Dancing Giggles

Arad tilted his head, looking at the bushes. He could still hear the fire crackling and Lydia shouting at Jack in the back. Mira and Aella's voices are clear as they chatted, yet they seemed distant. Sitting on a twig, a humanoid woman the size of a palm stared into his eyes. Her fly-like pupil reflected the flames as a smile cross her face.

Arad blinked, and the small creature disappeared.

^Mom, what was that?^

{What are you talking about?}

^That tiny woman in the bushes, didn't you see it?^

{There was nothing. We share the vision and I didn't see anything strange.}

Arad looked at the flames. ^Could be a fairy? No, you would have seen it.^ Arad pinched his eyes, taking a deep breath.

{Dragons aren't prone to hallucinations. I have not seen it, but be careful.}