Chapter-234: Alice and Annabeth

Then Alex disappeared.

"Then your name is Rosalie, right how did you meet Alex?" asked Hermione. Since Alex brought her here, she is going to be her future sister so she wanted to learn how Alex met her.

"That "

Then Rosalie explained everything from how they met until now.

"So mate bond and you are a vampire."

"Yes, then how did you meet him?" asked Rosalie

"Me, I met him when I was 11. He tricked my innocent heart and made me fall in love and then he said he had other lovers."

"Then aren't you angry ? " asked Rosalie curious about how Hermione reacted.

"What is the use of that? If he was a scumbag who abandoned women after playing with them, then I would be angry."

"But he cares for all of us even though he is somewhat lustful, but I still like him," said Hermione with a loving smile.

"I also like that about him," said Rosalie with a smile.

As Alex was flying above the sea, he saw Alice and Annabeth swimming in the sea, but they were so fast that the human Naked eye couldn't see. The sea parted ways as they were racing. Many fish also died because of the force caused by them. According to Alex's observation now they are swimming at a speed of 600kmph which is half the speed of sound.

If they continue like this they may cause more damage to the sea and cause massive tsunamis, so Alex just strengthened the ocean so that there will be no problems.

"Anna give up, your older sister always wins" said Alice while she was swimming"

"No, when did you ever win we always had a draw sister," said Annabeth

"No, I won many times but you were petty and didn't agree."

"You won, sister. I think you need to read the meaning of winning in the dictionary "

"These two always like to compete " said Alex with a headache as he heard Alice and Annabeth's conversation. Alice and Annabeth have many things in common compared to his other lovers.

Alice is a soldier and a good fighter and Annabeth who grew up in the Demi-God camp also likes fighting and competing, and when two people with the same mindset meet they would like to compete to see who is better.

Alice and Annabeth also compete in many things, like when eliminating those royal navies in the past, and now swimming to see who is faster.

Well, there was no clear winner until now, because Alice has a fairy bloodline whose level is SSS and her physical strength is also immense which is comparable to SS level fighting bloodline physical strength, but the real talent of this bloodline is control energy and elements which requires time and concentration.

As for Annabeth, she has an SS-level bloodline of war goddess, which increases all her attributes as her bloodline is for fighting and she also has unique authority as a goddess of war. But she can't use it lightly otherwise it causes more destruction.

So both people have the same strength as they can't use unique abilities, as Alice is still not able to master her abilities otherwise she will be more powerful than Annabeth.

Seeing that the two weren't going to finish their race soon, Alex left to meet Elizabeth. As for saying Hi to Alice and Annabeth, Joke! go and meet them now. They will ask him to be judge. He will suffer. Like if he declares Alice as the winner Annabeth will be angry with him, if he favours Annabeth Alice will be angry. If he declares the match a draw then both will be upset. In all scenarios, he will suffer.

So he learned an important lesson from the past: never meddle in women's affairs, when they are competing otherwise you will be the one to suffer.