Everyone Vs the Dragon I [R-DOOM]

Arad and Aella stood, feeling the cave shaking beneath their feet. The dragon's roar grew closer, and Arad swung his palm. "Hide behind me!" He shouted, standing in front of Aella.

Aella pulled her bow and pointed at the entrance, "I will shoot!" She said.

"Don't shoot until we see Jack. I bet he's running this way." Arad said, glaring at the darkness.

From the crack, Jack rushed in as fast as he could, "Sorry! I have no other way to run!" Jack cried.

BAM! As Jack screamed, the dragon burst behind him with flames gushing from his jaw. ROAAAARRRR! He was pissed off. In that brief moment, Arad notices the spikes covering the dragon's lower body. Jack's trap was successfully activated. But it didn't take the dragon down.

Crackle! Arad's palms sparked with lightning. He pointed his hand at the dragon and screamed, "Dodge!"

Jack knew it was coming. He leaped forward, rolling away from Arad's magic at the last moment.