Truth of the Beast

Arad opened his eyes, staring at the ceiling as he sat up. Aella curled beside him as the rays of sunlight pierced through the window with a cold breeze. "Wake up, it's morning," Arad poked her face, and she flipped to the side smiling, "Give me a moment,"

After checking his hip, Arad stood to wear his armor and get ready for a long day. The griffon's problem has ended, but not the werewolves.

Jack opened his eyes to find Lydia's butt on his face, "Again?" He growled, trying to push her to the side. "Wake up,"

Lydia growled, looking back to find herself sitting on his face, "Good morning," she looked down, and Jack opened his mouth, biting her as Hard as he could, "Get off my face!"

"AW!" Lydia cried, leaping away, "Don't bite, I'm moving," She rolled to the side of the bed, staring at him with a sad face. "How could it happen twice?" Jack glared at her.

"I flip a lot in bed," Lydia scratched her face, "I can't control it,"