Chapter 197 : Jones & Calypso

When Jones saw the woman who came out of the portal, he was filled with shock. Because he didn't expect to meet Calypso, the woman he thought he would never see again.

"Do you like my surprise?" Alex asked as he observed Jones's expression and liked the shock on Jones.

"Calypso? is that you," asked Jones with a trembling voice as he couldn't believe what he is seeing.

"Yes, she is Calypso, the one you betrayed," said Alex with a smile.

Calypso looked at Davy with an angry expression. "How could you do this to me?"

She said. "I thought I could trust you, and now you have betrayed me."

Davy Jones remained kneeling, not daring to meet Calypso's gaze. He had no words to offer in his defence. His face became distorted with guilt, and he knew he deserved her wrath.

"Say it Jones, say it is not true " shouted Calypso with a hint of hope on her face. Calypso waited for Davy Jones to deny what she feared was true.

But Jones didn't respond. He slowly shook his head, unable to look Calypso in the eye. His silence confirmed the news that Calypso had feared, and she let out a deep sigh as tears welled up in her eyes.

"Why? Why did you do that? Jones," roared Calypso with sadness and anger, her voice trembling with emotion.

"I have nothing to say," said Jones, his voice low and apologetic, as he didn't have anything to explain.

Hearing that, Calypso's heart was broken. She felt betrayed, and she couldn't understand why Jones would do something like this.

"Calypso, Jones is not the only one at fault "

"You can blame yourself for all of this," said Alex, watching from the sidelines.

"What did I do wrong? " asked Calypso feeling wronged.

"Didn't you know? " asked Alex.

Did this goddess really forget her promise to Jones?

If she had met Jones at their ten-year promise this wouldn't happen, so he can blame Calypso for not keeping her promise.

"No, I didn't do anything wrong except loving him," said Calypso

"Since you don't know your mistakes let me explain."

"What you did do wrong "

"Calypso you gave him the Flying Dutchman to accomplish a task."

"You swore that after ten years, you would meet him and they would spend one day together before he returned to his duties. "

"However, when Jones returned to shore after ten years, you failed to appear. Believing you had betrayed him, a heartbroken and enraged Davy Jones did all this."

"He betrayed your secret out of his anger over your fickle nature." Said Alex he believed both parties were wrong, and both had no right to accuse each other.

Then the deck returned to silence. As neither Calypso nor Jones wanted to talk to each other. As they listened to Alex's words, Calypso and Jones both felt both were wrong, and Calypso also felt that she was wrong for not being able to keep her promise to Jones.

"I lost interest," said Alex, seeing the silence between Jones and Calypso. He wanted to see something interesting happen between Jones and Calypso, but they remained frozen in their silence. Now he had lost interest and wanted to get out of there.

"Let's get this over with," said Alex

Then a magic circle appeared below Calypso. Then a blue light emanated from the magic circle, creating a bright, buzzing aura around Calypso. Then Calypso's appearance changed, her hair growing longer, her skin becoming more radiant, and her eyes glowing with a newfound intensity.

Calypso's appearance had been transformed. She was now taller and more graceful, with long, blue-flowing hair and a complexion that glowed with radiant light. Her eyes were bright and intense, and her entire being seemed surrounded by a bright and buzzing aura.

Calypso, who felt her seal lifted, looked at Jones with a powerful gaze. Then, in a flash of light, both Calypso and Jones disappeared from the deck.

"Tch, what an ungrateful woman."

"Not even saying thanks to who helped her " muttered Alex as he was disappointed by Calypso.

"Jack what did you think about this ship?" asked Alex as he turned towards Jack. Calypso would have no problem if he took this ship since he helped her remove the seal.

"What about this ship?" Jack asked confusedly, not understanding Alex's words.

"I mean, do you want this ship?" Alex asked. He thought it was better to give this ship to Jack.

"No, no I don't want to become like Jones, I like my face," said Jack refusing Alex's offer. He didn't want this ghostly ship at all, he knew if he becomes the captain of the ship he will be cursed and will not be able to set on land.

"If you are worried about the curse will remove it," said Alex as a trident appeared in Alex's hand and a magical force surrounded the Flying Dutchman.

"I think Willam will like this ship." Said as he looked at the individual who had been smashed into the barrel.