Chapter 206: Dinner with Cullen's

At night

In Cullen's house,

The family invited Alex to dinner at night. Alex was sitting at the dining table and Rosalie was sitting beside him, smiling warmly and talking to him. Rosalie asked Alex about his personal information and his likes and dislikes.

Alex answered all her questions smiling.

"Alex, do you believe in the existence of vampires?" asked Carlisle as he thought he needs to tell Alex the truth if he wants to stay with Rosalie.

"Yes, now I'm seeing them," said Alex with a calm expression.

With a surprised expression, Carlisle asked, "You know?"

All the Cullen's were also surprised as they heard Alex's words. Alex had just revealed a secret that the Cullen's had not expected anyone else in Forks town to know about.

"Yes, I know," said Alex calmly

"How do you know? " asked Rosalie as she held Alex's hand.

"Well it is a secret," said Alex as he can't say he watched it in a movie.

"Since you know about vampires, you should also know about mate bonds "

"Mate bond is a strong connection between two individuals. It is a deep connection, both physical and mental, that binds the two souls together."

"It is said that the mate bond is so strong that it can never be broken and lasts for eternity. It is very special for vampires because they can only have one mate for the rest of their life."

"And you are the mate of Rosalie," said Carlisle

"You believe all this?" Rosalie asked, asking if Alex believed or not.

"Yes, I saw more bizarre things than vampires." Said Alex as he recalled his experiences in his previous worlds.

"What are those ? " asked Rosalie curiously as she wanted to know about Alex's past.

"I will tell you later." Said Alex

"So Alex, what are you ?, you don't smell like a human," asked Carlisle he can tell Although Alex looked like a human, but he doesn't smell like a human.

"Well, how should I say?" thought Alex as he touched his chin.

"Do you believe in the existence of Dragons ?" Alex asked.


"Yes, dragons."

Emmett smiled and asked, "The one we hear about in Fairytale "


"Aren't those just fictional creatures?" asked Emmett

"Aren't vampires also fictional creatures from a human point of view?" said Alex

"Yes, that is true," said Edythe who was beside Emmett.

"Well, humans and others who don't understand reality often think like that. However, sometimes reality is different from what they think" said Alex with a knowing smile.

"There are many things in the vast universe far beyond human comprehension, and these are known as fiction and other strange things."

"But they always exist in this universe," said Alex mysteriously.

"Like me"

"A dragon which is beyond common sense"

The dining hall became silent as they heard this, and the air was thick with disbelief. No one said a word, as they all looked at Alex, trying to understand what he meant. Finally, Emmett spoke, asking Alex to explain himself.

"Alex, you aren't joking, are you?"

"No, it is 100% true."



"Then is this mark related to you," asked Rosalie as she showed Alex her mark.

Alex who saw that was slightly surprised, as that mark resembled his dragon form. However, he didn't think much as he thought this might be due to the mate's bond.

"Yes, that is me. It should be because of our mate bond," Alex replied.

"Then are you really a dragon?" asked Edythe


"I can't believe it," said Alice with a surprised expression.

"What is it that difficult to believe, you guys are vampires yourself?"

"What is so difficult about believing in the existence of Dragons," said Alex

"Yeah aren't dragons supposed to be huge like a ten-story building?" asked Emmett

"Think rationally. Do you think it's comfortable to move in size like that?" asked Alex.


"That is why I maintain my human form," said Alex

"Can you turn into it once? I want to see " asked Alice with little stars in her eyes.

"Yeah I also want to see it" asked Rosalie with an excited expression.

"Ugh, I don't think it's possible," said Alex shaking his head


"What do you think will happen if a creature more than 100 meters appears near the town?"

Alex asked, "You don't want the outside world to become interested in us, do you?".

"Uh, then we can't see that?" asked Alice with a disappointed face.


"Do you have special abilities?" asked Edward, who had been calm until now. He wanted to know why he couldn't read Alex's mind.

"I have "

"What is that?"

"Many, that I lost count over time," replied Alex. He has a very wide range of abilities from his divinities, bloodline, and his SS rank. If he had to list all those abilities, it would take him more than a day to go through them all.

"Like this," said Alex as a magic circle appeared in his hand.

"This is magic. You all know what magic can do."

"It can control nature's elements and many other things."


They all looked at the magic circle with awe and amazement, realizing that it had the power to do things beyond their wildest imaginations.

"Now do you all believe me?"

"Yes, we believe. How can we not believe it after witnessing this?" said Carsile

"Okay, now are dragons immortals?" asked Rosalie as she wanted to know whether Alex would live long enough to accompany her.

"Yes they are pretty much like that, they have a long life span that it's not measurable " said Alex

"So I can live happily with you," said Rosalie as she hugged Alex's arm. She felt safe knowing their relationship could last forever.

The Cullen's also smiled as they were also happy that Rosalie had found her mate.