Nina's rage

Arad walked out, approaching Aella and the rest. "Are you all okay?"

Nigel giggled, "You are something, cough," He started coughing blood.

"Did you kill all of them?" Aella asked, "No, some ran deeper. And I didn't chase them."

"Are you a high-rank adventurer?" One of the men around asked.

Arad stared at them, "No. What I want to know is, why were you there?"

Chester lifted his head, "They are from a merchant's caravan. Our job is to guard them."

"So the goblins attacked, and you all got captured?" Arad looked at them, unable to believe the story. They could have run.

One of them standing behind growled, "They couldn't even do their job,"

"It's your fault for sticking down to your slow wagon. It's one thing with ten goblins and another where there are over fifty!" Chester growled at the man, glaring at him with a deathly stare.

"Your job was to protect us and the merchandise. That's why we hired you!" The man grunted from under his teeth.