Chapter-219: Truth

Then she looked into Alex's eyes, and a sense of understanding and trust suddenly filled her heart. Well, Alex who also had life divinity causes others to have a favourable impression of him. If they are exposed to this for a long period of time, this increases their trust as life represents the beginning of everything.

Then Selene squatted down and bit Kraven's hand and drank his blood. As she drank the blood, many memories appeared in her mind and she saw many of his memories. She felt a headache and finally, she saw something that made her breathe rapidly.

In Kraven's memory, she saw her family being killed by vampires. There were no Lycans present only vampires slaying her family brutally. The most heartbreaking thing is that Victor, the one she respected and treated like her father, the one who showed kindness to her and turned her into a vampire. Had been the one who killed her family.

She felt her life shattered. She was devastated to find out that Victor, someone she respected and treated like a father, was responsible for her family's deaths. She slumped to the ground, numb with shock and disbelief.

She felt her world crumbling around her and tears streamed down her face. She had no idea what to do or where to turn. She felt completely lost and helpless.

Seeing this, Alex shook his head in dismay. He knew she had been through a lot as the person she trusted most in her life was the one who caused the tragedy of her life.

He then squatted and wiped Selene's tears, giving her a warm hug. She then hugged Alex tightly, feeling secure and safe in his embrace.

As Alex held her, Selene's tears flowed as she cried loudly. At that moment, she felt sad as she saw how her family members had died. Her life is nothing but built on Victor's lies and she was working with the man who killed her parents.

"Tell me what would you do if you found your family was killed by the same person whom you respect the most?" asked Selene still hugging Alex. She felt Alex's hug was warm which reminded her of her family.

"Well, you got the wrong guy for that. I have no family and I grew up alone " said Alex calmly. He can't understand what family love is as he never experienced it so he can't console Selene in this situation.

"But since I know your story, my suggestion is to kill him," said Alex. Victor doesn't deserve mercy. He doesn't like that guy very much. Who killed his own daughter for whatever the coven rules.

Selene, who heard this, calmed down, released Alex from her hug and stood up.

"Have you made the decision?" asked Alex with a questioning gaze.

"Yes, I'm going to ask Victor why he did that?" said Selene with an angry expression. She still wanted to ask why he killed her family and turned into a vampire and why he treated her so nicely.

"I respect your decision "

"Then we need this guy to wake up Victor," said Alex as he kicked Kraven who was on the ground.

"Hey you wake up," Alex yelled as he continued kicking Kraven.

"Cough...cough who are you?" asked Kraven who woke up

"Your death," said Alex as he lifted Kraven by the neck and threw him on the floor.

"Is this guy really a vampire?" asked Alex with a disappointed face. This time he didn't use any strength and even felt this guy was a disgrace to the vampire name.

"Kraven is a weak vampire who always enjoys luxuries so he is very weak " said Selene with a disgusted face.

"Okay, then let's go and wake up that old dirtbag," said Alex as he walked towards Kraven. Alex caught Kraven's leg and dragged him behind Selene.