Arad's First Awakening: Very Young Dragon

Jack looked around with a worried face, "Well, recovering."

The butler stared at Jack, lifting an eyebrow, "We have decent healers at the mansion. Bring him in, and will get him up in moments,"

"He needs rest," Jack replied. "We will send you a letter when he starts feeling better," Jack then left the guild, leaving the butler standing there.

He then left for Merlin to ask about the dracorage spell, but she only knew the name.

Days quickly passed, and before anyone knew it, Arad woke up.

Five days after Arad fell asleep in the cave, his eyes slowly opened, feeling the blood rush in his veins. CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! His spine cracked when he moved his neck, lifting his head.

Scales fell from his shoulders, leaving an empty shell as he breathed.

Arad's size has doubled, and he now stands at three meters in his draconic form and is nine meters from head to the tip of his tail.