[Bonus chapter] Dual swords

The mage stared at the woman clinging to him, "What is your deal? Leave me alone," He pushed her away and kept walking. The woman glared at him, crossing her eyebrows in frustration, "Listen to me," She approached him again.

The mage looked at her with one eye, [Sleep], he pointed a wooden want at her from underneath his robe.

Thud! The woman's eyes curled back, and she fell to the ground. The mage took the chance and walked away, pretending he didn't see anything.

People gathered around, staring at the woman, wondering what happen. "AH!" The woman stood, glaring forward with a scornful gaze, "The fucker escaped," She pushed the people blocking her path to the side and rushed into the back streets.

Some people chased after her, "Hey! Wait for a moment, lady!" But when they turned into the back streets, they saw no women there, only a blond man walking away.

The mage rushed away, "What was that? Since when did this city have women like that?" He growled, approaching a fruit shop.