Chapter-226: Danger

Selene just entered a room closed all the curtains and slept on the bed, before she fell asleep.

"I'm going to sleep," said Selene

"Okay, then I will talk to you at night "

"Good night," said Alex as he looked at Selene who was on the bed. Then Alex closed the door and left.

"Hey you said you would solve my problem after you came back " asked Michael with an excited face looking at Alex hopefully. Who came out of the room

"Right? Did I say that?" Alex asked as he touched his chin and gave Michael a thoughtful look.

"You said you didn't forget did you? " asked Michael with a pitiful look, he really felt some changes in his body, if he couldn't stop it he might attack humans when he lost control of his body.

"I........ "

Suddenly Alex felt the magic he left on Rosalie triggered and immediately disappeared without a second thought. While he was leaving he left protective magic on Rosalie for her safety, but now it was triggered meaning someone was attacking her.

He immediately arrived in Forks woods, but the scene in front of him made him look strange.

What he saw was all Cullen's family members were injured and on the ground knocked unconscious, their condition was very serious they had many injuries all over their bodies, only Rosalie was conscious as a blue shield was protecting her from attacks.

He also saw a group wearing black hoods surrounding her, one man was attacking Rosalie's shield with a sword, the strange thing was that this sword was glowing with light which looked like a holy sword.

"Die dark creatures "

"Go to hell"

"Yes, night creatures like you have the right to live in this created by God "

These people were cursing and looking at Rosalie. These people looked like a group of religious fanatics who were not right in their minds


"Who the hell are these guys?"

"For now let's get rid of them."

Then Alex waved his hand and all the people died as their necks were twisted. As for sparing them joke these people clearly attacked his loved ones so death is the one way for them. He doesn't provoke others but if others attack him the only future for them is death.

Rosalie who saw this was confused and looked around and saw Alex, she immediately ran towards him and hugged him and began to cry.

"Don't cry, I'm here" said Alex as he patted Rosalie's back with concern.

"Sniff, sniff I was scared "

"Okay, I'm here and there is no one who can harm you "

"Hmmmm," said Rosalie as she closed her eyes and lost consciousness.

"It seems this attack really made her tired, and these people aren't strong, how are they able to defeat Cullen's "

Then he looked at the people he had killed and was confused. These people didn't look strong how were they able to injure all Cullen's family?

"Who the fuck are these people? There aren't any characters like this in Twilight or Underworld."

[Alex, there is a system fragment in that sword]

'What? In that sword'

Then the sword flew into Alex's hands. He observed it carefully and felt some familiar feeling.

'So, what is this fragment's power? I observed this sword. It's normal and how is this fragment attached to it?'

And he also saw the power of the sword. It kinda emitted a light which seemed to restrict dark creatures.

'What is so special about this sword?'

[You should have heard of it, Excalibur, the sword which can be said one of the finest swords created by humans and blessed by fairies]

[So under some circumstances the system fragments were fused with it, but it couldn't borrow its full power]

[At most it can borrow, 0.00000000000000000000001% power ]

Well, Alex expected, how can anyone exactly use the power of a system fragment without the help of a system?

'But isn't this sword supposed to be in Britain? What is it doing in America? '

[Don't know, why do you care?]

'No, I just think these guys look a lot like the vampire hunters I see in most comics.'

'Religious fanatics, Kill people without a second thought, will do anything for religion '

'Almost like a bunch of brainwashed people'.

'Then let me check the memories of these people.'

Then he read one of the dead bodies' memories. Alex's expression quickly turned into disgust.

"This is one messed up organization. Not only do Human experiments but combine Vampires to get their power "

"But these hypocrites saying this for all mankind but what they want is vampire immortality."

Alex was really disgusted with such an organization. They say they are protecting humanity from dark creatures while they experiment on human children brainwashing them and making them soldiers.

The people he killed are also the experimented subjects, as for the Holy Sword weirding guy this guy is the son of a person with high power in the organization.

He wanted to show off and secretly stole this sword and came with this group, to hunt and capture Cullen's family for experiments.

"Truly a disgusting organization, but I have to thank them for delivering the system fragment."

'Then what is the power in this sword?'