Chapter-251: Teaching magic

"Well just consider it as a meeting gift for you, I will teach you for free "

"Meeting gift? You don't want anything in return?" asked Tony with a confused face. He was thinking Alex would ask Billions to teach him. He didn't expect he would getting magic knowledge free of cost.

"Nope, I don't believe you can give me anything " said Alex waving his hand not to mind.

"I don't believe, that I Tony can't afford to pay, " said Tony with an unwilling face.

"Then how about 1 ton of Uru metal?"

"Uru what is that?" asked Tony with a confused face. He didn't hear of such a metal on the periodic table. Did such a metal exist? Or Alex is making fun of his genius brain.

"See? You can't afford to pay me."

"Hmph, then say what is that Uru metal? I don't believe your random words"

"A material used to make Magic weapons. It's very powerful and it's a good conductor of magic and good for magic enhancement."

"Such a metal exists on earth?" asked Tony. He can clearly say such a metal does not exist on the earth's periodic table. So did such a metal exist in a magical world that he didn't know? From Alex's description, he can say it's very good. If possible he wants to make armor with that.

"Not on earth but it exists in other Realms like Asgard or Nidavellir" said Alex touching his chin as if remembering the places.

"So, they exist on Asgard? Wait Asgard !!" shouted Tony with a face of disbelief, just what did he hear?


"I don't believe in gods, and I don't believe Asgard which is mentioned in mythology exists " Tony's face looked like he didn't believe Alex's words. He wouldn't believe these things until he saw them with his own eyes.

"Until a week ago, you didn't believe in the existence of magic, but now you have proof in front of you, and as for gods, I believe you have already met one and soon you will believe my words," said Alex with a mysterious smile. Oh Tony you will soon believe as the Earth will undergo many changes in 1 year.

Next year the Asgard prince will be banished to earth, and next year Thanos will send his army for the space gem which is now in S.H.I.E.L.D. hands. They don't know that they are sending a message across the universe that Tesseract is on Earth with their experiments.

I really want to see Fury's face after they know the truth, that they are messing with something that is like a ticking time bomb, which can make the earth disappear if it isn't handled properly.

"Hey, what do you mean by that? " Tony felt Alex's words contained more mysterious and puzzling, and he didn't understand most of it. As for meeting god, did he meet one thought Tony.

"Nothing, here are some basic magic books and this is also a magic enhancement book which is used to enhance metals to create magical equipment. I can be sure you will be interested in this more."

Then a bunch of books that looked old appeared beside him, Tony who saw the books curiously picked up a book with the title Basic of magic.

Then he opened the book and began to read while sitting on the sofa with a serious expression.

After 15 minutes,

"Hey this says, I need to be able to sense magic if I want to perform spells " asked Tony closing his book and looking at Alex.

"Ugh, forgot that you are a normal person "

Suddenly Alex realized that he needed to perform the magic awakening for Tony. Otherwise Tony won't be able to sense magic in the environment. This is different from Marvel magic powers which were borrowed from Dimensional Mephistas.

Kamar Taj mages borrow magic power from Vishanti and in exchange they have to fight evil powers. Some dark mages borrow from evil Mephistos but the price for borrowing is very high like human lives, their lifespan.

But now Alex is performing an awakening that absorbs magic from nature and stores it in his body. The amount of magic they can store in their bodies depends on their talent. Alex is confident that Tony will become a great mage above Strange.

"So do we need to go to another place for awakening?"

"No, I can perform here right now " said Alex as he stood up in front of Tony.

"What are you going to do? " asked Tony in confusion.

Alex just snapped his fingers and a blue magic circle appeared below Tony. Tony's eyes were filled with shock and awe looking at the magic circle.

Tony's entire body was evlepoed by light and his body a new energy was born in his body. He felt energized all over his body.

"Jarvis what is happening to me? "

"Sir your vitals are fine ,if anything special compared to the past now you are more healthy "

"It's complete."