Rampage of the Void Dragon

Arad, Jack, and Aella stood to leave, "How should we get out of here?" Jack asked.

"We can't climb out, can we?" Aella looked at the pit. DRIP! DRIP! SPLASH! A stream of black liquid started falling into the hole, feeling the place with a horrible stench.

"What is this?" Aella cried, and both Jack and Arad glared in the direction of the pit.

"Ah! Shit!" Jack gasped, "Dig! Dig! Dig!" He grabbed Arad by the shoulder and pushed him toward the clogged exit hole.

"Wait, why?" Arad glared at him.

"Hurry before we get cooked alive!" Jack shouted.

CLANG! CLANG! The kobolds dropped a lit torch in the hole, "They threw a torch,"

"Forget digging! Can you build a wall?" Jack looked back.

Arad transformed into his draconic form, pointing with his tail and releasing a dirt wall.

Arad, Jack, and Aella were now locked in a small pocket beside the burning pit. The heat slowly increased, and it was clear they would get cooked soon.