Abel and Jack Vs the mage

Thud! Thud! The mage walked across the forest following his crows, "Where did he go?" He mumbled, searching for Arad.

"This mage doesn't know when to stop, does he?" Abel said with a smile, standing beside Jack.

"Shut up for a moment. I don't buy it," Jack looked around them, "His movements aren't random. He's following something."

"You can tell?" Abel stared at Jack.

"Of course, he won't be changing direction randomly. He even lept over a small hill. If he is searching randomly, he would have walked around it," Jack replied, pointing back at the hill behind them.

Abel nodded, "If that makes sense to you,"

"He's moving away from Arad for now. Let's keep following him," Jack replied with a sigh, standing behind a large tree and glaring at the mage from afar.

After a few minutes, the mage started slowing as if he was approaching his destination, "Pull your weapons. He might stop to rest," Jack said, pulling his dagger, "We will strike when least expect it,"