[Bonus chapter] The Dragon's Minions

After a long walk, Arad and Aella reached the forest house. "We're back. What should we start with?"

Aella thought and looked at Arad. "I don't want to sound demanding, but we need to buy new furniture and remodel the house." She grabbed the door. CRACK! Clenching her fist made it crack. The ants ate anything wooden from the inside.

Arad shook his head, "You're not wrong. This place could crumble at any moment. For now, let's fix the garden and get the medical herbs growing."

Aella nodded, "The sooner we plant them, the sooner they grow," She put the bag on the ground and pulled multiple small pouches.

"What are those?" Arad asked.

"This one is called a heart flower. It's a common ingredient in restorative potions." Aella draws it on the ground. It looked like a daisy but with pink heart-shaped leaves.