more powerful than anything she could have used. This power is far above that of the previous one. She felt the real deal is coming now.