Chapter-229: Creator of System

[At first, I said that the system was divided into many fragments and scattered across the omniverse for balance didn't I? ]

'Yes, you did say that.'

[But there is someone who created me and divided me into many parts spread across the Omniverse.]

'Who is that?'

Alex felt whoever created the system must be powerful otherwise, they were able to create this powerful system and spread it across the Omniverse.

[As I said in the omniverse, there is a place which is the beginning of all life forms, it is like the creator of the Omniverse ]

[The person who created me, was the first life form that emerged from it. This being was the protector of this place so that others couldn't use its power to destroy the omniverse.]

[But there were also many beings outside the Omniverse who wanted this Origin power, which would grant them power beyond imagination].

[But they failed as they couldn't defeat the Origin protector, who is the most powerful being in the Omniverse]

[Since they can't face the protector directly, they employed another method, which is the corruption of the universe and devouring the universe within the Omniverse]

[So they gave powers to mortals and encouraged them to wreak havoc in the universe. In secret they began devouring the universe to increase their powers]

[The being can't intervene in the universe except to defend its place of origin]

[Even though having greater power has also many restrictions, that being can't leave the Origin, that being solo Objective is protection. She can't intervene in the Universe.

[But as time passed that being also gained feelings]

[So that being came up with an idea to choose a successor for the place of Origin to inherit all the powers in the Omniverse, as the protector of Origin that being was also given the authority to choose the successor of this place]

[That being divided some of Origin powers into countless fragments some were filled with immense power, some had nothing but that being thoughts to search for a successor ]

[After creating me the connection between me and that being was eliminated, as the rule is she can't intervene in the Omniverse. If it means watching through me }

[And I'm one of the countless fragments responsible for the search for a successor]

'Then you chose me? '

[No, we are searching for you. Do you think it's easy to handle the power of Origin?]

[You should know every living thing in this Omniverse is from Origin, but there was a special case where a soul from outside the Omniverse came into our Omniverse who was filled with immense potential]

[At first that being chosen to ignore it as such a weak soul posed no threat, so when it wanted to choose the successor it felt you were most suitable]

[So we were searching for you until I found you]

'Whoa, then I came from outside the Omniverse? ' Asked Alex with shock, as he felt today he had heard too much information at first he was chosen as the successor of Whatever the Origin which is the most powerful force in the Omniverse, and the second thing is he is from outside of the Omniverse. So is he an alien? thought Alex. Since he wasn't born in this Omniverse.

[Yes, it is remarkable how you were able to escape from such a place with your soul and consciousness]

'What do you mean?' Asked Alex with a more confused face, is outside the Omniverse that dangerous that it was shocking for even the creator of the system to see a soul survive from there?

[Outside the Omniverse there is nothing but void and endless death. There are many powerful people but they aren't right in their minds, because they are born in a void which is filled with negative emotions and they are evil. It is like a universe where there are no rules and they devour each other like it is a dark world.]

[So it's a miracle that you are not evil and had clear thinking, and also weren't killed by those people]

'So let me get this right? '

'I'm outside from this omniverse, and also I'm the successor of whatever origin is the most powerful power in this omniverse'

[Yes, I was going to say it after you reach the single universe level]

'What if I were evil? '

[Obliterate you and find another potential host]

[Even though it is hard to find a new host, I don't want the power of Origin to fall into Evil's hands]

'Hey for the first time, I'm scared of you' as he got chills from the system's emotionless female voice when he heard Obliterate.

[Why fear, you aren't evil so need to fear, except you are more lustful ]

Alex felt some disgust in system's voice.

'Hey, like I said I only have 9 wives?'

'If you think about it in history there were many kings who had more than 100 wives'.

[Okay, no men would admit they are lustful, they say they are good men and giving women a good home]

'For this, I have nothing to say, because it's eternal truth'.


'Okay I will fight with you later, let me check my status '