Chapter 186 : Reunion

In Harry Potter's world

In a large mansion.

The manor was filled with modern technology. Hermione and Alice were sitting on the sofa while Alice was watching TV and Hermione was reading a book.

"When do you think Alex will come back?" asked Hermione as she put the book aside.

"Don't know it has always been like this, whenever he journeys to the new world."

"It takes time for him to come back," Alice said, even though she knew it had always been like this.

"Don't you miss him?" asked Hermione with a longing expression.

"Yes, but what can we do except wait?" Alice replied.

It has been two years since Alex left them. They miss him very much

"By the way where are those three?" Alice inquired as she didn't see Luna, Annabeth and Ruby.

"Luna is playing with the basilisk, Annabeth and Ruby are watching over her," said


"I still can't understand what she finds cute in that large snake?" asked Alice with a confused face.

"Well she is like this, she is so innocent that we have to take care of her. Otherwise, we may not know what will happen " said Hermione. as she thought of the past where Luna was almost got kidnapped by a dark wizard, if not for Alice saving Luna the entire wizard world would have turned up.

"Well she is innocent and very kind," Alice replied in agreement with Hermione.

Then a blue portal appeared in front of them, and a familiar voice called out, "I missed all of you."

Then a figure came out of the portal, and the girls smiled as they saw him. The two stood up and ran towards the figure, embracing him tightly as they were filled with joy and relief. They hadn't seen him for so long and had missed him so much.

Alex also tightly hugged the two girls, feeling a deep sense of joy and love as he was reunited with them. Then he released them and kissed both of them.

"I'm back," said Alex with a happy smile.

"We also miss you. It has been two years since you left " said Alice

'Two years? it seems like time flows differently in this world' thought Alex

Then he talked with them about all that had happened in the past eight years.

"Where are the other three?" asked Alex as he didn't see the other girls.

"They are in the garden," said Alice with a smile.

"Okay, let's go and meet them," said Alex

The garden behind the mansion is a large forest with lush green trees and beautiful flowers. There are birds chirping and butterflies fluttering around, adding to the peaceful and serene atmosphere.

In that peaceful atmosphere, a big snake was moving around, slithering through the grass, rustling the leaves as it went. It was a majestic sight, and its presence would scare anyone away.

A girl was riding that snake with a smile on her face. Her hair flowed in the wind. Annabeth and Ruby were watching her while sitting in chairs.

"Luna stop playing let's go for lunch" shouted Annabeth.

Then Alex appeared behind them and said, "She never changes."

Hearing that Annabeth and Ruby turned their heads, and they met with Alex smiling face.

"You are back," said Annabeth excitedly as she hugged Alex.

Alex had been away for a while, and so Annabeth and Ruby were surprised to see him. Annabeth was especially happy to see him and couldn't help but hug him.


Then Ruby hugged Alex as she said, "Brother, you're back." Ruby was clearly excited to see her brother after a long absence. Her hug and words showed the depth of her joy and relief at his return.

Luna quickly came over, too, as soon as she saw Alex. "Welcome back, Alex!" she said with a huge smile on her face. She was just as thrilled as Ruby to have Alex back home.

After some time

All of them gathered around the dining table, finally reunited and ready to catch up on all the time that had passed since Alex had been away.

"Alex where did you go this time?" asked Alice.

"Well a world filled with pirates and many things," said Alex

"What did you do there?" Annabeth asked with a curious expression.

"Well I just travelled throughout the world, while enjoying it " said Alex

"You didn't meet any women in that world," asked Hermione with a questioning gaze.

"Yeah, tell us what women did you meet?" Alice asked, and her face had a questioning look on it as if she was interrogating Alex about the women he had met in that world.

"Tell us brother, what fun did you have in that world?" asked Laura (Luna's name was changed to Laura to avoid confusion).

"Don't you guys believe me? Do you think I'm some kind of guy who picks up women everywhere I go?" Alex asked with a fake honest face.

"You do," said all the girls at the same time

"I just explored the world, no more no less."

Seeing Alex's face, all the girls looked at him flatly, not believing a word he said.

They knew Alex very well and they could tell he was not being honest. They knew he had done something wrong and was trying to cover it up.

"No we don't believe you " said Annabeth with a face of disbelief.

"Yeah, just tell us the truth," Alice asked as she couldn't believe Alex's words.

"Yeah, brother no one believes your words. We can see that you are hiding something " said Ruby.

"Well I can't hide it from you," said Alex with a smile.

"Well, I met two women in that world."

"As we suspected" all the girls roared

"Well, it is what we suspected," said Hermione as she looked at Alex

"Well it is Alex we are talking about," said Alice as she pinched Alex who was sitting beside her.

"Brother never changes" Said Ruby shaking her head.

"Yeah, as always he is fooling around," said Annabeth with a smile as she thought of how she first met Alex.

"This time I didn't do anything, they followed me," said Alex Alex was trying to convince all girls that he was not at fault, but they knew better than to believe Alex's words.

"Sure, we know, so where are they?" Alice asked, not believing Alex's words. She knew Alex better than anyone.

"Well, there are in their world. I just came here to pick you up since I thought you would also enjoy that world."

"Even though it was the 17th century in that world there are many interesting things to see."

As Alex explained about the world, he added, "I think you girls should experience it."

With an excited smile on her face, Luna asked, "Are there fantastic creatures in that world?"

"Ugh No, I don't think they are," said Alex with a forced smile. As he didn't want Luna to tame the disgusting Kraken, he can bear the snake but he can't bear to see that disgusting thing anywhere near Luna.

"Okay we will come "

"Okay prepare yourself we are taking off," said Alex as he looked at the system shop

[Noble Elf bloodline (SS)]

[Prophet bloodline (SS)]

[Awakening potion (SS)]

[Phoenix Bloodline (SS)]

[10,000,000 points deducted]